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The God Conspiracy:

A great booklet called the God Conspiracy is availible. It explains a similar pattern to all of the various apocalypses throughout recorded history. It also explains how the various apocalypses were staged by people. The apocalypse happens over and over. Apocalypse does not mean blow up the world as many fools think... All "apocalypse" means is "unveiling" [from the greek "apo" - take away, + "kaliptien" - the cover, = "take away the cover" or "unveiling of a messiah-man or prophet" when used in religious terms.. The apocalypse is as much the beginning of the world as it is the end of the world. Either way it is a political and/or religious re-birth that happens as a result of the people of the world learning the amazing truth. This truth that sweeps the land is the truth about how the apocalypse is staged. When the public learns the truth, that the apocalypse is a conspiracy set up by people, they learn a legitamate explaination for the apocalypse that could actually happen in reality. When it happens, the truth will cover the whole world like a flood, and people will get caught up in all the publicity. This getting "caught-up" in the publicity of the apocalypse is sometimes describe as the Rapture. Each time the apocalyspe happens it is basically a conspiracy or "holy-coup", if you will. It is entirely controlled by people. The apocalypse is like a war of knowledge, and truth about the apocalypse itsef. It puts out an explaination for past apocalypses while causing the current one. It's pretty amazing, the way it is set up. This is totally new stuff!

A male is chosen to be the one who will bring fourth the truth to the masses. The group who stages the eventual apocalypse teaches the young man in the ways of the truth, until he becomes a man. When he is in his late teens or early twenties he is allowed to know the widely unknown knowledge about how the apocalypse is staged. This knowledge that is put in the hands of the young man is so controversial that it's teachings are even agaisnt the teachings of some of those who have high places in the church and in government. None the less, the young messiah is correct in his teachings and the others are incorrect. Eventually the teachings of the messiah become known to many because they make so much sense. The elete who stage the apocalyspe admit to doing so right at the end and thus confirming everything the messiah had been going around saying all along -- this blows everybodys mind. The apocalypse or unveiling goes out to all the world. The messiah comes as an overthrow man to the current teachings of the day. The truth about the apocalypse becomes distorted since the time of the previous apocalypse. The messiah or overthrow-man brings the updated truth to a confused people.

It is planned all along for the messiah to overcome the "hurdles" put before him by the elete group who stage the apocalypse. The messiah is helped over each hurdle right on schedual as he builds up support for his new ideas. Actually the Messiah's ideas are not new at all. The truth about the apocalypse becomes so distorted since the time of the last apocalypse that the Messiah's ideas seem new and controversial to the people of the time just prior to an apocalypse. Thus the messiah usually comes as an antithesis to the then current views of the church and the masses. The messiah comes as an overthrow-man. This is why Moses had to overthrough Pharoah, or why Adam had to disobey the "god of the Garden" in order to cause the garden to fall. The Messiah in the book of Revelation appears as a great beast as he starts to gain recognition spreading the truth. [from Rev. "The beast is given power to wage war with the Saints, even the Saints of the most high, until they are worn down and overcome". Basically they are overcome with truth and forced to accept that they are wrong, and that they are responsible for spreading incorrect and twisted information that has become distorted since the time of the last apocalypse. It is only after the messiah overcomes the period of mistruths and misinformation that his teachings are finally allowed to gain recognition. The thing is that it is planned all along for the messiah to eventually be allowed to bring forth his truth. The apocalyptic book of Daniel says that the elite shorten the apocalypse right at the end so that it doesn't get out of hand. This proves that it is staged by people. The messiah is the overthrow-man, who has to bring public attention to the apocalyspe. The Messiah is the catalyst for the apocalypse.

One important fact to consider is that, at the time the Bible and many ancient myths were written, it was illegal to write literally about events. Instead of using real names to describe events, writers of ancient times where forced to use metaphor to describe the important and influential people of their times. Names such as, Angels, Devils, Gods, Beasts, Demons, Dragons, Horsemen, etc. were used to describe the powerful people and those who play important central roles in the apocalypse.

The apocalypse is a recurring event that is often referred to as the war in the heavens. Heaven is basically the elite people who stage the apocalypse. The individual Messiah or overthrow-man is like the beast in Revelation. He is like Lucifer, the angel of light, who tries to overthrow heaven. He is also like Adam of Genesis. There is a famous picture of Moses in which Moses is shown having horns coming out of his head -- moses was one of these overthrow-men. This overthrow-man is also like the rider on the white horse as described in Revelation who is sometimes refered to as the anti-christ. He rises up by correctely explaining the apocalypse with his teachings -- he comes into the arena with the great truth but he too is soon upstaged.

There are three other men involved in the apocalypse and together with the overthrow-man they are the Four Men of the apocalypse. The Four Men of the apocalypse are sometimes referred to as the four beasts of the apocalypse, or the four hoursemen of the apocalypse, or four angels of the apocalypse. The three men deceive or trick the fourth man. An ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic from the book of the dead shows three men dragging a net that captures a fourth -- this is the point that the apocalypse of the ancient Egyptians was staged. The young Messiah meets the three other men of the apocalypse and he is told the secrets to the way the apocalypse is staged. The three men help to trick or deceive the young individual messiah by getting him to keep the apocalypse a secret, and/or by getting him to go along with the apocalypse as if he's involved in some sort of secret god fraternity. The apocalypse is kept a secret for several years (up to ten years). This is the time that the individual Messiah goes on his "secret journey", if you will, in which the people involved in the god conspiracy place hurdles before the messiah as well as help him over hurdles as he rises up until his teachings evenutaully become known to the whole world.

