Msg#: 13438                                        Date: 06-17-96  03:06
  From: Blue Resonant Human                          Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: "The Horrible Truth"
Reply-to: iufo@alterzone.com
From: "Blue Resonant Human" 
Originally to: iufo@alterzone.com
Sender: iufo-approval@alterzone.com
Original Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 04:28:59 GMT

->  SearchNet's   iufo   Mailing List

In the off-chance that you have not yet seen this disturbing
correlation, I have excerpted a relevant section from from a
recent LE interview with Alex Collier (Andromedan contactee
of some 31 years now) and an abduction account from Karla
Turner's "Masquerade of Angels."  You may be surprised by the
disturbing synchronicity.


- - - - -

Val: What other kind of interesting interplay has gone on behind
the scenes lately?  There are apparently a lot of skirmishes going

AC: A lot of it has involved the Pleiadians and the Greys.  To
my knowledge, it hasn't moved beyond those two groups going after
each other.  The Greys are trying to get out of here.  I was told
about a situation which occurred about two or three years ago.
I was given information that a 21 mile long craft was seen leaving
the equator from under the ocean.  The Tau Cetians, the Pleiadians
and a group from Zeta Reticuli I, who were not Service to Self,
formed a triangular position to block this craft which was trying
to get off Earth and evade the quarantine the Andromedan Council
is trying to establish relative to alien races visting the Earth.
Anyway, they captured the craft, which belonged to the Dows (large
white-skinned Greys).  They were able to board the craft and they
found 8,700 hybrid children.

Val: Human hybrid children. Grey-human hybrids?

AC: Yes.

Val: They were trying to get the hybrids off the planet even though
the whole hybrid program is a lost cause?

AC: Well, there's more.  They also found more than 1,000 human 
children that had been placed in cryogenic stasis, and over 
1,000,000 of these little boxes that contained the life forces 
of souls from Earth.

Val: Captured human souls.

AC: Souls. 

Val: And what do they do with these souls?

AC: They feed off the energy radiated by the souls.  What they
are doing, Val, is that they are taking the life force and they
are somehow siphoning it off a little at a time and feeding it
to the hybrids in order to keep them alive, trying to keep them
alive and create a soul in them.

Val: Meanwhile, what happens to the soul in the box?

AC: Morenae did not want to answer that question. The 1,000 human
children that were taken off the craft were then transported to
the Pleiadian system. The decision was apparently made that they
could not come back to Earth after this experience with the Greys.
I do not know what happened to the souls that were in those boxes.

- - - - -

Following is an excerpt of a hypnotic regression in which 
hypnotherapist Barbara Bartholic regressed abductee Ted Rice to 
an event he experienced at the tender young age of eight.  The 
account comes from the book "Masquerade of Angels" by Karla 
Turner, Ph.D. (ISBN 0-9640899-1-2), Kelt Works Publishing, P.O. 
Box 32, Roland, AK, 72135.  


The day was cloudy and overcast, but little Teddy didn't mind.  
He loved playing alone, roaming through the cottonfields and 
chasing the small animals he flushed from cover.  His bare feet 
scuffling along, raising dusty clouds behind him.  The sky grew 
darker, and Teddy wondered if a storm might be coming.  Maybe he 
should get back home, he thought, turning away from the open 
fields and heading for the faded gray house beyond the farmland.

As he walked along, something made him look up.  A light high 
above him shone down, and Teddy had to shield his eyes from 
blinding radiance.

"That's not the sun, is it?" he wondered.  But before he could 
go further, he felt himself rising from the ground, unable to 
move, floating up toward the source of the strange light.

An image began to emerge from the white brilliance, the image of 
a grating or grillwork.  As he approached it, Teddy felt himself 
pass right through, like smoke through a picketfence, and his 
mind blanked out.

When he was once again aware of his surroundings, Teddy saw that 
he was in a strange room, and he was not alone.

