Msg#: 6228            Rec'd                        Date: 09-14-96  13:28
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 01:IUR article on UFO/abd

URL - http://www.cufos.org


Recent IUR article

This interesting thought-piece on abductions was written by Don Donderi, 
associate professor of psychology at McGill University in Montreal. His 
basic research interests include human perception and memory, and his 
applied work is in the field of human factors and ergonomics. The 
article appeared in the Spring 1996 issue of the International UFO 
Reporter, and is subject to the same copyright as the printed version. 

The scientific context of the UFO/abduction phenomenon

By Don C. Donderi

The purpose of this essay is to explain how to clarify the evidence for 
or against the reality of UFO abductions. Many workers in this field 
have modified the conventional meaning of both the word "reality" and 
the word "abduction." I do not accept these modifications. A UFO 
abduction, if it occurs, is a physical event. A person is taken aboard 
an extraterrestrial spacecraft and interacts with its crew. If this 
event is imagined, then it is not a physical event, it is an imaginary 
one. If the event happened before and it is being relived in the 
present, then it is a reexperiencing, not an abduction. There is nothing 
wrong with either imagining or memory as a description of human 
experience. A reexperiencing is clearly evidence for an earlier 
abduction, if it can be separated from an imagining, which is based on 
the incorporation of other people's experience (through conversation, 
books, or films) into one's own experience. But in no case is an 
imagining evidence of an abduction. By misusing the descriptive catego
ries of language, and calling imaginings and reexperiencing "abduction 
reports," confusion is produced which can only bring the substantial 
evidence for the physical reality of UFO abductions into doubt. 

The abduction report

What is the UFO abduction phenomenon? To abduct means to "carry off or 
lead away (a person) illegally and in secret or by force, esp. to 
kidnap."(1) Anyone who reports that he or she has been carried away by 
force is reporting an abduction. Since we are obviously only concerned 
with abductions by nonhuman extraterrestrials, the carrying-away must be 
reported as done by nonhuman extraterrestrials. Evidence for the 
nonhumanness of the abductors comes from the appearance of the 
abductors, the tools they use, including the methods of enforcing the 
abduction, the things they do, and the locations to which the abductee 
is taken. If none of these are nonhuman, then we are talking about an 
abduction experience, but one which can be explained as caused by 
humans. "Abduction phenomenon" in this essay means the abduction of 
humans by nonhuman extraterrestrials as described here. 

False, imagined, and real experiences

The second problem in discussing the abduction phenomenon is to evaluate 
the source of the reports. I am perfectly capable of reporting an 
abduction experience on the basis of my accumulated knowledge. I know 
enough background material to report an experience which would match 
very closely other reports made by reliable witnesses. Why wouldn't my 
report be valid? Because, of course, it was fabricated out of my 
indirect experience, as communicated to me by conversations, books, 
films, and television, and not my direct experience; that is. through my 
own senses without the intermediary of other humans' spoken, written, or 
visually portrayed experience. Anyone can report an abduction 
experience. Our problem is to learn whether these reports are reports of 
direct personal experience or whether the reports are mediated by the 
experience of others. If they are mediated by the experience of others, 
they are worthless as evidence of the existence of UFO abductions. They 
are simply repetitions of other people's stories, however convincing 
either to the listener or (as is often the case) to the teller. 
There is no a priori reason why the reporter of an abduction experience 
which is entirely mediated by other people's experiences may not also 
report that he or she believes that the experience was direct and 
unmediated. It is very well established that people reporting 
experiences do not always accurately attribute the source of those 
experiences.(2) Spoken or written language, as well as the visual media, 
are efficient ways of conveying information which may be incorporated 
indiscriminately into what the reporter thinks is his or her own direct 
sensory experience. The human mind is efficient at generating and 
storing images or representations of experience, and inefficient at 

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  Msg#: 6229            Rec'd                        Date: 09-14-96  13:28
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 02:IUR article on UFO/abd

retaining and classifying the sources of those same images or 
representations. Suggestible human beings often mistake the sources of 
their information, and they are demonstrably capable of reporting as 
personal experience events and experiences which have been suggested to 
them by others. 

The properly skeptical public

In ordinary conversation, in the give-and-take on a sunny afternoon by 
the lake, or of a dinner party with good wine flowing, we do not 
always--or even often--critically examine the sources of our ideas, or 
of our conversational bons mots. Why should we expect something more 
critical, more detached, from the investigators and reporters of 
abductions? Simply because so much more is at stake. Our real audience 
is not the lakeside or dinner-table conversationalists. If the purveyors 
of ideas about UFO abductions want to be treated as entertaining 
lakeside conversationalists, or as slightly outrŽ dinner-table 
companions, then we can all go on as before. Some of what we say will be 
based on what we know are the reports of reliable witnesses, 
corroborated by circumstances: missing time, physical traces, concurrent 
UFO sightings. Other reports, whether in the National Enquirer or in our 
own publications, will be ambiguous and lend themselves to alternative 

The greater public will get some of both kinds of reports, and will be, 
as always, puzzled about what to believe. The scientific public will say 
to itself: "X has written two books full of interesting information 
about abductions and UFOs. X writes with obvious integrity, and the 
phenomenon sounds plausible. But Y includes as abductions reports from 
people who sit in a trance and stare at the ceiling, and then describe 
the same kind of things X is describing. Isn't the obvious explanation 
to assume that both X and Y's reports have the same epistemological 
status--the same grounding in reality--and that Y's are the more 
representative, because they require the least deviation from present 
knowledge? Witness Z is obviously imagining things, and abduction 
investigator Y reports Z's imaginings as abductions. Therefore, 
abduction investigators are reporting what people imagine, not what 
actually happens to them." 

