Msg#: 1705                                         Date: 12-11-96  00:52
  From: Karma Killer                                 Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: Baha'u'llah Yule time fac
 FRWD: PSYCHO (General Esoteric Chat)
 SUBJ: Baha'u'llah Yule time facts 1/2  DATE: 12:59:00 8 Dec 96
 FROM: Dane Pestano (1080:108/0.0)  TO: All

Hi all, another from my files.....The views herein are rather strongly worded
are are not necessarily my own or Psychonet's so please dont take offence....
Baha'u'llah teachings ......Dane

                     HOW SATAN STOLE CHRISTMAS


     More than likely, if you picked up this pamphlet, you have
probably celebrated Christmas at some time in your life. Maybe you
have had some questions about this holiday that you really would
have liked to have cleared up. The odds are 100 to 1 that you
probably didn't or couldn't get correct answers. For you and many
others this article is long overdue.
     You might be thinking, "Hey, I'm not a Christian, this doesn't
apply to me." Well just hold your britches because what you're
about to learn is in some way applicable to all the world's
religions. By the time you finish this you'll understand why.
     What you'll know after you've read this is the origin of all
the customs now celebrated at Christmas. What you'll understand
will be quite grand.

Q.   Who is Santa Claus?

A.   "Oh, you better not shout, you better not cry, you better not
pout, I'm tellin' you why. Santa Claus is coming to town." Remember
that song? For the last 1600 years parents have been using this and
other fables as a means of mind control over their children.
     Originally, Santa had two roles. If you were a good little
child he would come down the chimney and give you gifts. But, if
you were bad then his alter ego, "Pelznichel," would come  and
punish you with a birch rod. Boy, what a head trip! Today, however,
in most places only the nice Santa has been retained, but it's
still an indoctrination of mythology to teach children that he's
     St. Nicholas was an actual person. He was born in Asia Minor
in the late third century to a very wealthy bishop. At a young age
he started studying the scriptures and as a young bishop he was
known to be charitable, for he had secretly given small bags of
gold as dowries to three daughters of an impoverished ex-
buisnessman so that they would be able to marry. Thus, the
tradition of secretly filling stockings on Christmas Eve began.
However, he was obviously severely indoctrinated into the mysteries
of the Babylonian trinity as was  evidenced by his actions at the
Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.
     His true colors showed at the council, because he opposed
Arius (the defender of the true Christian faith) who was determined
not to let the Babylonian trinity corrupt the revelation of Christ.
A very heated debate ensued and the pagan trinitarian bishops
outnumbered the true Christian bishops 30 to 1. Emperor
Constantine, who was presiding over the council, didn't even speak
Greek, the language of the council. It was a pretty chaotic scene
until Nicholas stood up, walked over to Arius and struck him in the
face. At this, all the true Christians (some of them also had
bricks thrown at them) left the council and the heathens were able
to formulate the Nicene Creed unobstructed by defenders of the
faith. For striking Arius, opposing God's true Revelation and
promoting paganism, Nicholas was elevated to the station of
sainthood. What a farce!
     St. Nicholas Day was originally January 6th. In order to make
him more Christ-like and less Satan-like the new world calls him
Chris Kringle (from German "Kristindlein" meaning the "little
Christ Child") and changed his date to December 25th, to coincide
with Christ's birthday.
      Basically, we have mom and dad telling their children lies
and leading them down the dark alley of deception. Is it any wonder
that when kids find out the truth about Santa they naturally then
question whether there really is a God? It's not really all the
parents' fault as the same thing happened to them when they were
children and so on. "...for I the Lord your God am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third
and the fourth generation..." (Exodus 20:5) What's important is
that you know the truth so that your children can be raised with
faith and good virtues. Come on now, "old Nick" is one of the
devil's titles.  Here are some more: Latin, Sanctus Nicolaus;
German, Sankt Nikolaus; Dutch, Sinter Klaas; English, Santa Claus;
Satan-claws; Saturn; Apollo; Adoni; Gilgamesh; Nimrod; Zeus and