"I just saw an ugly face," Ted told Barbara in a whisper.  "It 
looked chalky white.  The head almost looked like it was 
plastic, a mask.  It had kind of an angular chin, coming down in 
a V-shape, and curved slightly.  There are two dark holes for 
the eyes.  They look more like holes than anything else, like 
it's just a void."

Two small, gray beings stood watching Teddy.

"Who are you?" he asked, looking around in confusion.  "Where am I?"

The beings made no sound in response, but then he began to hear 
them in his mind.  They told him not to speak aloud, that it was 
not necessary.

"Talk to us mentally," they communicated, but they would not 
answer his questions.

The beings guided him over to a small sitting area and placed 
him beside a window.  Looking through it, Teddy became very 
alarmed.  He could see his grandmother's house below him, but 
then whatever he was inside began to turn and move upward 
rapidly, away from the farm below.

Bright, multicolored lights flashed by, and he felt as if he 
were moving at great speed.  The lights disappeared, and all 
Teddy could see out the window was total darkness.  Fascinated, 
he watched for a while, and then he spotted something in the 
distance.  It was a round, pea-shaped thing that appeared to be 
getting larger.  Before long, he realized that the round thing 
was not really growing, but that he was approaching closer to it.
It was a dark, gray-green metallic orb, with spikes protruding 
from various angles.

"Do you remember watching old World War II movies and those 
great big explosive mines that were in the ocean.  Ted asked.  
"I keep seeing something that looks like that, only huge, kind 
of a dark color, and I don't see any windows.  But there are 
little things sticking out on it."

"Where is this located?" Barbara asked.

"I don't know," Ted replied.

Inside the moving craft, Teddy watched the approach to the spiky 
orb, which he could now tell was of enormous size.  He noticed 
tiny objects around the sphere, flying in and out of the tips of 
the spikes.  Teddy drew nearer until at last he could discern 
what these objects were: metallic ships entering the projections.
And he saw that the craft he was in was now maneuvering to 
enter one of those openings.

Once inside the huge sphere, the craft carrying Teddy came to 
rest on a gigantic platform.  He was led out by the two gray 
beings into what seemed to be the central part of the strange 
environment.  The top of the structure was so far above him that 
he couldn't even see it.  Beams of light stretched from point to 
point, and he watched as other creatures like the ones with him 
traversed the light beams as if they were walkways.

Propelled forward by his companions, Teddy walked down long a 
hall, noticing the luxuriantly plush carpeting beneath his bare 
feet.  They came to a door or opening, and he was led inside.  
Everything was so quiet that Teddy felt frightened.  The 
stillness was sepulchral, and as he looked around he sensed that 
there was no love, no emotion there, only the deathly silence.  
The gray beings were cold, unsmiling, and uncommunicative.

The little room reminded Teddy of a doctor's office, filled with 
cabinets, counters, and strange machinery.  In the middle of the 
room stood a shiny metallic plate, taller than he was, suspended 
a few inches above the floor.  It had a small shelf or foot 
support upon which the beings placed him, with his back against 
the cold metal plate.  It was hard for him to see clearly in 
this room, for it was lit only by a soft, hazy, bluish ambience 
that had no discernible source.

Someone else entered the room, a woman with burgundy red hair, 
bluntly cut, with bangs.  Her face was rouged and her lips 
darkly painted.  She wore a white lab coat, as if she were a 
doctor's assistant.

"Remove your clothes," she told him mentally.

"No," Teddy thought back at her.  "I don't want to."

Ignoring his protests, the woman and the gray beings forcibly 
undressed him, and then she walked over to a counter top area 
where many lights pulsated.  Teddy saw large screens above the 
counter and other devices he couldn't identify.  The woman 
pushed some buttons or switches or something, Teddy wasn't 
really sure, and then the metal plate against which he was 
standing began to change colors.

"The wall's kind of lit up behind me," Ted told Barbara.  "I've 
got the feeling they're across the room looking at me.  It looks 
like an X-ray and they can see through me.  Or maybe what's on 
the wall behind me is telling them something.  The wall is funny 
behind me, and these eyes are watching from across the room.  
They're looking at me, they're talking about what they're seeing 
on the wall.  It has to do with me."