The leaps of reason in my imaginary quote above are not logically 
convincing, but they are psychologically very convincing. Just because 
one abduction report (A) is imaginary (i) does not mean that all A's are 
i. But if you are predisposed to reject more complicated explanations, 
and are predisposed not to change your world-view on the basis of what 
the UFO research community is claiming, than your reasoning process is: 
Some A's are certainly i. I cannot look into all of the A cases, and if 
I have found one i case among them, I can say that because I have shown 
that at least one A is i, most--or all--of them might be. And with this 
very big "might be," I escape the need to change my world-view, because 
I can subsume my simpler world-view under the "might be" of the 
imaginary abduction report. Therefore I will defer judgment, or, more 
conservatively, not change my world-view in the absence of a more 
convincing reason to do so. 

I think it helps to make this problem specific because it explains what 
the UFO and abduction community is up against when it seeks to persuade 
the rest of the world--our lakeside and dinner-party neighbors and 
companions, as well as the even more skeptical scientific public--that 
what we have to say should be taken seriously. We have to decide what we 
are trying to convince people of. We know, and they know, that people 
report abduction experiences. If in the interest of accommodating every 
abduction reporter we decide to treat all reports equally, whether or 
not there is corroborative evidence that there was a physical abduction 
by extraterrestrials, then our public will nod politely and discount 
virtually everything we have to say. They will, quite reasonably, 
consider all abduction reports as evidence of, at most, an interesting 
psychological aberration or phenomenon. 

What are we to think of an abduction case in which the alleged abductee 
is observed to be present during the entire time she experiences an 
abduction? The evidence in this case is unambiguous. The investigators 
who reported the case were present during the time the woman had the 
experience, and she didn't budge. There was no missing time, and there 
were no abduction corollaries--UFO sightings or physical aftereffects. 
The answer least in need of supplementary explanation is that the woman 
wasn't abducted. There is no reason to think that she may not have been 
reexperiencing a past abduction--the most generous of hypotheses--but by 
any objective criterion she was not experiencing a physical abduction 
and the report of her experience made by the investigators was the 
report of a psychological experience, not a physical one. In my 

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  Msg#: 6230            Rec'd                        Date: 09-14-96  13:28
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 03:IUR article on UFO/abd

already-expressed opinion, this case should not have been presented as 
an abduction report.(3) 

Abduction researchers should screen abduction reports into those which 
are probably based on direct sensory experience, and those which are 
probably based on experience mediated by human language or media. It is 
clear from the proceedings of the 1992 Abduction Conference at M.I.T. 
that not all abduction researchers want to do that. And it's a free 
world: there is nothing to stop them from using whatever inclusive 
categories they choose to use in defining abductions. My point is simply 
that this inclusiveness mitigates against anyone with common sense and 
no access to the original data from taking the abduction phenomenon 
seriously. Those of us who are better informed can sort the bad cases 
out for ourselves; but our friends and colleagues in the general and sci
entific public can't. We should be doing it for them. If we don't, we 
suffer the inevitable diminishing of our credibility. 

Science and the UFO/abduction phenomenon

There is a great reluctance on the part of some investigators to stick 
to a scientific approach to the abduction phenomenon. The argument runs 
something like this. Our systematic understanding of nature is severely 
limited; science doesn't even explain many things about inanimate 
nature, other animals, or the human mind. Not only that, but the 
technical or scientific approach to the mastery and understanding of 
nature has led mankind into grievous errors which threaten to destroy 
the species if not the planet. Therefore, we should abandon science in 
dealing with this new phenomenon, particularly since it is so far beyond 
our comprehension as to make the idea of a scientific theory to explain 
UFOs or abductions meaningless. We can't really decide whether the phe
nomenon is mental or physical; even calling it physical is meaningless 
because the mental and the physical are so completely intermixed that 
separating them, in this instance, is almost impossible. 

Much of this argument rests on a very generalized incomprehension of 
what science means, and an even greater incomprehension about the 
science of psychology. First of all, science is a method as much as it 
is a collection of facts and theories. It is also a very complex social 
process. Boiled down to its essence, the scientific method is a 
prescription that evidence about nature must be presented in a form that 
explains how it was obtained, makes it possible for other people to 
review and criticize the methods used for gathering the evidence, and to 
repeat those methods and obtain the same evidence, so far as is 
practical. It is a social agreement to be honest and transparent in 
presenting data, and to engage in a mutual (sometimes highly 
competitive) effort to cross-check, criticize, and ultimately verify the 
information on which we base our advances in understanding nature. 

The scientific enterprise

Our technological world is built from complex, true stories that 
describe the natural world. How do we know that the stories are true? 
The natural world works the same way for a Russian engineer as it does 
for an American scientist. Bridges designed in France will stand in 
China; airplanes made in America will also fly over Brazil or over 
Australia. There is a consensus about our nature stories, at least so 
far as we can carry them. The civilized machinery of scientific 
education, scientific research, and scientific communication shapes a 
community of knowledge whose products are everywhere and whose methods 
are universal. 

