Icke's Shape-shifting Reptilians
From: Bruce Fleming

IUFO  Mailing List

Excerpt from David Icke book "The Biggest Secret" concerning
shape-shifting reptilians

[Note: Weeks after reading Icke's book. I still don't know what to
think or make of it. Browsing thru old iufo archives. I found out that
a person here has indeed seen one of these super-imposed reptoid
figure. However. Icke said there are many kinds of Reptilian; there
are those full bloodied reptilians who can shape-shift, there are
those who are possessed. So far I've only heard directly from a
person about the latter. Has anyone of you or know others who have
actually seen the shape-shifting version of the Reptoids? Icke also
mentioned about Cathy O'Brien being raped by a number of different
political figures such as Bill Clinton. It may or may not be true. But
then who would have believed the 22 yr old Monica if not for a fact
that she is a White House Intern. Let's keep an open mind and subject
everything to full scale critical multi-disciplinary analysis. I'll
comment on the bloodlines question in a separate message. - Bruce]

David Icke wrote:

"In a remarkable period of 15 days as I travelled, around the United
States in 1998, I met more than a dozen separate people who told me of
how they had seen humans transform into reptiles and go back again in
front of their eyes. Two television presenters had just such an
experience while interviewing, a man who was in favour of the global
centralisation of power known as the New World Order. After the live
interview, the male presenter said to his colleague that he had
experienced an amazing sight during the interview. He had seen the
man's face transform into a lizard-like creature and then return to
human. His female fellow presenter was astounded because she had seen
the interviewee's hands turn reptilian. The male presenter also told
me of an experience a policeman friend had while making a routine
visit: to an office block in Aurora, near Denver, Colorado. The
policeman had commented to an executive of one of the companies on the
ground: floor of the extreme nature o f security in the building. She
told him he should look at the higher floors if he wanted to know how
extensive it really  was. She also pointed to a lift which only went
to certain floors at the top of the building and, as they chatted, she
told him of something she had seen some weeks earlier. The lift had
opened and a very strange figure had emerged. He was white to the
point of: being albino, but he had a face shaped like a lizard and his
eye pupils were vertical like a reptile's. This lizard-like figure,
had walked out of the lift a nd in to an official-looking car waiting
outside. The policeman was so intrigued that lie used his own time to
check on the companies at the top of the building served, by the
mystery lift. He found they were all fronts for the Central
Intelligence Agency, the CIA.

Then there are the experiences of Cathy O'Brien, the mind controlled
slave of the United States government for more than 25 years, which
she details in her astonishing book, Trance Formation Of America,
written with Mark Phillips. She was sexually abused as a child and
as an adult by a stream of famous people named in her book. Among them
were the US Presidents, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and, most
appallingly, George Bush, a: major player in the Brotherhood, as my
books and others have long exposed. It w as Bush, a paedophile and
serial killer, who regularly abused and raped Cathy's daughter, Kelly
O'Brien,, as a toddler before her mother's courageous exposure of
these staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from
the mind control programme known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in
Trance Formation Of America of how George Bush was sitting in front of
her in his office in Washington DC when, he opened a book at a page
depicting "lizard-like aliens fro m a far off, deep space place.""
Bush the n claimed to be an 'alien' himself and appeared, before her
eyes, to transform 'like a chameleon' into a reptile. Cathy believed
that some kind of hologram had been activated to achieve this and from
her understanding at the time I can see why she rationalised her
experience in this way. Anyone would, because the truth is too
fantastic to comprehend until you see the build up of evidence.
'There's no doubt that alien~based mind programmes are part of these
mind control projects and that the whole U FO-extrat errestrial scene
is being massively manipulated, not least through Hollywood films
designed to mould public thinking. Cathy says in her book that George
Lucas, the producer of Star Wars, is an operative with NASA; and the
National Security Agency, the 'parent' body of the CIA." But given the
evidence presented by so many other people, I don't believe that what
Bush said and Cathy saw was just a mind control programme. I think he
was revealing the Biggest Secret, that a reptilian race from another
dimension has been controlling the planet for thousands of years. I
know other people who have seen Bush shape-shift into a reptilian,