He paused, concentrating on his interior images.

"They've done something to me," he resumed, "and they're seeing, 
they're looking to see how it is."

What had seemed solid metal behind him now seemed more like a 
window through which colored lights shone.  Teddy saw that on 
the screens above the counter a series of images appeared.  At 
first he recognized images of his bone structure, and then the 
image changed to show blood vessels.  Next he could make out 
what appeared to be his internal organs, and as each image 
changed, it seemed this device was recording absolutely 
everything about his body.  It was even counting the number of 
hairs on his head.

Teddy was startled when the plate against which he stood 
suddenly moved, tilting slowly back until it was horizontal, 
like a table.  He raised his head and saw the gray beings 
approach.  They carried a strange device that reminded him of 
headphones, which they positioned on his head so that it covered 
his ears.  Noise came from the device, puzzling at first but 
growing painful as it continued.  He didn't like this noise, he 
wanted the headphones off his head, and he wanted to get out of 
that office and awayfrom these beings.

The woman returned from the counter area with a glass in her 
hand.  It was filled with a green liquid, and Teddy was amazed 
by the way the liquid glowed in the dimly lit room.

"Drink it," she communicated, holding out the glass.

"No," Teddy shook his head.  "I want to go home."

"Drink it now," she insisted, "or you cannot go home.  If you 
want to go home, you must mind me as you do your mother."

"You're not my mother," he thought back at her, but she was 

"After you drink this,"she continued, "you can go home."

No emotion came from the woman, but Teddy was scared into 
submission.  Without another word, he took the glass and drank 
the glowing liquid.  Immediately he became sick, nauseated, and 
pain flared up as if his insides were on fire.  He lay back on 
the table growing sicker, until he vomited.  Tendrils of green 
liquid dribbled down his mouth and chin, still glowing, but at 
least he no longe felt ill.

And then, as if he were standing a few feet away from the table, 
Teddy could see his body lying there motionless.
"Am I dead?" he wondered.

Something cloudy and formless began to rise upfrom the small 
body.  Teddy was amazed as he watched this mass slowly coalesce 
into a beautiful image of himself, and he saw that it was 
attached by a bottom tendril to drops of the green liquid on 

"It's my soul!" he thought in amazement.

The miniature image turned toward the red-headed woman and 
looked at her.  Teddy could feel great emotion coming from this 
form.  He felt it was showing pure love and total, instant 
forgiveness toward her, although he didn't understand why.

The woman went to the counter for a black, rectangular box, 
which she carried back over to the table where Teddy's body lay. 
With a single motion, she turned his body over and placed the 
black box on the shoulder area.  Wires were then attached to the 
box, and the woman somehow activated it.  The little spirit 
image was slowly sucked into the box, which the woman then 
removed and replaced on the counter.

Next, she pulled down an instrument from the ceiling and turned 
it on.

"I see what looks like a dentist's drill," Ted described for 
Barbara, "kind of on a hook, expanding.  They're using something 
like this, working on my head, the lower neck."

"Can you describe this action?" Barbara asked.

"They do something on both sides of the back of my neck, the 
lower part," Ted exclaimed.  "I don't like them doing that.  
That's when things started happening in my mind, when I see them 
doing that."

"What was happening in your head?"

"What I didn't like was forgetting things," Ted groped for the 
words to explain the sensation. "I wasn't remembering very well."

Teddy saw a thin beam of light at the tip of the instrument, 
watching as the woman moved it down to the back of his neck.  
With the lightbeam she swiftly severed the head.from the body 
and placed it in a basket-sized container on the floor.  The 
table tilted again slightly, allowing the blood from the body to 
flow into a vat.

Teddy's mind went completely blank.  When he was next aware, he 
could hear a noise like a large resuscitator in the distance.  
And he was looking down on row after row of short tubs or 

"Give me all the impressions of where you are now," Barbara 

"This room's a lot bigger," Ted said, "and I can see lockers, 
like in a gymnasium.  There seem to be lockers all the way 
around the walls, everywhere."