Unfortunately, many of the scientific nature stories are unintelligible 
to the layperson, who hasn't learned the mathematical methods and 
doesn't have the knowledge or the vocabulary to understand them. Because 
science is also divided into very narrow specialties, many scientific 
nature stories are equally unintelligible to scientists in other 
specialties. Most scientists aren't as successfully gregarious as the 
physicist Ernest Rutherford, who is supposed to have said, "If you can't 
explain it to the barmaid in the Eagle Pub, it isn't good science." Even 
nature stories which fall into the category of "classical" science, like 
the time-travel paradoxes of Einstein's theory of special relativity, 
seriously challenge both the lay and the scientific imagination. The 
sheer volume of detailed knowledge in every scientific specialty makes 
it practically impossible for a layperson or a scientist in another 
field to evaluate the latest development in an area to which he or she 
is a technical stranger. 

Scientific specialization

The scientific community which generates and uses accurate stories about 

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  Msg#: 6231            Rec'd                        Date: 09-14-96  13:28
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 04:IUR article on UFO/abd

nature is specialized and divided. Adam Smith praised the benefits of 
specialization in his famous 18th-century example of pin manufacture: A 
single craftsman, manufacturing entire pins, makes not more than twenty 
per day, while a team of ten men, employed in a small manufactory, could 
produce "upwards of forty-eight thousand pins in a day." Men "educated 
to the trade," each specializing in one part of the manufacture, turn 
out on the average 4,800 per day. Thus specialization amplifies the 
output of a pin manufacturer manyfold--a lesson which has not been lost 
on scientists and scientific funding agencies.(4) 

The "industrial system" is thoroughly established in science, with the 
same satisfying results. Collegial teamwork of surprising sophistication 
and complexity exists across the entire world. The system consists of 
multiple independent but cooperating research centers which regularly 
exchange information and personnel. Ever since the Middle Ages, 
academicians and researchers have been cooperative and mobile. Their 
greatest pleasure is to visit each other's universities and 
laboratories, and to congregate in large numbers at attractive places 
(Venice, Prague, Paris, Honolulu) to discuss, argue, and criticize each 
others' work. This is their life's blood. The results are poured into 
the research journals which are circulated and read internationally. 

The international scientific community is organized in much the same 
fashion as the modern communication tool which grew directly out of 
applied science: the Internet. The Internet is a system which exists as 
a collection of independent cooperating centers or nodes, each of which 
is administered locally. On the basis of a strictly voluntary 
cooperative organization, each node is configured so as to be able to 
pass messages through the entire complex system to any other node, and 
each node can also act as an intermediary for the transmission of 
messages from one node to another. 

But like the users of the Internet, the scientific community is really a 
collection of subcommunities which for the most part recognize each 
other's legitimacy, within the specialized domains of knowledge they 
claim for their own. And, as with the special interest groups on the 
Internet, it is rare that ongoing work within one scientific 
subcommunity is commented on or participated in by workers in another 

Scientific guilds

The independent subcommunities of science have another trait in common 
with those honored and medieval social organizations, the guilds, which 
were in some sense the progenitors of the very universities that now 
support many of the scientists. The guilds were professionally exclusive 
and jealous of their privileges. In the Middle Ages, work produced by 
nonguild members was proscribed and rejected. In the modern world, a 
relevant scientific advance which is reported from outside the research 
subcommunity is likely to suffer the same fate. In the Middle Ages, 
there were political wars between the guilds and nonguild craftsmen, 
whose products were driven outside the towns where the guilds held 
power, into the countryside, where a nonguild worker could sell unlicen
sed products to customers who might later smuggle them back into the 

Scientists who produce work outside their specialties, or in areas of 
research that are not recognized as legitimate by their own 
subcommunity, risk having their work proscribed or rejected by 
scientific guild members. The modern form of proscription is simply the 
refusal of scientific journals to publish the results. Occasionally the 
examples of guild behavior are egregious and informative. John Garcia, a 
researcher who specialized in radiological research, discovered in 1955 
that rats could be taught in one trial to avoid the novel taste of a 
food which gave them a delayed, but very severe, stomachache (the food 
contained a nonlethal dose of poison which made them very sick). 
Garcia's work was technically exemplary, but because his findings 
directly challenged two cornerstones of the current theoretical position 
on learning-- 

1.that all learning was incremental, and
2.that delay of consequences reduced the effectiveness of learning

His work was kept out of major psychological journals for years.(5) 
While Garcia's findings, and Garcia himself, are now completely accepted 
some forty years after his initial work, the hostility and rejection he 
experienced are object lessons in the resistance of scientific 
subcommunities to outsiders who trespass on their intellectual 

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  Msg#: 6232            Rec'd                        Date: 09-14-96  13:28
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 05:IUR article on UFO/abd

