Subject: [Atheist] re: AANEWS for August 20, 1998 (Part Two)
Date: Thursday, August 20, 1998 4:53 PM

subject: AANEWS for August 20, 1998

     A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
              ~~   A A N E W S   ~~
  #470 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8/20/98

  "For Reason and the First Amendment"

  In This Issue...
   * A Special Report

                                                        (Part Two)

  Christian Reconstructionism has been described as a "hang-tough" theological
position.  Unlike Robertson's premillennialist theology, Reconstructionists
embrace "postmillennialism."  Under this view, the return of Christ will not
occur until after a 1,000 year period during which Christians "subdue" the
earth and its inhabitants, and reconstruct society along Old Testament lines.
North's attachment to the Y2K "crisis" is somewhat at odds with other elements
of Reconstructionist dogma which tend to be less frantic and more long-range
in their  thinking and timetable, than are the tactics of other organizations
on the religious right.  Even so, Reconstructionists like North can see a
widespread and calamitous  Y2K event as a trigger in mobilizing some
Christians in preparation for establishment of Bible law throughout the
culture. And his popularity as a drum beater about Y2K positions Gary North as
the new leader and natural successor to the movement's aging patriarch,
theologian writer Rousas John Rushdoony.  Rushdoony has penned several dozen
books and founded the Chalcedon Institute, a locus of Christian
Reconstructionist theory and activism.  Diamond quoted North as suggesting,
"Rushdoony is the Marx of this movement.  I'm trying very hard to be the

   North has assembled an enormous quantity of material about the Y2K problem
which he distributes through publications and his web site at
His prediction for the post-year 2000 world is one of serious doom and gloom.
"Because the year 2000 begins on a Saturday, millions of victims will not be
aware of their dilemma until the following Monday or Tuesday," he writes.
"They will pay no attention to advance warnings, such as this one, that they
are at risk..."

   North incorporates the domino effect as a metaphor in his predictions,
calling it "one gigantic 'etc.'"  He also mentions the "butterfly effect," a
reference to scientific models involving initializing conditions in dynamic
systems.  North suggests that this "butterfly effect" will, for instance,
trigger a run by Japanese on unliquid banks resulting in a selloff of U.S.
debt related instruments.  "The dollar will fall.  Meanwhile, the run will
spread to other nations."

   Mr. North also goes into excruciating detail of how a Y2K crisis could
trigger unforeseen consequences in other areas.  In one projection, the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission shuts down atomic power plants which supply
approximately 20% of the generated power in the U.S.  This triggers a
catastrophic series of events leading to bank failures and  power black outs.
"Every computer in the country (goes down), compliant or not.  And if they all
go down, nobody will be able to repair any of them.  There is no tomorrow if
the national power grid goes down on January 1, 2000."

  North's scenarios essentially describe the death of technical civilization
and, presumably, secular society.  In one section of "Blind Man's Bluff in the
Year 2000," North even attempts to incorporate stages which psychologists have
identified in the psychological constitution of terminally ill patients,
including "awareness," "denial," "anger," "bargaining" and "acceptance" into
his description of how congregations might react to the Y2K crisis. North also
predicts that in the months prior to January 1, 2000, "the world's stock
markets will have crashed." due to currency withdrawals, thus triggering
another series of devastating "dominos."

   "I don't expect you to believe me... yet," admonishes North.

   North's prophetic writings are circulating widely through much of the
Fundamentalist and Evangelical community, and his materials have appeared in
the burgeoning numbers of web sites, seminars and special meetings being
organized by church groups.  Churches in the Vineyard Christian Fellowship,
for example, a movement which grew out of the "Jesus Movement" of the 1970s
and now has links to other groups like Promise Keepers, are offering special
Y2K "preparedness seminars"  across the country.

                                 "Last Days" -- One Of These Days...

   Another religious activist expressing prophetic concern over Y2K is Hal
Lindsey, author of best selling doomsday books like "The Late Great Planet
Earth."  Lindsey has focused  on many of the geopolitical events which have
appealed to Pat Robertson and others, such as the 1948 birth of the state of
Israel, and subsequent military confrontations in the middle east.  With the
passage of time, however, he has also had to alter his apocalyptic timetable
concerning "the last generation" and other eschatological minutia.  

