Msg#: 12194                                        Date: 05-22-96  16:37
  From: Jmurphy@onramp.net                           Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: El Chupacabras
Reply-to: "jmurphy@onramp.net" 
From: "jmurphy@onramp.net" 
Originally to: iufo@xbn.shore.net
Organization: SearchNet HeadQuarters
Original Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 16:18:56 EST5EDT

From: jmurphy@onramp.net
 Originally to: avernede@ois.com.au,
 Original Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 11:09:28 -0500 (CDT)
 El Chupacabras - Terror of Puerto Rico
 Myth or Beginning of a New Reality?
 by Bob Buck
 A creature that seems to have come from the depths of Hell has been causing
 much confusion, fear, and debate on the island of Puerto Rico which is
 located about a thousand miles southeast of Miami, Florida.  This has been
 going on since about August of  1995.  It has been coined El Chupacabras, or
 goatsucker, a name given it after it killed a pet goat in September of the
 same year.  Since that time this creature has been blamed for over 2,000
 deaths of animals of every description from rabbits and birds to horses and
 bulls.  One of the communities hit hardest by the chupacabras is the
 township of Canovanas, a community about thirty miles east of San Juan which
 is close to the El Yunque rainforest.  Over one hundred animals have been
 killed with dozens of witnesses to this bizarre creature, which has led to
 the personal involvement of the mayor of Canovanas, Jose Soto, with the aid
 of the the Civil Defense.  Mayor Soto is trying to capture one of these
 creatures by laying traps around El Yunque in the Cubuy region, where high
 activity of the chupacabras has been reported.  El Yunque has been a place
 of much paranormal activity since the earliest of times with Indian legends
 going back many centuries about this being their Land of Gods.  In more
 recent times El Yunque has been a hotspot of many UFO's as well as various
 alien type beings such as greys, bigfoots, mothmen, and a creature described
 as half goat and half man.  Chupacabras, themselves, have often been seen
 with UFOs nearby.  In an interview with a woman from Canovanas, she told of
 a man that had recently witnessed a UFO drop a large box in the rainforest
 which had just had a rash of chupacabras sightings.  Is there a connection?
 Could this box possibly have been some kind of containment device coming
 from the UFO to round up these creatures that had no business being there to
 begin with; which had escaped from God knows where?  Occupants of these UFOs
 may be like zoo keepers trying to round up animals that have escaped their
 confinements and have traveled far and wide, making it that much more
 difficult.  An added problem is they seem to be procreating at an alarming
 rate.  For example when they first started to come into public view in
 August of 1995 it was mostly in and around Canovanas. Within a few short
 months El Chupacabras had spread its territory into surrounding townships
 and within another few months had reached the western part of the island and
 has been seen in 40 of the 70 odd counties of Puerto Rico.  One witness on
 the western part of the island made the claim of seeing as many as fourteen
 at a time.  Within the last month witnesses supposedly have seen this
 creature around Miami, Florida, as well as Texas, California, and northern
 parts of Mexico.  How did these creatures get from Puerto Rico to the U.S.
 mainland which has over a thousand mile barrier of water:  Or did they?
 I see three main possibilities as to the origin of El Chupacabras.  First,
 these creatures may be genetically manufactured organisms made for military
 or controlling purposes by factions unknown, more than likely governmental
 in origin.  It may be an experiment to discover how various population
 groups will react to shock realities for reasons unknown.  Is this
 intentional or a Jurassic Park situation?  I see this as the least likely of
 the three theories for one main reason.  This creature or a very similar one
 has been seen off and on for at least fifty years.  in Puerto Rico the
 Vampire of Mocca had a similar description and terrorized parts of the
 island over thirty years ago.  In the 1930's a comparable beast was
 witnessed in New Jersey, known as the Jersey devil.  Not to mention that
 worldwide folklore is riddled with stories of creatures that have glowing
 red eyes that go bump in the night.  Are all these stories really myths or
 do they have some elements of truth?
 The second theory as I see it seems more plausible, that being they are
 animals of unknown origins that evolved naturally on this planet.  Due to
 the extensive systems of caverns found throughout Puerto Rico this would be
 a credible explanation as to their roots.  Some witnesses have noticed
 sleek, matted down hair on several of the chupacabras with the smell of very
 strong urine, more powerful than a barnyard odor.  The wet fur could be
 associated with caves that are known for its moist, dank conditions.  I know
 of a case where witnesses have actually seen these creatures come out of a
 cave.  Are these their homes or are they merely hiding places until they can
 search out their next victim?  Also several of these creatures were said to
 have glowing red eyes that shined like laser beams out to the surrounding
 area.  This could be a possible adaptation of these beings to the dark
 interior of the massive network of caverns about the island.  I do fail to
 see the adaptive advantage of the webbing under the arms so they can leap 50
 feet or more at a time plus as some claim traveling at great speeds.  There
 was a case related to me by Dr. Carlos Soto of a 1500 pound bull that was
 run down and killed in short order by what was believed a chupacabra.  The
 field in which the dying bull was found was muddy and he could see the

Continues in the next message  -->

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  Msg#: 12197                                        Date: 05-22-96  16:37
  From: Jmurphy@onramp.net                           Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: El Chupacabras
Reply-to: "jmurphy@onramp.net" 
From: "jmurphy@onramp.net" 
Originally to: iufo@xbn.shore.net
Organization: SearchNet HeadQuarters
Original Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 16:18:56 EST5EDT

* Continuation from previous message....