Fear of scientific failure

Scientists are afraid of mistakes. The public-inquiry structure of 
science, which proceeds by public replication or refutation of 
previously published findings, is the usual antidote to the persistence 
of unsubstantiated empirical claims and unverifiable theories. But it 
seems that unsubstantiated claims arise in every generation, and persist 
long enough to be an embarrassment to science as a whole. N-rays in the 
19th century, polywater in the 1960s, and cold fusion in the 1980s are 
examples of scientific discoveries which generated a bad press for 
science because they persisted long enough to raise the public's 
expectations before those expectations were doused by the necessary 
skepticism. They were in fact examples of the successful application of 
the public-inquiry structure of science. Since each of these empirical 
errors was refuted, they represent successes, not failures, of this 

But the cost, both to individual reputations and to the public's image 
of science, of these forays into unsuccessful empiricism is very 
damaging. When you combine scientists' real and justified fear of 
embarrassment over mistakes with the traditional hostility and 
conservatism of scientific subcommunities to new ideas introduced from 
outside the specialty, you begin to understand why the entire panorama 
of UFO and abduction evidence presented by part-time scientific amateurs 
like historians, painters, psychiatrists, and social workers, not to 
mention even less scientifically qualified white- and blue-collar 
contributors (military and commercial pilots, policemen, air traffic 
controllers, and just plain folks) is simply ignored by scientists when 
it is not being actively derided by them. 

Almost all scientists accept the judgment of publicly recognized experts 
in fields of work to which they are strangers. As a part of both the 
specialized character of science and the guild mentality of scientists, 
each scientist respects only the authority of the recognized experts in 
his or her field. This raises some important questions: What 
qualifications fit someone to pass judgment on evidence concerning UFOs 
and related phenomena? Whose judgment can be trusted to evaluate the 
evidence? What is the evidence? And what conclusions can be drawn from 

Practicing scientists often assume that all science is about work on 
problems whose boundaries are well-prescribed and on which there exists 
a consensus about method and goals. This is true of the massive efforts 
of institutional science to advance knowledge in areas where it is clear 
that more knowledge, or better techniques, may lead to impressive gains 
in control of nature. I am thinking particularly of molecular biology, 
solid-state physics, and nuclear physics, where advances in 
understanding the construction and maintenance of organisms, the 
organization of communication and information, and the release of power 
are important, immediate goals. 

But this assumption about the scope of science is not entirely correct. 
People who work on even harder problems like the nature of abductions, 
or the existence of extraterrestrial life, can also be perfectly 
respectable scientists, whatever their background or training: history, 
sculpture, psychiatry, social work, sociology, atomic physics, clinical 
psychology or experimental psychology, to name the occupations of just a 
few practitioners in the field. The important thing is that they respect 
the rules of scientific communication. They may not gain immediate 
respect from other scientists for doing so, but if they do respect the 
rules of scientific inquiry--if they do make clear how they have defined 
their terms, how they have gathered their data, what precautions they 
have taken to avoid error in the data, and how they have interpreted the 
data--then, eventually, what they report will be respected by other 
practitioners of science. And if it is ultimately respected by the other 
practitioners of science, then the larger public will come to respect it 
as well. 

When will science pay attention?

The answer to this question is important, because when science pays 
attention, both the influential public (legislators, newspaper 
columnists, TV commentators) and the ordinary person in the street will 
also pay attention. Thomas Kuhn, the famous contemporary philosopher of 
science, pointed out that scientific revolutions seldom succeed by 
convincing their older opponents; instead, the younger generation is 
usually instantly converted, while the older generation, which cannot 
deal with the innovations as flexibly, simply dies off and the 
resistance ceases as they leave the field.(6) Abraham Pais, Albert 
Einstein's intellectual biographer, points out the same thing with 

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  Msg#: 6233            Rec'd                        Date: 09-14-96  13:28
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 06:IUR article on UFO/abd

respect to the acceptance of special relativity by older scientists of 
stature when Einstein proposed his theory in 1905.(7) Pais also points 
out that Einstein himself, who was one of the founders of quantum 
theory, himself never accepted quantum theory as it was developed by his 
own contemporaries. Einstein preferred classical certainty because he
believed until the end of his life that "God does not play dice with
the universe." 

Does this mean that regardless of what the UFO community does, as long 
as strong and convincing data about UFOs and abductions accumulate, the 
public will eventually accept that these phenomena represent the 
activities of extraterrestrial intelligence? Certainly not--if within 
the community, there is disagreement about what standards should be used 
to study it. The younger generation of intellectuals, scientists, and 
political leaders, which is supposed to be converted while the elders 
die off, is too sophisticated to be converted to a world-view which 
cannot or will not differentiate between psychological aberration and 
extraterrestrial visitation. 

I cannot say what the "core phenomenon" of ET abductions is, and it 
really doesn't matter that much. There is always, even in so-called 
normal science, a halo of less-clear phenomena and less-accepted 
findings which represents the cutting edge of investigation into the 
controversial issues. The existence of these controversial questions is 
not itself a fundamental problem--so long as the methods of science 
provide an ultimate means for their resolution. Typical issues of this 
kind in the abduction field are: what are the "Nordics?" What is the 
meaning of the "staging?" Are there missing fetuses? These issues are 
amenable to investigation and to ultimate resolution. It seems to me to 
be important that there be a consensus in the UFO and abduction field 
that controversial problems must be resolvable--and resolvable using 
those refinements of ordinary commonsense investigation which go by the 
name of scientific method. 