   Despite many unsuccessful predictions of catastrophic events, such as a
Soviet invasion of the middle east or war with China, Lindsey -- like new age
psychics -- finds an inexhaustible supply of both old and virginal material to
recycle and fit into  ever-changing prophetic scenarios. He appears frequently
in articles and programs about "the final days."  Nearly thirty years after
making his initial mark as the nation's foremost pop culture eschatologists,
Lindsey was  featured in programs such as the CBS network special "Mysteries
of the Millennium" which aired in May, 1996.

   Lindsey's warnings about the Y2K problem echo the scenarios hinted at by
Robertson, or luridly portrayed by Gary North.  His "End Times Intelligence
Digest" mixes news on Y2K with themes such as "Earthquakes, famines, wars,
plagues, strange weather" and "Mystery Babylon, the False Prophet, One World
Church."  Lindsey is also compelled to postpone and update his predictions
concerning Armageddon.  Unfounded, thirty-year old warnings about Russian
invasions are discarded in favor of more contemporary doomsday fare.  In
"Planet Earth - 2000," Lindsey discusses "Berserk global weather, the crime
explosion, the spread of occultism, out of control drug abuse, what does it
all mean?"

                             Internet Prophets of Doom

   As with rumors about the crash of TWA Flight 800, UFOs, miracles  or
political assassinations, the internet has become a lively transmission belt
for warnings about the Y2K problem.  Many are written from a religious
perspective, and fuse the technical language of Y2K with a relentless battery
of references to Biblical verses.  The most extreme and calamitous scenarios
and descriptions seem to characterize these cyber prophesies and alerts, as in
one aptly titled  "A Warning to America, Y2K disasters and much worse to come,
soon." It vividly describes a Road Warrioresque, post-apocalypse future,
   "When the economy crumbles, you lose your job, and you can't pay your
debts, to whom will you turn?  When the natural disasters that are coming
disrupt all kinds of production and transportation and the grocery shelves are
empty, how will you feed your family?  When you have no electricity or heat
for months or years, what will you do...?

   The blame is laid at the doorstep of the Y2K bug.  "Trains and planes will
not be operating... Power plants will shut down... There will be no water for
bathing, drinking or toilets.  Sewage plants will not operate.   The telephone
system will shut down..."  Recipients of the Warning are urged to withdraw
from stock, bond and commodities markets, "go to cash and gold and silver
bullion coins," stock up on food, water and vitamins, and remember that "Guns
and ammunition will be essential for self defense, especially in or near big

   All of this is said to fulfill Bible prophesy, especially Amos 3:7, "God
does not do anything without telling His prophets first."

   "Numerous Christian prophets from different churches and denominations are
generally predicting the same following events..." Strangely, what follows is
a list of calamities which seem to link Fundamentalist scenarios for doomsday
with more arcane predictions from new age sources, including writers like the
late Edgar Cayce.  "Record-breaking" earthquakes hit the Pacific Rim, wipe out
much of Japan... Numerous volcanic eruptions will add to the destruction."
The United States literally splits in two, and major metropolitan areas such
as St. Louis, New Orleans and Chicago are inundated water.  

   Not all Christians, including those sounding the alarm about Y2K, embrace
such a catastrophic view of the future.  But the "Millennium bug" is a hot
topic on Christian radio where  warnings about Y2K reach a large audience.
Beverley LaHaye of Concerned Women for America recently completed a full week
of her regular programs which were devoted to the subject.  Elsewhere, in
print and on the internet, there is debate on how the church or individual
Christians should "respond" to the Y2K problem or "make preparations."   In
"What Should Christians Do About Y2K?" the faithful are reminded that "The
first step in preparing a congregation is to assure them that such
preparations are biblical..."  Quotes from the New Testament books of Matthew,
John and other sources are then used to construct "A biblical defense of Y2K
preparation," actions which include stocking up food supplies in warehouses
(Malachi 3:10) or  fleeing life-threatening situations (as in the accounts of
Peter and Paul).

                             Doomsday As A "Growth" Industry

   "Family Preparedness Now!" promises one company experiencing booming
business thanks to concern over the Y2K problem.  Websites, publications and
reports from Christian groups worried about the catastrophic and biblically
prophesied fallout from the Millennium bug are directing the faithful to a
slew of resources and companies selling everything from freeze-dried food to
other "emergency" supplies  like water purification systems and generators.
"Dare Christ Call us to Retreat?" asks Christian Perspectives on Y2K, while
suggesting the services of firms like the aptly named "Y2K Foods."  The list
of crises which demand an immediate order is extensive; "None of us are exempt
from an emergency whether it be from natural causes such as floods, lightning
caused fires, droughts, earthquakes, pests, tornadoes, hurricanes and tropical
storms, or from economic and medical crises such as from job loss, injuries,
chronic illness; or from political caused problems like increase in taxes,
inflation and recession; or something unexpected like being stranded in your
broken down vehicle in the middle of nowhere with no immediate help in sight."
Those ordering the "emergency" stockpiles  are purchasing "peace of mind."
One firm even offers a pyramid marketing arrangement (popular in some segments
of the evangelical subculture as is typified by the involvement of Amway
Corporation," where  a motivated doomsdayer can "Prepare 2 who Prepare 2 and
EAT FREE!"  For the unconvinced there are training seminars, a motivational
Conference Call, and special videos.