The tubs pulsated to the rhythm of the noise, and he could see 
that they were filled with dark red liquid in which chunks of 
fleshy tissue floated.  The sides of the tubs appeared to be 
made of cowhide.  At the end of each tub, he saw something that 
reminded him of the genitals of a cow, and as he watched, one of 
these areas opened, releasing a placenta-like bubble of dark red 

The gray beings picked up this mass and carried it over to a 
sink-type receptacle.  They turned on a water outlet and gently 
washed the bubble.  When they turned back around, Teddy could 
see that they held a tiny baby.

"Describe these lockers, please, Ted," Barbara requested.

"They're not lockers," he replied, becoming more agitated with 
each word.  "They're compartments, they'll open, and there's 
something in all of those."

"What's in there?" Barbara asked.

"I can't look," he whispered, breathing rapidly.  "Oh!  Oh!  No! 
I want up!"

Ted fought to escape from the couch, panicked by the vision of 
the compartments.  It was all Barbara could do to keep him 
subdued as she worked to soothe his terror and return him to 
more control.

"Lie down, Ted," she murmured, "and relax.  Relax.  It's okay, 
you can cry.  It's all right."

One of the beings went over to a short cabinet in a locker area 
and opened the door, placing the baby inside.  The other being 
activated a control on the locker, and a few minutes later 
opened the door again.  It rolled out what looked like a small 
wind-tunnel contraption.  Within it was a tray, and on the tray 
Teddy saw a body identical to his, completely naked.

The beings moved this body over to the tilted table, which now 
stood empty, and placed it on the metal surface.  Then the woman 
brought back the black box and set it on the body's chest.  
Teddy could not see exactly what was done at that point, but he 
could see the naked body suddenly begin to jerk in short spasms. 
After that, the chest started to rise and fall, as if the body 
was now breathing.

The woman removed the black box, replacing it on the counter. 
She and her gray helpers next inserted long, needle-like 
instruments into the bottom of each foot, the chest, and the 
back and top of the head.

"They do a lot of things," Ted told Barbara, as he regained his 
composure.  "They stuck something in my feet, up closer to the 

"What was put in there?" she asked.

"I don't know," he replied, 'but I'm being told it will make me 
big and strong.  And they put some kind of drops in my eyes."

"What was the purpose for that?"

"I don't know.  My eyes were hurting like they're real dry and 
irritated.  Somebody keeps telling me that I'll be all right, 
they'll be finished in a minute and that I can go home."

One of the grays then brought the woman the headphone device. 
She placed it on the body and activated the counter equipment 
once again.

"I have remembrance!" Teddy thought, "I have feelings again!"  A 
moment before he had felt nothing and known nothing, but now he 
was aware of who he was.  He remembered everything he had 
thought and felt when he was in his original body, and with a 
surge of emotion he mentally cried out that he wanted to go home.

But there was more for him to endure.  The grays helped him up 
from the table- he was now clearly back in a body, the body they 
had created and activated, and led him out to another room.  
Waitingfor him there was a different person, a man dressed in a 
purple suit and long cape, tall and skinny, more human-looking 
than the others. His skin was almost an orangish-white, a melon 
color, and his eyes looked strange because there were no 
eyebrows above them.  His dark hair, which made a sharp widow's 
peak on his forehead, looked unnatural, as if it were painted on 
his head.

The tall man jerked Teddy up impatiently and seemed to have a 
nasty disposition that made the boy very uncomfortable.  But 
before anything else could happen, another man entered the room. 
This one looked totally human, with kind eyes and short, blond 
hair.  He wore blousy, old-fashioned clothes of emerald green 
trimmed in gold and white.

The blond man said something to the bad-tempered man that Teddy 
could not understand, but he got the impression they were 
arguing about him.  Then the dark-haired man angrily stomped his 
foot, whirled around, and left the room.  The blond man squatted 
down beside Teddy and put his arm around the little boy's 
shoulder.  His gentle, soothing, almost sensual actions calmed 
Teddy's fears.