Scientific Aspects of the Abduction Phenomenon

Obstacles to acceptance

The "general UFO hypothesis" which encompasses the existence of 
extraterrestrial spaceships and the abduction of people into them has to 
overcome a series of barriers to credibility. Each barrier is actually 
the threshold of acceptance among technically educated people for a 
series of isolated ideas which cannot be easily assimilated into the 
current coherent picture of the world. The unassimilated picture 
presented by the UFO hypothesis is much too rich for the average 
scientist's taste. It includes telepathy, movement through solids, craft 
maneuvering at what are for us unattainable and dangerous g-forces, and 
propulsion with no apparent reaction against the atmosphere. 
The average scientist falls back on a much more plausible psychological 
explanation for this rich diet of impossibilities. Memory can be biased 
or faulty; perception is ambiguous and unreliable; social pressures and 
social gain motivate convincing lies; hypnotists can influence 
susceptible witnesses. By relying on any one of these alternatives, the 
overrich banquet of UFO-related phenomena can be dismissed as a 
combination of individual and social psychological aberration. 

When theory is overtaken by data

Pausing to look back just a few years to the time when physics was 
experiencing great upheavals provides an interesting perspective on the 
problem of interpreting UFO and UFO abduction data. After 1895 
physicists could no longer use the mathematics of continuous physical 
displacements to model the universe. Quantum theory required what were 
then radical changes in assumptions about causality. Atoms did or did 
not emit radiation on a probabilistic, not a deterministic, basis; the 
basic constituents of matter and energy were either particles with 
wavelike properties or waves with particlelike properties, depending on 
how and when you measured them; position and momentum could not be 
simultaneously measured to any degree of accuracy; the state of a 
particle is only determined when you measure it, and that measurement 
also immediately determines the state of a related particle which is so 
far away that information cannot travel to it from the first particle. 
These difficulties do not mean that quantum theory is inaccurate; it is 
highly accurate. But, unlike relativity theory, it does not explain the 
universe in a classically deterministic way. 

One of the problems that physicists had in understanding and 
assimilating quantum theory was based on the fact that the 
interpretation of all measurement is wholly bound up in theoretical 
assumptions about those measurements. If the assumptions one made about 

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  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 07:IUR article on UFO/abd

measurement at the microphysical (quantum) level were classical 
assumptions, the measurements made no sense. Eisenbud(8) said that 
Ultimately, theory becomes so familiar that we hardly realize its 
importance in the interpretation of observation. . . . When theory 
fails, however, the familiar connections between its constructs and what 
is observed are broken. We must then return to naked observations and 
their observed interrelations, and try to build from them new and 
successful theoretical structures.

The UFO community is faced with the same dilemma. The data of abduction 
research cannot be interpreted in a simplistic way as veridical 
descriptions of experience which fit our available theoretical 
framework. We are now forced to "return to our naked observations" and 
develop a new and comprehensive theory to explain the general tendency 
of these observations, and reduce the exceptions to a sufficiently small 
number to justify our confidence in the "naked observations and their 
observed interrelations." If we can build this confidence in ourselves, 
based on an adequate theoretical understanding, then we can certainly 
build it in at least the younger members of both the scientific public 
and the larger public who follow our investigations and our work with 
interest, but who are waiting for us to clarify our own understanding 
before committing themselves to accept it. 

I cannot, myself, overcome all of the obstacles to comprehension of the 
UFO phenomenon from a technical point of view. Explaining how people can 
be moved through solids and explaining UFO propulsion are beyond my 
competence. These observables clearly require a better understanding of 
nature than is provided us by current publicly available knowledge in 
the fields of physics and engineering. But with respect to the 
psychological phenomena, some comments to the general scientific public, 
as well as to colleagues in the UFO field, are in order. They concern 
the plausibility and current scientific status of various events which 
are described in UFO and abduction investigations. Some of these 
phenomena are by no means as empirically far-fetched as they might first 
appear to be. 

The psychology of some reported abduction experiences: Hypnosis and 

Hypnosis has a long and colorful past, and has been, in its day, as 
controversial a scientific topic as UFOs are at present. It is still a 
controversial phenomenon. The most radical--or skeptical--view of the 
phenomenon is that it is nothing but acting, suggested by the hypnotist 
and willingly and knowingly carried out by the patient. On the other 
hand, there are many phenomena of hypnosis which are very unlike those 
which can be produced by voluntary acting. The removal of crippling 
hysterical symptoms with the aid of hypnosis was the clinical discovery 
which triggered Sigmund Freud's interest in the mental bases of what 
were thought to be neurological symptoms, and so led to the development 
of psychoanalysis.(9) 

A great deal of serious research effort has gone into the study of 
hypnotic phenomena, in an effort to determine to what extent there are 
genuine changes in consciousness as a result of the hypnotic process. 
The simplest description of the present evidence is this: hypnotic 
induction in a highly suggestible subject produces a mental state in 
which external instructions (the hypnotist's) can alter the subject's 
conscious mental content, to the extent that both memory of past events 
and perception of the current environment can be influenced in ways that 
cannot be duplicated by suggestion, unaided by hypnosis. It must be 
stressed that not everyone is equally hypnotizable. Highly suggestible 
people need less effort to produce the radical changes of conscious 
content which are characteristic of hypnosis, while some very 
unsuggestible people do not ever experience the extreme changes of 
conscious experience which characterize highly suggestible, deeply 
hypnotized subjects. 