   Perhaps the best description, though, of the emergent Y2K religious mindset
is typified by Gary North, who declares, "Be afraid, be very afraid."

                                            Understanding The Hysteria...

   While there are indeed legitimate concerns about the Y2K problem, it is the
context in which this event is framed which challenges Atheists and others
seeking to understand this new social hysteria which is now percolating
through segments of the religious right.  Our examination suggested several

   * Y2K "preparedness" reflects human doubts and our ambiguous relationship
with technology.  It both liberates and binds us. The alarming scenarios
described by Robertson, or even luridly anticipated and welcomed by some
Christian Reconstructionists or  militia-survivalist groups, may be said to
describe the demise of an "unnatural" order of machines, industrialization and
emphasis on science and commerce.  This contrast of modern and "corrupt"
civilization with an earlier (and now, future) Golden Age of purification and
innocence resonates in many sacred texts, including the Old Testament.

   * Y2K is a "lease on life" for many apocalyptic believers, and their
spokespersons, who for years -- even decades -- have sought to interpret
current events in terms of Biblical prophesy. Surveys have suggested that
startling numbers of Americans (up to 40 million by some accounts) believe
that "ours is the last generation" before the unfolding of events described in
Daniel and Revelation.  Given the demise of earlier apocalyptic scenarios
involving the former Soviet Union and "godless communism," Y2K is a convenient
candidate as a touchstone for prophetic concerns.  Interestingly, Hal Lindsey
has shifted his focus in writing from the moribund Soviet imperium  to an
Islamic Empire.  This reflects the constant hunt for suitable candidates which
describe the Antichrist -- Nero, Adolph Hitler, Stalin, Henry Kissinger,
Saddam Hussein...

   * In addition, the more extreme attitudes enunciated by Reconstructionists
like Mr. North seem to suggest a staggering loss of life, an "accounting" and
punishment of the evil and wicked while those who prepare for this calamitous
eventuality -- the faithful -- survive. This is the essence of Tribulationism,
a period of widespread agony and suffering necessary to punish the wicked and
those who reject Christ.  The emphasis on the collapse of city  environments
in particular, and the fact that safety and survivability occur in the
countryside, suggests a rejection of cosmopolitanism and urbanism.
Significantly, anti-modernist movements have often focused on the city as a
metaphorical "cesspool" of  unnatural human arrangements; sometimes, the city
is identified with a demonized social group, such as blacks, gays, or Jews.
Indeed, the "punishment" of the Y2K bug could serve as a substitute for divine
wrath in the forms of AIDS, the Holocaust or some other form of persecution.
It is noteworthy that in Pat Robertson's case, the Y2K Millennium bug -- while
not fatal to civilization, perhaps -- underscores the inherent weakness and
corruptions of urban culture.  Robertson has incorporated themes from earlier
anti-Semitic writings and tracts into his other materials, such as "The New
World Order."  Whereas these earlier sources identified the "City" as the
realm of money-peddlers, degenerates, Jews or other villains, the "City" of
today is transformed into the realm of commercial secularism and technology --
reliance on reason and the mind, rather than direction from god.

   * Finally, Y2K is part of a larger development, an emergent millennialist
consciousness, a sense that the year 2000 (or some approximate date) is a
benchmark not only in our calendar but human history as well.  While the date
is certainly unique to us, previous periods have been characterized by a
similar sense of dread and anticipation.  Often, apocalyptic yearnings
betrayed deeper concerns about the human condition and fate.  William Miller,
who attracted tens of thousands of followers with his predictions about the
end of the world in the mid-nineteenth century, lived at a time of social
dislocation and change.  Often, deep cultural and social changes betray
themselves in outbursts of political zealotry, religious fervor or, in our
case, millennialist anguish.  

(Thanks to Larry Mundinger and Don Rivers for background and help with this
article -- ed.)



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