This is a short course in MOTIVATION.

Mind Motivation Graphic

Before you can get motivated to do something, you must ask yourself a question about the illustration above. Study it and think about it.

Do you really believe in a 'Supreme God"? Or do you'believe that 'GOD" is just a word? Something you use? Do you believe in a 'Supreme Devil"? Or is IT just a word?

This course is not to take away, from you, your God or your Devil. It's just to help you understand them better.

As long as you believe in a 'Supreme Being" (or a power) outside of your body, then you wi II not get mo-tivated to do much f rom with I N your self.

What I want you to do, is to study the illustration above, and draw a Iinefrom God to Devil, and you wi II see that you have tied them together; made them one.

That is exactly the way positive and negative is.

They are tied together and you cannot seperate them.

You probably call all the things you think of as good, "God", and all the things you think of as bad you call "devil'f. This interpretation of God and Devil is believed around the world, by a lot of people, to be positive and negative.

Now, I want you to think of this Positive and Negative (love and hate), as something that you use, not something that uses you.

I want to give you another illustration to think about; what I think God really is. Study this one very caref ully and think about it.

If you understand the atom, or even very little about science, you know that all substance is three dimensional. It has a body, a body has life, and it has intelligence. The body is also made up of "God" and the "Devil."

Right now, I want you to remember the first drawing; take a pencil, and draw a line between 'Jesus' and 'Christf, between "Church" and "State". Now look, and see what you've done. You've tied them all together. And if you have drawn these lines straight, you f II notice they al I went through the man.

You see, in reality, none of these exist- only you, (man) exists. We will explain this more clearly, farther along in this course.

Now, we come to another illustration. This is the one drawing that I want to motivate you into under-standing and working with - - and that's 'MAN'.

Grandfather Father Son

Look at this drawing very carefully, and you will see that you and I are the "Grandson" (or "son'). The first man, your Great, Great, Great Grand-father (as far back as you want to go), is 'GOD'. We'll give you the scripture on this, later.


Are you really the "Son of God"? Are you really "the flesh of His flesh? Are you ftthe bone of His bone"? Does the same blood that flowed in Him run in your veins? If "YES"- then you can really say that you are the, "Son of God. "

We will make it very clear that you are "the son of God". . . . Literally.

There is something else you must get straight; If you are (literally) , the son of God, then, you are Heirs of God. To be an heir, you had to be a Son. And to receive an inheritance, it would be after the father is gone--dead.

So, the question is: Has the will been opened?

Yes. Yes!

We will show you, from the scriptures, (without a shadow of a doubt), that ALL power (in Heaven and in Earth) lies within His son --- YOU and ME!.

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