Most of the controversy about the use of hypnosis in abduction research 
is over the question of whether recall facilitated by hypnosis is 
necessarily true. It is not. Extensive experimental evidence 
demonstrates that confabulation is as possible under hypnosis as it is 
in ordinary unaided memory; in some cases, while fluency of memory is 
increased under hypnosis, so is the inclusion of verifiably inaccurate 
recall.(10) However, as students of the UFO and abduction phenomenon 
already know, not all UFO abduction accounts depend on information 
gained through hypnosis. Frequently there is recall, even extensive 
recall, without hypnosis. 

Equally extensive experimental evidence demonstrates that hypnotic 
techniques can both induce and remove amnesia. When memories have been 

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blocked either by trauma or by previous hypnotic instruction, they can 
be recalled by later, appropriate hypnotic counterinstruction.(11) It is 
possible to establish "hidden experience" in a hypnotically susceptible 
person so that a real experience is actually concealed from the 
experiencer until he or she is later instructed to remember it. This is 
a stock in trade of stage hypnotists: the person who is made to bark and 
run around on all fours, pretending to be a dog, will have no memory of 
that experience if instructed not to remember; the hypnotist may provide 
a cue for later recall of the following kind: "you will remember nothing 
of this session when you wake up, until I place my hand on your 
shoulder." The result is that the hypnotized person undergoes 
experiences which he or she cannot remember until later. So long as the 
hypnotist does not provide the cue, the experience is not available to 
conscious recall. Once the cue is provided, recall occurs. 

Imagine if a hypnotist were to say to a subject under hypnosis: "Under 
no circumstances will you remember this experience," and then simply 
disappear from the subject's life.(12) The hypnotized subject would have 
a gap in his or her memory. Careful questioning might reveal that he 
went to a hypnotist's performance; that he remembers being in a seat 
with his friends who encouraged him to go on stage; and then he came 
home. When asked to account for the show, or his part in it, he would be 
unable to consciously recall his own participation. There would be 
"missing time." Under these circumstances, a second hypnotic session 
with another hypnotist might remove the memory block and reestablish the 
continuity of experience and memory. Or alternatively, the experience
 might simply be recalled after a sufficiently long time. 

Since we know that hypnosis can be used to block experience from 
conscious memory, and since we know that rehypnosis is one tool by which 
that experience can be made accessible to voluntary recall, therefore we 
also know that the recovery of blocked UFO abduction memories by 
hypnosis is not an impossibility. We do not know that the recovered 
memories are accurate; great pains must be taken to avoid leading the 
hypnotic subject, because hypnotically recovered memories, as mentioned 
earlier, are not necessarily more accurate than memories which are 
recalled unaided. 


Humans can transmit information telepathically. The empirical evidence 
for this is cumulatively overwhelming. Neither current psychological 
theory nor current physiological theory has an explanation for the data, 
but the data are sound. There is too little space here to review the 
history of experimental psychical research, which dates back over a 
century. The evidence for telepathy does not depend on trusting mediums, 
which is always a dangerous business. Starting with the experimental 
work of J. B. Rhine,(13) the experimental reliability and repeatability 
of telepathy has been established by many researchers.(14-16) 
For the most part, the experimental demonstrations of telepathy are 
statistical and relatively crude. The best of them involve remote 
viewing of complex scenes, which are then reproduced visually by the 
telepathic subject in more or less complex detail. Statistical analysis 
of the agreement between scenes and drawings, under experimental 
conditions which preclude collusion, cheating, or biasing the results, 
shows results that are sometimes quite striking and over the long run, 
far, far better than could be ascribed to chance. 

Therefore it is within the realm of current scientific knowledge to 
expect that information can be transmitted telepathically to a human 
being. The descriptions of telepathic communication made by alleged 
abductees are not, then, without a reference in human experience as 
defined by scientific experiment. 

Visual illusions

Virtual reality is created by using two or three-dimensional visual 
images which give the illusion of objects in space. This can be done 
with wide-screen sound and motion, it can be done holographically or it 
can be done stereoscopically. While holographic images currently lack 
solidity, they do not lack detail. Therefore it is within the realm of 
our current scientific knowledge to be able to construct an alternative 
visual reality (sound effects were accomplished long ago) which gives 
the illusion of solidity. This is already done cinematically, and 
large-screen projections like I-Max are quite convincing in conveying 
the experience of motion. Virtual reality is created in aviation 
simulators; its success is indicated by the fact that emotional 
reactions in simulated situations of danger mimic, if they do not 
actually duplicate, emotional reactions recorded in real situations of 
danger. Therefore the experiences of staging as described in the 

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abduction literature are not without a reference in human experience as 
influenced by human technology. 