Q.   Why the Holly Wreath and the Mistletoe?

A.   Every year millions of Christians around the world hang a
wreath of holly on their front door and a sprig of mistletoe from
a high place like an arch or doorway to kiss under. These practices
come directly from the pre-Christian era pagans who worshiped the
sun and later the Babylonian trinity.
     "Deck the halls with boughs of holly, falalalala-lalalala."
Holly was worshiped long before the advent of Christ by people who
figured that since it was so green and it was winter that this
surely was a sign that the sun would return for another year. In
just about any library you can find plenty of Christian mythologies
about these two plants. Basically, these myths were made up in an
attempt to get us to forget their true pagan origin.
     The mistletoe also was used in ancient pagan rites, some of
which even included burnt human sacrifices (the Druids). These
people bowed down and worshiped wreaths of mistletoe as the "golden
bough" which they constructed but considered a gift from the sun
god. If it was placed on the barn door it would protect their
cattle which they also worshiped as the bull represented the
resurrection of their man god.
     Let's look at the Scandinavian myth about mistletoe. Balder
(their name for  Nimrod) received a charm against any harm by any
of the four elements, water, fire, earth and air, from his mother
Frigga (who was Semiramis, the Queen of Babylon). Loki, who was an
enemy of Balder, saw that the mistletoe was not of any of the four
elements because it was a parasite that grew on trees but didn't
touch the ground. He had a dart made of it, which proved to be
fatal when launched at Balders chest by a blind man. Friggas' tears
became the white berries. By the combined effort of the gods,
Balders life was restored and Frigga decreed the mistletoe never be
used for evil again. It is said that because Frigga was the goddess
of love and beauty and because she was so grateful for the return
of her son that she would kiss anyone who stood under the
mistletoe. This is the folklore that began the custom of kissing
under the mistletoe.
     What's important to know from this is that 5000 years ago
Babylon was the center of civilization in the world. It also was a
great conqueror of all the nations in that area (from India to the
Straits of Gibralter). Babylon successfully indoctrinated that
entire part of the world into it's mysteries (especially the
trinitarian lie) then left it up to the various cultures to create
their own mythologies and lies to support the tinitarian doctrine.
If you compare the various myths from around that part of the world
you'll see that they're the same stories only with different names
for the characters involved.
     Yes, both the holly and the mistletoe are portals for paganism
and the Babylon that was before Christ unfortunately still exists
through various creeds and customs flourishing in Christianity

Q.   What is the significance of the tree?

A.   "Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree..." The christmas tree
is the hub of all the midwinter festivities. Quaintly decorated
with ornaments, lights and tinsel, it serves as a focal point for
the family activities. But where did this custom begin? If you said
Egypt you're absolutely correct.
     Before Adam arrived in the world to reveal the One True
Invisible God to mankind, all the various tribes were pagans. Most
of them worshiped and revered nature, food and anything that was
stronger than themselves or that gave life to them (like the sun).
     Because they so strongly revered trees, they would bring them
into their homes during their winter rites. This wasn't to decorate
their homes but rather to invite the spirits of nature in to assist
with their festivities.
     At winter solstace the Egyptians would bring green date palms,
which were symbolic of "life triumphant over death," into their
dwellings. What they were celebrating by using this symbol was the
physical, bodily, resurrection of Osiris (who was Nimrod, the pagan
king of Babylon who was slain by Shem for perverting the revelation
of Adam).
     Later in history we find the Romans, who also worshiped Nimrod
as a variety of gods, adorning indoor fir trees with trinkets and
etched masks of Bacchus (who was Nimrod when he was drunk.) It is
interesting to note that this happened in the second half of
December at their equivalent of Christmas which was called
Saturnalia. Saturn was the star of Nimrod (Lucifer) and this is
where the word Satan comes from. Today, people ignorantly continue
this tradition in defiance of God's commandment. "God is a spirit:
and they that worship him must do so in spirit and truth" (John
4:24). The indoor tree, no matter what you call it, is a pagan
tradition in honor of Satan and has nothing to do with God or Jesus
Christ. "In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men" (Matt. 15:9). Christmas is a doctrine and
tradition of man! "Full well ye reject the commandments of God,
that ye may keep your own tradition" (Mark 7:9). Today, everyone is
doing just that, keeping their own tradition instead of seeking the
kingdom of God as revealed by the second coming of Christ,

