Subject: The Tower Of Babel And UFOs.
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 93 07:53:40 PST

Subject: The Tower Of Babel and UFOs.

  The Tower of Babel, what was it?  Many people in the scientific
community realize that it is fashionable to just say that it is just 
nothing and the Bible is just a collection of silly stories and is 
not believed by any serious intellecturals today.  Some people 
bible believing people take a literal interpretation of the bible 
and think that everything in the bible is actually true and should 
be accepted by faith. They also believe that the Tower of Babel was 
a physical sturcture like a step pyramid that the people used to try 
to reach heaven so they wouldn't be destroyed by water again.

  Just maybe the truth is somewhere in between.  It is my contention 
that the early books of the bible were written by reading accounts of 
what happened in history by earlier accounts written by other cultures.
They would thus put down what they thought happened in their own words
adding their own comments.

  Here is some information that may shed some light on the subject:..

  In The Twelfth Planet, Mr. Sitchin offers an imtriguing  analysis of the 
Tower of Babel story. According to his research, the "name" in the above
passage ("let us make a name for ourselves") was a translation of the 
ancient word shem. The Bible's translation of shem may be in error, says
Mr. Sitchin, because shem comes from the root word shamah, which means
"that which is highward."  Ancient shems are the obelish monuments that 
were so prevalent in many ancient societies.  Those shems, or obelisks, 
were copied after the rocket-shaped vehicles in which the Custodial
"gods" (JW space people) were said to fly.  Mr. Sitchin therefore believes
that the word shem in Mesopotamian texts should be translated to "sky
vehicle," meaning rocketship. When this translation is placed into the 
above Bibical passage, we find that the ancient Babylonians were not trying
to make a name (i.e., reputation) for themselves; they were trying to make
a "sky vehicle" or rocket!  The implication is that they wanted to match 
the technological might of their hated Custodial masters and thereby put
an end to their enslavement. The tower itself may have been intended as the 
launching pad for a human shem. 

  If Mr. Sitchin's provacative analysis is accurate, we would better 
understand why the Custodial entities became so alarmed by the Tower of
Babel and felt such a compelling need to thoroughly disunite the human race.  

  Ancient stories and legends from other parts of the world indirectly
support the Tower of Babel story.  The Japanese people, Alaskan Eskimos,
South Americans, and Egyptians all have traditions stating that their
earliest forefathers had either been transported by humanlike "gods"
to where the modern descendants live today, or that those "gods" had 
been the source of the local languages or writing.

  It may be difficult to accept Mesopotamian  and Biblical statements that 
ancient  human society had been split apart thousands of years ago in a 
"divide and conquer" effort by flying extraterrestrials, even though the
"divide and conquer" technique is frequently used by military and political 
leaders on Earth during wartime. Interestingly, using this technique was 
advocated  a number of years ago by a distinguished Yale professor if Earth
should ever colonize other planets.  The good professor suggested that 
Earth could control another inhabited planet by pitting one native group
against another.

  JW I have heard in the past that the Japanese people say that there
ancestors came from at least two people who came from the stars.  A person
told me just lately of the conversation that was had with a religious type
person who was asked where his people came from. He laughed and then stated
that they had a mountain in their country that was formerly uninhabited and
then people were found to be living on it. These people came down and
mated with their people and produced their race of people. The mysteries of 
life make things interesting.

Source Of Material: The Gods Of Eden by William Bramley.

John Winston.