The president of Mexico in the 1980s, Miguel DeLa Madrid; also used
Cathy in her mind controlled state. She said he told her thetegend of
the Iguana and explained that lizard-like extraterrestrials had
descended upon the Mayans in Mexico. The Mayan pyramids, their
advanced astronomical technology and ~ the sacrifice of virgins, was
inspired by lizard-like aliens, he told her."' He added that these
reptilians interbred with the Mayans to produce a form of life they
could inhabit. De La Madrid told Cathy that these reptile-human
bloodlines could, fluctuate between a human and iguana appearance
through chameleon-like abilities .- "a perfect vehicle for
transforming into world leaders", lie said. De la Madrid claimed to
have Mayan-lizard ancestry in his blood which allowed him to transform
back to an iguana at will. He then changed before her eyes, as Bush
had, and appeared to have a lizard-like tongue and eyes." Cathy
understandably believed this to be another holograp hic projection,
but was it really? Or was De La Madrid saying something very close to
the truth? This theme of being like a chameleon is merely another term
for 'shape-shifting', a theme you find throughout the ancient world
and ' among open minded people, in the modern one too, Shapeshifting
is the ability to use your mind to project another physical image for
people to see. Everything is energy vibrating, at different speeds, so
if you use your mind to re-vibrate that energy to a different
resonance, you can appear in a ny form you choose. Many witn esses
have described ' how the so-called ~ 'Men in Black' materialise and
dernaterialise when they threaten people who are communicating
information about extraterrestrials and UFOs. They can do this because
they are interdimensional beings who can appear in any form. This is
the main reason for the obsession with interbreeding among the Elite
bloodline families. They are seeking to maintain a genetic structure
which allows them to move between di mensions and shape-shift between
a hurnan and reptilian appea rance. Once the genetic structure falls
too far from it's reptilian origin, they can't shapeshift in this way.

Hunter S. Thompson in his book, Fear And, Loathing, In Las Vegas,"
describes seeing reptiles while in adrugged condition and a guy I met
in the United States (in those 15 days I mentioned earlier) told me a
similar story. He 'tripped' on a large amounts of LSD in the 1960s and
in his seriously mind-altered state he would see some people as humans
and others as humanoid lizards and other reptiles. For a while he
believed that: he was merely hallucinating, but as a regular 'tripper'
at high doses he began to realise that what he was seeing, usually by
the third day of a five-day 'trip', was not an hallucination, but the
vibratory veils lifting which allowed him to see beyond the physical
to the force controlling the person. In these moments the same people
always had lizard features and the same people always looked human.
They never switched. He also began to observe that those around him
who appeared lizard-like in his altered state always seemed to react
the same to movies, televisi on programmes, etc. "We us ed to laugh
and say 'here come the lizards'," he told me. He believed there was,
to use his own phrase, a 'morphogenetic field' which transmitted to
the DNA of the lizard people and aligned the cell structure to the
reptilian genetic blueprint. The more reptilian genes a person carries
the easier it is for this communication, or rather control,: to take
place. And the ones with the cell structure most aligned to the
reptilian blueprint are the Elite fa milies that run the world to this
day. It: is not withou t reason that Diana, Princess of I/Vales used
to call the Windsors the 'lizards' and the 'reptiles' and said in all
seriousness: "They're not human".This was told to me by a close
confidant of Diana for nine years whom I quote at length later in the