Q.   What does the Yule Log represent?

A.   The fact that the Yule log is surrounded with so much myth,
superstition and ritual should be enough to tell you that it has
nothing to do with Christ. Today, whenever you hear a person
mention "the sacred yuletide season" what they are referring to is
"the continuation of their sacred paganism." "Yule" means "wheel"
which is an ancient symbol for the sun. The yulelog is actually the
"sun log" which was later incorporated into the newer form of
paganism--the trinity. Let me explain.
     Semiramis, the mother of Adonis the sun god and great
mediatorial divinity (Nimrod incarnate), was said to have
mystically changed into a tree, and in this state to have
mystically brought forth her divine son (Bar-nin.) This also made
her son (who as she explained was the same personage as Nimrod) a
tree. Bar-nin (Semiramises bastard child) was said to have been
born on December 25th. This birth date was celebrated for thousands
of years before the arrival of Christ. Nimrod was brought to trial
by Shem for apostasy and as punishment was chopped up into 14
pieces. After this Nimrod was symbolized as a great tree stripped
of all his branches and cut down nearly to the ground. This dead
stump is the yule log and it represents the body of the pagan "god
the father" Nimrod. But according to the lies that Semiramis
created with her mystery religion, the great serpent Aesculapius
(in mythology the "life-restorer") wrapped itself around the dead
stump and lo and behold, next to it springs up a new tree of a
different type that is destined to never be cut down. Thus this son
or child shall reign forever. December 25th was always celebrated
in honor of this mythological malarkey when god, after having been
defeated, was reborn triumphant over all. This day was called
"Natalis invicti solis," the birthday of the unconquered sun. Thus
we have the yule log representing Nimrod (Satan), deified as the
sun god, cut down by Shem (Melchizedek). The Christmas tree
represents Nimrod revived or re-incarnate.
     What a bunch of HOGWASH the world has fallen into! The reason
the yule log goes into the fire is that this is where all paganism
and mythology are destined to go.

-!- Spot 1.3a #1413
 ! Origin: Li Ch'ien - Possession in Great Measure (2:441/93.52)

  Msg#: 1706                                         Date: 12-11-96  00:52
  From: Karma Killer                                 Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: Baha yule facts 2/2
 FRWD: PSYCHO (General Esoteric Chat)
 SUBJ: Baha yule facts 2/2  DATE: 12:59:00 8 Dec 96
 FROM: Dane Pestano (1080:108/0.0)  TO: All