The man began to explain what had been going on, telling Teddy 
about the lockers and the procedures that had been performed.  
Speaking as if the child were an adult, the man told him that he 
would be able instantly to absorb this information.  He 
explained that there were periodic changes in the evolutionary 
process of the original Teddy, and that from time to time, for 
different reasons, such a switching-out procedure would be 
necessary for Teddy to fulfill his purpose here.  He told the 
boy that he would be visited occasionally to make sure 
everything was progressing as it should, for the man was 
studying the beginnings of a new approach to something Teddy 
couldn't really comprehend.

He also told Teddy that something had been done to his mother, 
and that the genealogical structure of both his parents had been 
used along with something else.  Teddy understood that he was 
part of an experimentfor the continuity of life, in some way 
involved with the final stages of growth.  When the explanation 
wasfinished, the blond man took Teddy's hand and led him through 
a doorway into a large auditorium area.

They stood together on a stage, and as Teddy looked out at the 
crowd of beings in the room, he saw many more of the gray people.
There were also numerous animals present among them, including 
some creatures he had never seen before.  They were all gathered 
there as an audience, waiting and watching, Teddy thought, with 
their attention focused on him.

From the opposite side of the stage, Teddy saw the dark-haired 
man walk out leading two other young children, a boy and a girl, 
who were also naked.  The red-headed woman also arrived, and she 
took the two children from the man and brought them over to 
where Teddy and his companion stood.

The blond man picked up Teddy in his arms and held him out for 
the audience to observe, and then he did the same thing with the 
other two children.

"Everybody, this group of people that was watching," Ted said, 
"it's like they approve it.  I don't know what that means, They 
were pleased with us for some reason."

"What did you say this area looks like?" Barbara asked.

"It's an auditorium," he repeated.  "There's a bunch of people 
there, and a lot of animals.  I don't know what some of these 
things are.  I see some tall, hairy creatures like a Bigfoot, 
and some horrible things that look like they're half-human, half-
ant or half-cockroach.  Those praying-mantis type things are big 
and have some almost human features.  Strange reddish-brown, 
worm-like creatures, and some furry brown fat ones, even some 
that look like a mix of human and monkey.  And all of them have 
their eyes on us."

The blond man began to address the audience, talking about 
future generations.  On a screen behind them, images flashed 
showing the "before" and the "after" products of the procedure 
Teddy had endured.

"See," the man said proudly, "these are just like the original 

He explained to the audience that these children were the 
beginnings of products of fture generations on earth.

Ted's chest began heaving again, and his agitation increased.

"What is coming into your mind now?" Barbara asked.

"The things he's saying, something about our creation," Ted 
managed to speak.  "Oooh!" he suddenly wailed, in long, mournful 
cries of fear and anger.  Barbara tried to calm him again, but 
he was too frightened to listen.

"I saw that locker door again!" he cried in anguish, shaking 

"It's okay, don't be afraid now," Barbara encouraged soothingly, 
while Ted gripped at the couch and fought against the spasms 
wracking his body.

'I know what's in there," he whispered, trembling.  "I know 
what's in there.  And that's what I don't like.  There's another 
one of me in there.  Oh!  Oh!  I don't want to do it any more!  
I want to stop!"

His eyes flew open and he stared around in panic.  No matter how 
much he wanted to block the memories, they kept coming.

"They put me in there and took it out," he whimpered, "they 
changed it.  There's another one of me in there."

Tears streamed down his face, and the spasms gradually ebbed 

"It's fine, it's okay," Barbara repeated.  "You let that out, 
you're fine now.  You'll feel better now that you've faced it."

"I wasn't produced in my mother," Ted said, crying again.  "I 
know.  I saw it.  There's more than one of me, looks just like 

"Did they all have your kindness and your generous spirit?" 
Barbara asked.  "Did they have your kind of soul?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Ted cried out, suddenly loud and 
even more terrified.  "I want to get up!"

- - - - -

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