The Universal Life Church Doctor of Divinity

This is the same type of degree you would receive, from any other church in America. This degree allows you to put the D.D. behind your name, and it will open many doors for you.

Thousands and thousands of people from all over the world have already received this degree. The Fundamentalist type, the Metaphysical type, and the New Age type.

This degree does not give you any authority, such as marrying people, or anything else having to do with the state. It is strictly a religious degree. However, it does allow you to use the title of 'Doctor'.

If you have a Ministers license with the Universal Life Church, then this will give you even more power in the church. If you do not have a Ministers license, and would like to have one, we would be more than happy to supply you with a Ministers credential.

Many thousands of people from the Baptist church, the Catholic church, and the Pentecostal type churches, from around the country, have this degree.

The Federal Government has recognized this degree for more than 30 years. We do not require a test for this degree.

This Doctor of Divinity Degree has been our most supportive, in order to keep the church operating. It is the first degree the church has offered.

The Federal Court case that we had, where the state said that we could not give this degree, we appealed it in Federal Court. Judge Battin's decision in the Federal Court said that we have a right to give this Doctor of Divinity degree. I will assure you, that any state or people will not deny a Federal Court decision.

Since you have become a Doctor of Divinity in the church, there is a few things we would like for you to know.

We are a group of people with an unincorporated charter, organized to help people. Our Doctrine is this - we believe only in that which is right, and that everybody has the right to determine what is right for themselves.

OUR GOAL - A Fuller Life For Everyone

OUR OBJECTIVE - Eternal Progression

OUR SLOGAN - To Live and Help Live

If you would like to go further, we have many other degrees such as a Ph.D. in Religion. This course is an ac-credited degree by the International Accrediting Association.

You must read our Bible, and the Testament of today, and answer 75% of the questions correctly. Then we will give you a Ph.D. in Religion. You can receive it for a donation of $100. This is not an honorary degree.

We also have many other degrees. We also have a Common Law course. If you are really interested in helping others and making some money while you do it, take this Common Law course. We have offered it in the past seven years for an offering of $495, but we need to get more people to take this course, so we are offering it to you for a donation of $295. This is a big savings of $200.

If you take this course and pass the test, then you will belong to the Universal Bar Association. You might have some trouble with judges letting you practice in court, but you can always help others and speak for yourself. Then you will understand what goes on in the courtroom.

I'm sure that you would like to help the Universal Life Church grow. You know that the church puts out a magazine called 'The ULC News'. Help keep the news alive, subscribe.

We have just completed our all new 'Holy Bible For The 21st Century.' If you have not yet received this Bible, we urge you to get this new bible today. It is not a translation, it is brand new.

This Bible talks about the world that was, the world that is, and the world to come. This Bible will make you laugh, it will make you mad, but most of all, it will stir you up and make you think.

I don't care if you are a Fundamentalist, a non-believer or a New Age type person. This book is for everyone, today. We are asking for an offering of $10. At this price, we are not making any money from this Bible. But, we want you to have it.

Many thousands of preachers have started their own congregations through The Universal Life Church. We urge you to start your own congregation, even if you have to start it in your home.

We have many other things you might want. We have a ministers card that you place in your car windshield when visiting hospitals and rest homes, or when you are parking in town, that states you are on official business. We do not tell you that you can park in handicapped spaces, but some do. All you need to do is fill in your name and address on the card.

If you have a press card, and you want to write a story, or just get some news, just place the card in your car window. If you get stopped by a cop and are going to fast, tell him you are on your way to a meeting to get a news story. Chances are, 9 out of 10 times, he will let you go.

lf you don't have a press card, send us $5 and we will send you back a press card.

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