Q.   Who were the three wise men and what was the star of

A.   One of the most highly cherished traditions associated with
Christmas is the story of the three wise men. Although the
religions of the world have all been corrupted by the same element
(a power hungry clergy who won't feed the sheep but instead attempt
to steal God's Revelation for themselves), each of the world's
religions does still teach a small amount of truth. Otherwise no-
one would follow it.
     Concerning Christmas traditions, the story of the Magi is that
small amount of truth. Unfortunately, the appropriate explanations
for this are also either suppressed or not understood by the clergy
with their sin-covered eyes. Fortunate for you, however, is the
fact that you've decided to read this and are about to discover
what they've been trying to suppress.
     "Magi" is a Persian word that means "Zoroastrian priest." So
you might be wondering, what is a Zoroastrian? Well, this is a
person who learned about the One True Invisible God from the
Manifestation (prophet) of God named Zoroaster. Zoroaster made his
appearance in Persia in 1000 B.C. He taught about purity and the
purpose of living in the world of opposites.
     When Zoroaster was about to pass away, he prophesied saying,
"In a thousand years look to the west and you will see a great
star. Follow it and you will find me there in a manger." WOW! The
three Magi, being devout and understanding that God will never
leave the world without guidance, were simply following up on this
thousand year-old prophecy and looking for the appearance of the
Holy Spirit in another Manifestation.
     What today's clergy doesn't want you to know is that for 4500
years now they have been shoving lies down your throats and now,
because of this, most of the world is sunken, by divers measures,
in the mirepit of deception. Furthermore, since they've invested
all in the deification of Jesus or the various other
Manifestations, there's no way now that they could back up and
admit their errors. They would all be out of work. They would
basically have to say, "Sorry, we duped you. Jesus isn't really God
and by the way there were actually nine Prophets of God who came
and progressively revealed His attributes and qualities. Whoops."
They would probably be lynched.
     Since we've gotten this far you might as well know who the
Manifestations were and what they taught. This was God's plan from
the beginning and it's called Progressive Revelation. It was
designed to educate us about the attributes and qualities of our
Creator and to help civilize humanity. "Then God said,'let us make
man in our image, after our likeness...'" (Genesis 1:26). The "us"
and "our" in this passage refers to the nine Manifestations of God.
     First there was Adam, the first God-conscious Homo Sapian. He
taught us the fundamentals of civilization: marriage, math,
agriculture and cuneiform writing. The Native Americans received
their knowledge of God from Adam through Enoch (who they called
Quezacoatol.) Next was Moses who revealed God's laws and delivered
Israel out of Egypt. 
     Then came Krishna who taught us that in order to be close to
God we must first detach from materialism. Next was Zoroaster
(fore-mentioned). Then came Buddha who taught us the inner secrets
of enlightenment. 
     Then Jesus, the first Christ came. Christ is English for the
Hebrew word Messiah which is defined as "an anointed male lineal
descendant of King David." Jesus taught us of God's love for
mankind. He also told us to pray for the coming of the Kingdom of
God on Earth, which he would usher in upon his return.
     Then came Muhammad (the Comforter that John spoke of in the
Gospel). Muhammad told us to submit our spirit to God or be
prepared to meet with fire. In 1844 the eighth Manifestation
arrived as "the Bab" (which means the "Gate" or "Door"). He was the
predecessor, or John the Baptist, for Baha'u'llah. The Bab came to
cleanse the sanctuary with his martyred blood for the second
arrival of Christ seated on the throne of David (Isaiah 9:6-7) who
he said was to be "Him whom God shall make manifest."
     Then, in 1863, it happened. Fulfilling myriads of prophecies
ancient and recent, Baha'u'llah proclaimed himself as the promised
one, the second Christ, come to reveal God's glorious kingdom to
the inhabitants of earth! Baha'u'llah is the zenith of God's
progressive Revelation. 
     Know this! It was the Jewish clergy (San Hedron) who were
responsible for the crucifixion of the beloved Jesus ben David. It
was the Muslim clergy (Ullamah) who tried to dowse the sacred
Revelation of Baha'u'llah by imprisoning him for 40 years. Today it
is the Christian clergy who are in the greatest opposition to God's
plan, as they refuse to recognize and proclaim Baha'u'llah for fear
that any pure-hearted people might convert and become part of God's
true global believers breaking away from Satan's 5000 year grip and
     And what of the star of Bethlehem? First, how do we know that
Jesus was truly from God? Well, he was able to prove it by
continually fulfilling the prophecies (name, date, adress and
mission) concerning himself. For example, the entire book of
Matthew shows us how these prophecies were fulfilled. Jesus was
constantly proving to his disciples that he was the first Messiah.
He would say something like,"This is happening so that what the
prophet Isaiah said, or what Zechariah, said will be fulfilled in
me." Based on these types of proofs the world was able to recognize
him for who he was. In the exact same way Baha'u'llah was able to
prove that he was the second Messiah. If you take time to
investigate this then the truth will set you free from the yoke of
oppression that the clergy has enslaved you with. They are
desperately trying to hide the news of the second Messiah from you.
     By recognizing Baha'u'llah, using the Golden Criteria of the
prophecies for his name, date, the place he would appear, and his
mission, we can rest assured that His explanations are authentic
and accurate. He has explained that the arrival of each
Manifestation is heralded by a star both in the seen heaven and in
the unseen heaven. For Jesus, the star in the unseen heaven was
John the Baptist. The star in the seen heaven was a comet.
Combining the science of astronomy with Zoroaster's prophecy, the
Magi were able to ascertain the time of the arrival of Christ. For
Baha'u'llah, the star in the unseen heaven was the Bab and the star
in the seen heaven was the comet Swift-Tuttle. 
     Then, In 1963, Grandfather David of the Hopi tribe had a
vision. In it he saw a nine-pointed star which he knew was the
herald of the Bahana (the teacher of light) who is also
Baha'u'llah's establisher--the 7th Angel, Melchizedek the High
Priest, who now resides in Montana. 