At the time that the apocalypse is staged the young messiah has no idea how badly he has been deceived. He goes along with the apocalypse unknowing at first that he is the one who must overcome the deception on his own. The fourth man or individual overthrow-man must prove that the apocalypse is set up in order to overcome the deception. In the very end the three men upstage the overthrow-man with a public act that is equally as courageous as the actions of the overthrow-man in his bringing the whole apocalypse-conspiracy to light. It seems that the three men are human sacrifices who give their lives to establish the foundation of the world as "god's martyrs", if you will. The three men become like Jesus Christ-type god martyrs in an event that is intended to make every man who lives on feel like he is like Adam of Genesis, and every woman like Eve. The original messiah who is upstaged by the other three men is like Adam of Genesis after the fall when he is kicked out of the garden. He is similar to lucifer in the way he was kicked out of heaven. The individual Messiah or overthrow-man is to live out his life just like any other mortal man. Although the individual messiah is allowed to wear the godhead, if you will, for a period of time, he only does so for a short time so that he can overcome by bringing the truth -- as soon as he overcomes he is quickly upstaged by the three martyrs and then he goes on to live out his life just like any other man. It seems that the three martyrs become remembered as the Messiah's as martyrs like Jesus Christ types, or like the three martyrs described in Daniel and in other apocalyptic texts. It seems that the forth man, the overthrow man may disappear from the spotlight -- perhaps known only to a few, and not to many.

I'm actually not exactely positive what exactely happens to the individual messiah, the fourth man of the apocalypse, the individual messiah who is tricked into becoming the catalist for the apocalypse. I sometimes call this man the "man like Adam" or "man like Moses" or "man like Lucifer" -- I'm not exactely sure what becomes of his life after the apocalypse or unveiling. However in the book of Revelationit seems that the overthrow-man becomes the rider on the white horse who marries the Queen of the Heavens in the wedding of the Lamb. In the book of Genesis it seems that this man lives on as Adam.

It seems that the actual name of the overthrow-man may be intentinally lost, and his role in the apocalypse is made to appear diminished, as if he didn't really have anything to do with it since it was planned for him to overcome the deception. It's like the overthrow-man or individual messiah goes on a "god rollercoster ride" and then returned to where he started. He is first plucked from his average normal life, and he is droped into the pit of hell, and he eventually rises up to the thrown of god. He brings the great truth, and is vindicated, and then put right back to where he started in the first place. The actual individual who is the overthrow-man may not be known world wide as it is basically in his best interest to deny that he is that man. He lives on and he takes a wife. He slips away to live out his life with his new wife who is often referred to as the queen of the heavens. The overthrow-man's going off into obscurity seems to be the equivalent of Adam being expelled from the Garden of Eden, and/or the equivalent of Lucifer being expelled from heaven. The overthrow-man messiah and his new wife live out their lives much like everybody else.

Here are some examples of past apocalypses (some of the apocalypses mentioned in this list may be duplicate descriptions of the same apocalypse): This list is not complete.

  1. Garden of Eden - was staged by people other than Adan & Eve. Adam was the central figure of that apocalypse and Eve was his wife. A river is said to come out of eden and is parted into four heads, a referance to the four men of that apocalypse.
  2. Noah and the flood - flood was a metaphore for truth sweeping land. There was three other men on the ark with Noah.
  3. Apocalypse of Abraham -- he sees three men-angels thus he sees god face to face. He must overcome.
  4. Moses's overcoming Pharoah. (three men are metaphorically swallowed up by the earth)
  5. Fall of Babylon and/or events described in Revelation & Daniel
  6. Book of Revelation describes apocalypse as a battle between the four men of the apocalypse.
  7. Book of Daniel states that three martyrs walk in the fire and the fourth is like the son of man.
  8. The book of second Esdras describes an apocalypse as a situation where one king will rise and subdue three kings.
  9. Job's overcoming the deception of the three men which keeps him away from his wife and from his good life for a time, until he overcomes,
  10. Jonah's being swallowed by a whale and later saved by god.
  11. Situation with Sampson & Delilah
  12. Many Greek and Roman myths fit the same apocalypse pattern such as the situation with Zues & Athena.
  13. Even Ulysses' journey as described in Homer's Odyssey seems to be an account of an apocalypse.
  14. Ancient Egyptian sun god Ra's journey through the underworld and back is an apocalyptic account. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics center around a story of the four sons of Horus. I believe that the four sons of Horus are similar to the more modern four men of the apocalypse.

There's a lot more to the explaination of the interaction of the four men of the apocalypse. It's kind of tricky as there is sort of a last minute twist with the way the three men become god's martyrs and upstage the individuyal messiah who takes a wife and lives on as a normal man - like Adam. It's all explained.

I hope that what you've read so far makes sence to you. I welcome your comments and your requests for more info.

All of the various unvielings or "apocalypses" of the past were set up or staged by powerful people of those times. The booklet The God Conspiracy tells how the apocalypse is staged by people and how it develops and tells the pattern to all the various apocalypses. A full explainaiton is given for each apocalyptic event, and how each event supports the apocalypse pattern. The Messiah's unveiling is man-made. Even the Garden of Eden was a conspiracy! This booklet shows how Evolution and a conspiracy version of creation are compatible! The Four Men of the apocalypse explained, Messiah explained. This is totally new stuff. Check it out.

E-Mail me for more details: Please indicate if you are using Mac or Windows. Say that you've read the long upload.

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