 Other characteristics that witnesses have claimed to have observed are an
 ability to levitate and float a foot or so off the ground and a capability
 to repel bullets as if they had a protective field around them.  Just
 recently some policemen in northern Mexico had a run-in with one of these
 entities after it attacked some local townspeople.  They shot a barrage of
 bullets as it jumped over a wall.  Though it seems near impossible that the
 policeman could have missed this creature it appeared completely unharmed
 and ran away.  Another case relayed to me by Linda Howe, a well known UFO
 investigator, told of a similar case in Puerto Rico awhile back.  A
 policeman shot at this creature at point blank range and it appeared to him
 that some kind of force field was preventing his bullets from reaching it.
 Also a UFO was seen in close proximity to this entity - here again is there
 some connection?  Now if these creatures are indeed otherworldly as some
 eyewitnesses claim could they just as easily be interdimensional as well?
 Le me explain.
 If these beings are coming through portals in alternate universes, what is
 causing this to happen?  The answer may lie in the electro magnetic field
 that blankets this planet.  As you may be aware of the electro magnetic
 field and the gravitational pull of the planet creates our reality which
 balances and stabilizes this world.  It brings about our atmosphere and all
 things depend upon it.  But this electro magnetic field covering the Earth
 is not even, there are stress or weak points found riddled throughout the
 planet, most notably the Bermuda Triangle.  Puerto Rico is on one edge of
 this triangle, where for centuries unusually large numbers of ships, and, in
 recent times, planes have been lost.  Some believe that this triangle is in
 reality a portal to other dimensions.  There are at least six other major
 triangles like this one spread around the globe.  Now let us take this one
 step further.   Just imagine if for some reason our planet as well as the
 solar system, itself, was heading towards a singularity, a tremendously
 strong gravitational field, if you will,  better known as a black hole.
 Some prominent astrophysicists have entertained the thought that at some
 time in our future this solar system would come to a region in space which
 will contain a black hole;  if the case holds that black holes are fairly
 commonplace as some scientists believe.  As we get ever closer to this
 powerful gravitational field the electro magnetic blanket that covers our
 fragile planet would become more and more unstable.  The paradoxes of our
 existence as mentioned earlier in this article would increase exponentially
 where the realities that we perceive as our physical plane will change in
 unpredictable ways.  In lesser forms we will see earth changes like
 earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions in increasing numbers as
 well as increases in severity.  In more extreme cases where there are weak
 points in the electro magnetic global field such things as strong plate
 movement of the earth crust is possible, even a polar shift is in the realm
 of possibilities.  And as we are seeing with the chupacabras as well as with
 increasing numbers of other strange beings a very possible elevations in
 interdimensional instabilities that are opening more and more portals to
 alternate universes.  Already this is happening in Puerto Rico and now on
 the U.S. mainland and Mexico right before the peoples' eyes, an indicator to
 a much larger global problem to come.  I have personally interviewed
 individuals that have eithger claimed to have gone through what appeared to
 be a dimensional portal or knew of people who have.  These people in my
 opinion seem honest with nothing to gain, who in most cases appear very
 concerned and are searching for answers.  Since my trip on the '95
 expedition to Puerto Rico a little over a year's time; the incidents of
 paradoxes are increasing exponentially with a greater degree of bizarreness.
 This planet is liken to a forged iron bar where Puerto Rico is a weak point
 on this bar.  When pressure is evenly applied to the bar its weakest point
 wil bend first.  This is what I am now seeing.
 If you have enjoyed this article and would like to receive more information
 on El Chupacabras, may I suggest our educational, high quality VHS format
 video taken on the '96 expedition to Puerto Rico.  It contains uncut
 unedited footage of interviews with Mayor Soto of Canovanas as well as rural
 residents of that community that were eyewitnesses to this entity.  The
 video also contains a personal interview with Dr. Carlos Soto who is an
 individual that has personally examined dozens of animals that are suspected
 to have been killed by this beast.  This video is full of information and
 will give a general view of this creature.  If interested in purchasing this
 video please contact Bob Buck at 314-631-0293 for further information or FAX
 Joyce Murphy at 817-573-1582.  To apply for membership on a Beyond
 Boundaries expedition e mail at address:   jmurphy@onramp.net.

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