The Canonical Scriptures ("Bible") in Jewish & Christian Traditions

1. The Bible of Classical Judaism = TaNaK

T(orah) [Law]         + N(eviim) [Prophets]     + K(etuvim) [Writings]
  ["5 Books of Moses"]                              [Hagiographa]
  ["(c)homesh" = "5"]   1. "Former Prophets"      1. Megillot [scrolls
  ["Pentateuch"]           Joshua                      for special use]
                           Judges                    Esther
  Genesis                  Samuel-Kings              Ruth
  Exodus                                             Song/Canticles
  Leviticus             2. "Latter Prophets"         Kohelet/Ecclesiastes
  Numbers                  Isaiah                    Lamentations
  Deuteronomy              Jeremiah
                           Ezekiel                2. Other
                           "The Twelve"              Psalms
                             ["Minor Prophets"]      Proverbs

2. Scriptures from Greek Judaism = "Septuagint" ("LXX")

TaNaK                   + "Apocrypha"
  in Greek Translation
  differently organized    1. Historical/         2. "Wisdom" Literature
  Pentateuch                  1 Esdras (see Ezra)    Wisdom of Solomon
  Historical Books            Tobit                  Sirach/Ben Sira/
    "former prophets"         Judith                   Ecclesiasticus
    plus Ruth                 Esther additions       Psalm 151
    Chronicles                Daniel additions    
    Ezra-Nehemiah               Song of the 3     3. Other
    Esther                      Susanna              
  Prophets                      Bel & Dragon         Letter of Jeremiah
    includes Daniel           1-2 Maccabees          
    Lamentations              3 Maccabees            [Latin (not Greek)]
  Holy Writings[Hagiographa]  4 Maccabees            (Prayer of Manasseh)
    [mostly poetic]                                  (4 Ezra)

3. Eastern Orthodox (Greek, etc.) and Roman Catholic (Latin) Christianity

"Old Testament" (see LXX)  + "New Testament"

  TaNaK                      1. Gospels    2. Letters     3. Other
    [with slight                "Synoptics"   Pauline        Acts
     differences                  Matthew     Petrine        Hebrews
     between Greek                Mark        Johannine      Revelation
     and Latin                    Luke        James
     collections]               John          Jude

4. Protestant Christianity

"Old Testament" = TaNaK    + "New Testament"