Hallucinations can be induced in an uncontrolled way through the use of 
psychotropic drugs, sensory deprivation, and hypnosis. Remember that 
hypnosis is a powerful hallucinogen. A subject under hypnosis can be 
made to react to hypnotically induced sensory experiences. The very 
suggestibility that defines the earliest stages of trance induction 
("your eyelids are getting heavier, your hands are together and you 
can't move them apart, your arms are sluggish and you can't lift them 
off the chair") are all hypnotically induced sensory-motor experiences. 
Other, more complex experiences can be introduced by a skilled 
hypnotist. Therefore the induction of hallucinatory experiences, as 
reported in many abduction cases, is not unknown to ordinary human 

Abduction reports include illusions, hypnosis and telepathy

The characteristic abduction experience described in books by Hopkins 
and Jacobs and in articles by Carpenter may include elements of 
telepathy, hypnosis, and illusion. An alien being communicates 
telepathically; using some form of close physical contact, the same 
being induces an altered state of consciousness in the human, and the 
human experiences ambiguous scenes either as a hallucinatory "virtual 
reality" or as hypnotically induced interpretations of real events in 
which alien actors play a role. As explained in the previous few 
paragraphs, this apparently implausible combination of 
experiences--telepathy and illusions or hallucinations--is by no means 
beyond the realm of human experience. All of the phenomena are known 
individually, and under certain circumstances can be induced or 
controlled by humans in other humans. 

The reliability of UFO and abduction witnesses

All of science is based on observation; and ultimately all science is 
based on human observation and interpretation of even the most 
sophisticated data from the most sophisticated instruments. It is 
instructive to remember that about one hundred and fifty years ago, 
science was being conducted with much simpler instruments, and may fewer 
of them; that natural science like that practised by Charles Darwin 
required a only notebook and a sketchpad; and that however complicated 
the mechanical or electronic gadget into which the scientist peers, the 
human observer is always present to interpret what is seen or recorded. 
If UFO (and UFO abduction) witnesses are intrinsically unreliable 
reporters, then all of the evidence is suspect, because it has been 
obtained with unreliable instruments, whose distortions or biases may be 
responsible for the seeming abnormality of the reports. As a case in 
point, Bartholomew, et al.(17) reported that a study of self-reported 
biographical material from 152 alleged UFO abductees or contactees 
demonstrated an incidence of fantasy-proneness which was higher than the 
population average. The biographical data used in this study were drawn 
from 16th-century sources as well as from current data, and no 
distinction was reported between what UFO investigators would recognize 
as contactees and more credible reporters of abduction experiences. But 
the best UFO and abduction evidence is not suspect. Spanos, et al.,(18) 
Bloecher, Clamar and Hopkins,(19) and Rodeghier, et al.(20) have made it 
clear that UFO reporters and abduction reporters do not suffer from 
psychopathology; therefore there is no a priori reason to reject their 
reports because their personality characteristics make them less 
reliable than other reporters of phenomena. 

Ordinary precautions have to be taken in obtaining reports about 
external events from anyone. Good reporters and good scientists know how 
to listen; how not to lead; how to encourage reluctant or emotionally 
upset witnesses without putting words in their mouths; and in general 
how to avoid biasing the source of the information they are recording. 
The same thing applies to extraordinary methods for obtaining data, like 
hypnosis. Proper use of hypnosis in the forensic field as well as the 
UFO investigation field is necessarily subject to stringent precautions. 
Good hypnosis data will be presented with evidence that appropriate 
precautions were taken; the work of Carpenter and Haines(21-23) is 
exemplary in providing evidence that the requisite precautions have been 

Prior conditions for accepting the abduction phenomenon
Most of us take for granted something which our scientific colleagues 
have neither the background nor the confidence to take for granted: that 
reports of UFOs are reports of extraterrestrial vehicles. It is 

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impossible here to go into the detail which supports this conclusion. 
When the evidence is assembled and presented coherently, it is 
overwhelming. It is rarely so assembled and presented. Classic works by 
Jacobs, Hynek, and NICAP on the extraterrestrial UFO hypothesis, which 
precedes the abduction phenomenon, are twenty years old. They are 
respected but not widely read, and certainly not known to the scientific 
world outside the UFO community. 

It follows that uncertainty about the existence of ET UFOs precludes 
acceptance of the UFO abduction phenomenon. If I'm not sure that ET UFOs 
exist, how can I accept the evidence for UFO abductions? In this case, 
the additional evidence about UFO abductions does not strengthen the ET 
UFO evidence; instead, the uncertainty about the UFO evidence weakens 
the acceptance of the abduction evidence. This is a classic application 
of what is known to statisticians as Bayes' theorem. The probability of 
some event, given supporting evidence, depends not only on the current 
supporting evidence, but on the prior probability of the event: in other 
words, how probable--before the supporting evidence--was the event in 
question. If the ET UFO evidence is either unknown or rejected, the 
prior probability that any reported experience has to do with UFOs is 
bound to be low. This immediately prejudices acceptance of the abduction 
evidence, because it is read in a context where the a priori assumption 
is that UFOs themselves are highly unlikely, and therefore so is a 
UFO-related explanation for the abduction evidence. 

The answer to this problem, to the degree that we can solve it, is to 
present the UFO evidence and the solid UFO abduction evidence together 
in an intellectual context--book, course, or visual medium--in which the 
UFO evidence establishes the a priori probability for the UFO abduction 
phenomenon. The tendency--certainly reasonable, in light of the 
importance of the phenomenon--has been for recent work to concentrate on 
the abduction phenomenon alone. But the extensive and well-investigated 
body of UFO cases deserve equal time with the abduction evidence, 
because the ET interpretation of the classical UFO data is the a priori 
basis for allowing an ET interpretation of the abduction evidence. 