At the end of that 15 days of meeting person after person telling me
the same story of seeing humans become reptiles, I was sitting in the
speakers' room at a Whole Life Expo event in Minneapolis where I was
appearing and  was chatting about these experiences when a gifted
psychic lady said that she knew what I was talking about, because she
could see the reptiles inside and around  the bodies of leading world
politicians, and the business, banking and military 61ite.This was
possible because, as someone wh o had accessed her psychic sight, she
could  see beyond the physical and into the lower fourth dimension
where these reptilians reside. What did Miguel De La Madrid say to
Cathy O'Brien? The reptile-human bloodlines could fluctuate between a
human and iguana appearance through charneleon-like abilities .- "a
perfect vehicle for transforming into world: leaders' . This psychic
lady said that most of the people in positions of power appeared to be
reptiles, but there were other s who were still human and these
people, she said, were "overshadowed and controlled" by a reptile, but
they weren't actually reptiles. We would call this being possessed.
This is an important distinction. There are the 'full-bloods' who are
reptilians using an apparent human form to hide their true nature, and
the 'hybrids', the reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines, who,are
possessed by the reptilians from the fourth dimension. A third type
are the reptilians who directly man ifest in this dimension, but can't
hold that state indefinitely. Some of the 'Men in Black' are examples
of this. Many of the possessed people will have no idea that this is
so, but their thoughts are the reptilians' thoughts and they act in
ways that, advance the Agenda without realising the background to how
and, why they are being used. Leading Brotherhood families like the
Rothschilds and the Windsors are full-bloods reptilians wearing human
physical bodies like an overcoat in the full knowledge of who they are
and the Agenda they are s eeking to implement. Another c omment the
psychic lady made was that in her altered state of consciousness,
Hillary Clinton appeared as a reptile, while her husband, Bill Clinton
the US President, was only overshadowed, and controlled by one. This
is interesting because my own research, and: that of others, has
revealed Hillary Clinton to be much higher in, the hierarchy than
Bill, who, while of a crossbreed bloodline, is a pawn in the game, to
be used and discarded as necessary, I t is not always that the most
powerful people are placed in what appears to be the most powerful
jobs. Often they are not. They are the string-pullers of those who
appear to have the power.

There is another key difference between the full-bloods and the
crossbreeds. Everything is created by sound. When you think or feel,
you emit a wave of energy which changes the energy around you to
resonate at that same vibratory level, That wave is actually a sound,
broadcasting beyond the range of human hearing. Form cannot exist
without sound. As you can see in a fantastic series of videos called
Cymatics, it is sound: which turns matter into form. In the videos,
sand and other particles are placed on a metal plate and this is
vibrated by different, sound,-, which rearrange the sand into amazing,
often geometric patterns. With each change of sound the patterns
change accordingly. Go back to the original sound and the original
pattern returns immediately. It is like the waves that form the
concentric circles of the planetary orbits around  the Sun I mentioned
in the last chapter, The solar system is also the creation of sound.
Everything is. In the beginning was the word and the word was...
sound. In the Cy matics videos you see the particles form into mini
planets, solar systems and galaxies, just through sound vibrations.
Sound is also a wonderful form of healing because by resonating the
body and its organs at their proper vibration they can be healed.
Illness is disease, the disharmony of the natural vibrational state of
the body and, because our thoughts and emotions are actually sound
waves, our imbalanced thoughts and emotions disrupt the vibrational
harmony and therefore lead to diseas e. This is how em otional stress
causes illness. It is so simple. Anyway, another incredible example of
all this in the Cymatics videos is seeing almost:human-like figures
forming from the particles when certain sounds are emitted. Our bodies
are also the result of sound resonating energy into
form and if our mi nds are powerful enough to change the sound range
of th e body, it moves into another form or disappears from this
dimension, altogether. This is what is called shape-shifting. It is
not a miracle, it is science, the natural laws of creation. The
full-blood reptilians of the lower fourth dimension can therefore make
their 'human' physical: form disappear and ~ bring forward their
reptilian level of existence. They shape-shift. To us in this
dimension they appear human, but it's just a vibrational overcoat,

After the first draft, of this chapter was completed I met another
woman, this time in England, who had been married to a man involved in
Satanic ritual and the Brotherhood networks. He was head keeper of an
area of land called Burnham Beeches near! the
Buckinghamshire-Berkshire border a few miles from Slough, west of:
London. This is an ancient site mentioned in the Domesday Book at the
time of William the Conqueror in the Ilth century and it has a
reputation for Satanism. The lady who spoke to me was taki ng her dog
for a walk across the land at dusk in the early 1970s when she saw a
figure in a long red robe. When he lifted his head, she saw that his
face was that of a lizard. She obviously thought she was crazy, but
this was no illusion, she said The 'lizard' was very real and very
physical, not an apparition. She is very psychic and she later began
to see people either transform into lizards before her eyes or be
overshadowed by them in exactly th e way described by the American
psychic. If you look in the picture section you will see an artist's
impression of what she sees with her psychic sight and many others
have described exactly the same experiences. On July 20th 1988, a
number of people in Bishopsville, South Carolina said they were
terrorised by a "seven foot tall lizardman that had no hair, eyebrows
or lips, three fingers on each hand and large slanted eyes that glowed
red in colour". There were five sightings of this "lizard-man" and the
story was reported in the Los Ang eles Times and the Herald