Q.   What is the history of Christmas?  

A.   "Christmas" means the "Mass of Christ" and the term was first
coined in 1038 A.D. from "Christes Maesse." It is based on the same
pattern as the old names for other feast days in the liturgical
year, such as Michaelmas and candlemas. The German word for
Christmas, "Weinacht," means "the blessed night." But how did this
night come to be the blessed night?
     The exact date of Jesus Christs birth is unascertainable as it
has of yet not been found to be documented in the scriptures or
elsewhere. However, in 350 A.D., Bishop Julius I made an
investigation into the matter and decreed that December 25th was
the most probable time. It was imperative at that time that the
Church come up with an official holiday as all the various pagans,
whom the Church was trying to Christianize, were content with their
beliefs largely because they didn't want to give up their various
annual festivities. The Jews had the Festival of Lights. The Romans
lived for their drunken orgy, called the Saturnalia. And the German
tribes wanted nothing to do with giving up the Yule. All of these
holidays were held in mid-winter and each had their origins in
     The Roman Catholic Church (being the continuation of the
throne of Babylon itself) desperately wanted to centralize it's
control again and saw Christianity as the vehicle for doing this. 
     After King Cyrus had learned about the One True Invisible God
from Zoroaster, he conquered Babylon and chased the trinitarian
throne of the Pontifex Maximus all the way to Pergammum in Asia
Minor. The letter that Jesus commanded John to write to Pergammum
starts out like this: "I know where you dwell, where Satan's
[Nimrod's] throne is..." and later in the letter "...But I have a
few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching
[trinity & paganism] of Balaam [Nimrod], who taught Balak to put a
stumbling block before the sons of Israel, that they might eat food
sacrificed to idols and practice immorality" (Revelations 2:12-16).
     But the Babylonian Empire had been great and had spread its
dogmatic disease many thousands of miles. After Cyrus conquered
them, many sects of Babylonian paganism survived and grew
regionally. All of them worshiped anything but God; most of them
worshiped the trinity or the sun.
     Had the Church not compromised and decreed a festive holiday
for their newly professed god (there was a need for it to coincide
with the winter rites also) more than likely Mithraism (a popular
form of sun worship in the east) would probably have captured those
early Christian converts. Had this happened, people of the west
today would probably be worshiping the Sun instead of the Son.
Either way, the inhabitants of the world are in grievous error for
they are not worshiping the God that created them. Rather, they are
sunk in the depths of paganism.Christianity never conquered
paganism. Paganism conquered Christianity.
     I personally won't dispute December 25th as Jesus' birthdate
for if it could be proven incorrect then surely the Jews would have
done so in order to discredit Christianity. God has a way of
testing people.