Conclusion: A synthesis is needed

So where are we? We lack certainty in dealing with evidence elicited by 
hypnosis or recall alone. We need corroborating evidence: other people's 
testimony to an observer being abducted (e.g., the Linda case), missing 
or found in a disordered state after a hypnotically recalled abduction 
experience. Or else we need corroborating physical evidence of an 
abduction: evidence that something has been around to confirm the 
abductee's report of being abducted into something. This is no more or 
no less than the kind of evidence we need to corroborate UFO reports. 
After all, a UFO report is no less a report of personal experience than 
is an abduction report. 

Even book-length compendiums of single or multiple cases need to respect 
the scientifically educated public's requirement that the methods of 
investigation be explained clearly enough so that the techniques can be 
both criticized and repeated by others. Understandably but 
unfortunately, the current practice (for obvious financial and personal 
reasons) has been for each serious and productive investigator to 
present his or her own findings in a maximally attractive public 
package, in order to reap the personal rewards for the effort made, 
since there are absolutely no academic or "establishment" financial or 
social rewards for being a conscientious and intelligent UFO or 
abduction researcher which would compensate anyone for the time and 
effort expended. There is now, however, both a place for and an 
intellectual demand for a methodological and empirical synthesis of 
current good abduction research, just as there is a similar need and 
demand for an equivalent review and synthesis of the past thirty years 
of UFO research. Such a synthesis would have to address the 
methodological issues raised in this essay, as well as the rich store of 
excellent abduction and UFO data which have been collected, weighed, and 
evaluated by the current generation of UFO and abduction researchers. 


1. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition, 
Unabridged (New York: Random House, 1987). 

2. Elizabeth Loftus. Eyewitness Testimony (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard 
University Press, 1979). 

3. Gilda Moura, "A Transpersonal Approach to Abduction Therapy," in 
Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John Mack, et al., eds. Alien 
Discussions: Proceedings of the Alien Abduction Study Conference 

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(Cambridge, Mass.: North Cambridge Press, 1994), 485-92. See also 
Loftus, 195. 

4. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations [1776] (New York: Modern Library, 
1937), 4-5. 

5. John Garcia, "Tilting at the Paper Mills of Academe," American 
Psychologist 36, no.2 (1981): 149-58. 

6. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (University of 
Chicago Press, 1962). 

7. Abraham Pais, Subtle is the Lord: The Science and Life of Albert 
Einstein (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982). 

8. L. Eisenbud, The Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (New 
York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971). 

9. Ernest Jones, The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud (New York: Basic 
Books, 1953), 1:226-230. 

10. Jane Dywan and Kenneth Bowers, "The Use of Hypnosis to Enhance 
Recall," Science 222 (1983): 184-85. 

11. M. E. Miller and Kenneth Bowers, "Hypnotic Analgesia: Dissociated 
Experience or Dissociated Control?" Journal of Abnormal Psychology 102, 
no.1 (1993): 29-38. 

12. Or, as is possibly the case with some abductees, to reappear 
regularly and repeat the instruction. 

13. J. B. Rhine and J. G. Pratt, Parapsychology: Frontier Science of the 
Mind (Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1957). 

14. Charles Honorton, "Relationship between EEG Alpha Activity and ESP 
Card-Guessing," Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 
63 (1969): 365-74. 

15. William G. Braud, "Relaxation as a Psi-Conductive State," Bulletin 
of the Psychonomic Society 3, no.2 (1974): 115-18. 

16. H. Eisenberg and Don C. Donderi, "Telepathic Transfer of Emotional 
Information in Humans," Journal of Psychology 103 (1979): 19-43. 

17. Robert E. Bartholomew, Keith Basterfield, and G. S. Howard, "UFO 
Abductees and Contactees: Psychopathology or Fantasy Proneness?" 
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 22, no.3 (1991): 215-22. 

18. Nicholas Spanos, P. A. Cross, K. Dickson, and S. DuBreuil, "Close 
Encounters: An Examination of UFO Experiences," Journal of Abnormal 
Psychology 102, no.4 (1993): 624-32. 

19. Ted Bloecher, Aphrodite Clamar, and Budd Hopkins, Final Report on 
the Psychological Testing of UFO "Abductees" (Mount Rainier, Md.: Fund 
for UFO Research, 1985). 

20. Mark Rodeghier, Jeff Goodpaster, and Sandra Blatterbauer, 
"Psychosocial Characteristics of Abductees: Results from the CUFOS 
Abduction Project," Journal of UFO Studies, new ser. 3 (1991): 59-90. 

21. John S. Carpenter, "Double Abduction Case: Correlation of Hypnosis 
Data," Journal of UFO Studies, new ser. 3 (1991): 91-114. 

22. Richard F. Haines, "Multiple Abduction Evidence--What's Really 
Needed?" in Andrea Pritchard, David E. Pritchard, John Mack, et al., 
eds. Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Alien Abduction Study 
Conference (Cambridge, Mass.: North Cambridge Press, 1994), 240-245. See 
also Richard F. Haines, "Novel Investigative Techniques," in Alien 
Discussions, 468-69. 

23. Richard F. Haines, "Hypnosis: Problems and Techniques." Paper 
presented at the National Conference on Anomalous Experience, Temple 
University, Philadelphia, 1990. 
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Copyright © 1996 Center for UFO Studies, 2457 W. Peterson, Chicago, IL 

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