Q.   Where did the custom of exchanging gifts originate?

A.   Throughout history most cultures have set aside some time of
the year to bestow portions of their wealth upon those who are less
fortunate. There is nothing wrong with charity. In fact, it could 
be considered one of God's own attributes. what I'm focusing on
here, however, is the relationship between gift-giving during the
winter season and paganism in the various cultures both ancient and
     Long before Christ appeared the Romans were celebrating the
Saturnalia in honor of Saturnus (Nimrod) who was their supreme
deity. This riotous festival was held annually from the 17th
through the 24th of December. No one worked (except for cooking)
during this time and all hierarchy was suspended. Slaves were
temporarily emancipated and peasants were considered equal to
royalty and often a game was played where everyone would switch
roles. For example, the poor would command the rich to do ludicrous
things like, "stand on your head naked for ten minutes." These
commands would be expediently obeyed. Then on the 25th of December,
a holiday called the Brumalia, people would randomly exchange gifts
with family and strangers alike. Once again on the Calends (January
1st through the 6th) there would be heavy gift exchanging.The
northern tribes celebrating the Yule had almost the identical
     After reading this article in it's entirety it should be clear
to you that these cultures were without doubt pagan civilizations.
So the customs and rituals that they practiced were pagan.
     One might say, "Yea, but the three wise men came bearing
gifts." But if you read the passage you'll see that the reason why
they brought gifts was because they were seeking out the "one that
was born King of the Jews" (Matthew 2:1-11). Throughout history it
has been appropriate to give a gift when approaching royalty; such
as when the Queen of Sheeba brought gifts to Solomon. 
     If people were truly celebrating Christ's birthday then why
don't they do something for Christ? Instead, people today just
spend all their money on each other just like the pagans did before
Christ. Little spoiled kids bawl if they don't get just what they
wanted. Parents in parts of the world still tell their kids that if
they're not obedient, instead of getting presents, Santa's servant
"Black Peter" (Pelsnickol) will carry them away in one of his bags
to be punished.  
     My advice is that if parents want their children to be
obedient they must quit filling their heads with lies like Santa or
the Easter Bunny. Instead, lovingly teach them about God and his
Kingdom that Christ taught us to pray for.


     Throughout the ages God has continually sent guidance to us
through his Prophets and Promised Ones. God will never cease this
favor because God loves us so.
     In the past a cycle of greed and lust for power has sadly
corrupted each of God's revelations shortly after they were
delivered. What's important to know is that this corruption will
soon come to an end. Yes, that's one of God's promises to us.
Babylon, where all these myths and customs originated from, will
have it's day. That day is at hand. 
     It is people like you who read and comprehend news like this
who will be responsible for God's promises being fulfilled. 
     Speaking of God's promises and good news; didn't Christ
promise us that he would return?  Here's one scriptural verse that
is very clear: "So Christ, having been offered once to bear the
sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but
to save those who are eagerly waiting for him" (Hebrews 9:28). 
     Are you eagerly awaiting his arrival? If you said yes then you
should be overjoyed to know that Christ has returned in Baha'u'llah
(the Glory of God) as told of in Mark 8:38. 
     Your salvation is not dependant on whether or not the clergy
acknowledges this fact. You are saved by your own choices
pertaining to God, no one else's. If knowing the divine secrets and
attaining true eternal life is up your alley then you owe it to
yourself to independently investigate the truth. As they always
have, the clergy will continue to lead you down a dark alley to
nowhere. But you, and you alone, can put an end to the oppression
and open new doors of discovery simply by making the decision to
seek the truth so the truth can set you free.  
     If you would like to know more about God's plan, Baha'u'llah,
his promised establisher (the Seventh Angel) or your role in God's
Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, contact:
                                    Baha'is Under the Provisions 
                                    of the Covenant
                                    1830 South Ave.
                                    Missoula, MT. 59801


Christmas and it's customs..........    Christina Hole
Chrismas the world over.............    Daniel Foley
Christmas traditions................    W.M. Auld
Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of certitude)....    Baha'u'allah
1001 Christmas facts and fancies....    Alfred Carl Hottes
The book of Christmas...............    Marguerite Ickis
The book of Christmas folklore......    Tristram Potter Coffin
The history of Civilization.........    H.G. Wells
The two Babylons....................    Alexander Hislop

-!- Spot 1.3a #1413
 ! Origin: K'un Tui - Approach (Becoming Great) (2:441/93.52)