Ä Area: Mytho ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 104 Date: 12-16-95 03:29 From: Khephera Read: Yes Replied: No To: James Nerlinger Mark: Subj: CORRECT Egyptian Creation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ On Dec 13 08:15 95, James Nerlinger of 1:108/155 wrote: ->> What say you Moderator (if you're watching)? :) JN> Go for it. I just wish you'd start sending me all these in a .ZIP file so JN> I JN> don't have to do a capture and edit the gobbledygook out. :) :( Sorry about that. I can't send files......not until I get the proper programs to do it. Perhaps soon.....(I'm just glad everything is getting through, I don't seem to be recieveing everything from this echo...). Anyway, here is what I call the MARDUK/TIAMAT theory. It uses the Enuma Elish (Babylonian Creation Epic) and Genesis as it's main focus of comparison. The Enuma Elish itself I will post in here once I get it typed into the computer....:) So, best to save this post to file and read it AFTER you've gotten your hands on the Enuma Elish somehow....otherwise you'll be lost. As I said, this is highly mystical...so it may make many go HUH????. But, bear through that as I make many good mythological cross-references that WILL be of interest. :) ***************************************** Copywrite(c)1995 Christopher "Aaron Jason" Leitch First, you need to know what the Hebrew Name of God, spelled YHVH, represnets: YHVH: Not a Name at all, really. It is a formula that sums up the Universe and it's Process of Creation. I make a definite distinction between this Name on the Tree of Life and the name Yahweh. As Yahweh was the God of the Apiru, then it was naturally His name that their mysticism developed around. Therefore, the Divine Name of YHVH has come to mean much more than a simple Volcano/Storm God. You will note that, when YHVH is involved, it is never pronounced as Yahweh. Also, when Yahweh is involved, I will never spell it out as YHVH. *****************------------------------------ THE MARDUK-TIAMAT EQUATION The Marduk/Tiamat Equation is an interpretation of the Divine Name YHVH. Once more, remember not to confuse this with Yahweh...who is only one God-Form amoung many. YHVH, as used today, is a very sophisticated formula that defines Divinty Itself. In fact, it is not Divinity alone, but Creation that is embodied here. The four letters of YHVH (called the Tetragrammaton) can be placed upon the Tree as follows: Y= Chockmah H= Binah V= Chesed - Yesod H= Malkuth The signifigance of this will be outlined below. What you are about to read is what much of the Apiru Ritual structure is based upon. One such instance is the version of the Opening by WatchTower included within these pages. In order for the following to make any sense, I advise you to first read the Enuma Elish. This Babylonian Creation Story is contained in the appendix to this book. After you have read it through, continue to follow along from the beginning, point by point, as you read on below. The Unmanifest: This is Divinity as total Unity, before Creation took place. On the Tree it is Kether. In Babylon, this is the intermixed Sweet and Salt Waters of Apsu and Tiamat. It is important to realise that this is not a case of two entities representing Unity. At the very beginning of the Enumah Elish, Tiamat and Apsu, a married couple, are considered as One Force. Y: Chockmah. The Divine Name here is Yah, spelled YH. This is where the Upper and Lower Waters (as per Genesis I), or the Sweet and Salt Waters are seperated into the two distinctive forms of Apsu and Tiamat; the Y and H of YH respectively. This is not the splitting of Tiamat Herself; it is simply where the two Deity Forms become apparent as two seperate Forces. In other words: Unity becomes Duality. This unbalance results in the uprising of Tiamat, or the Forces of Chaos and Destruction. In the mythos, this distinction is determined by the slaying of Apsu by Ea, so that Tiamat becomes distinct from Him. Ea, thus, is equated with the Demeugos in this respect. He does not complete the job Himself, however. As you will see below, Marduk is the other half of the Demiurgos process. H: Binah. The Divine Name here is YHVH, vocalized as Elohim. Elohim is the Name of the Creator God of Genesis, and this is where He is introduced into the Tiamat/Aspu equation. This Elohim is the process embodied within Marduk, the second half of the Babylonian Demiurgos. The result of the introduction of Marduk to the unbalanced Forces of Chaos results in the Splitting of Tiamat. The Splitting represents the restriction of the Waters of the Abyss. Another interpretaion is the binding of the Elements by Spirit, and the Rulership over them by it. Marduk represents that Spirit, where the Body of Tiamat, which was made into the physical universe, represents the Four Elements. V: This is the Lower Sephiroth of the Tree, which colectively form the Demiurgos Himself, Marduk. He is most equivelant to Tiphareth itself, the Sphere of LVX energy (explained later) which is the Light of the Wheel of the Year (as per Wicca). The Wheel of the Year is symbolic of all natural cycles and processes of the Universe, and thus is a symbol of Universal Order- the Natural Laws. Marduk is the God of those Natural Laws. H: Malkuth, the physical Universe Itself. This is the split body of Tiamat, the setting of the Earth and Sky. It is further symbolised as Marduk assigning the Gods to their Divine postions, the setting of the Heavenly Bodies, and all such acts of Marduk in setting the Universe into it's proper order. There is another point that I wish to make here. It is often thought that the splitting of Tiamat is equivelant to the Seperation of the Waters in Genesis I. This, however, is in error. The Seperation of the Waters equates instead with the Slaying of Apsu. The splitting of Tiamat is addressed in Genesis when the Waters are restricted so that dry land might appear. Elohim said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the Water, that it may seperate Water from Water" ... Elohim called the expanse Shamiam (Sky) ... Elohim said, "Let the Water below Shamaim be gathered into one area that the dry land may appear." ... Elohim called the dry land Aretz. At no point in the Torah are we told what became of the Upper Waters. We are only told of the Heavens, or Sky (Shamaim), and the Earth (Aretz). These are the two halves of Tiamat. In Hebrew Mythology, Tehom is the Primoridal Waters- the undisturbed Tiamat/Apsu. She is the Whole of the Waters, and the introduction of teh Expanse is Her seperation. However, Tehom is equated with Tiamat (who is only the Lower Waters), so this can only be half of the story. Of course, there is also Rahab, the Serpent/Arch-Angel of Destruction who arises from the Deep to fight Elohim's efforts. He is quickly slain and the Waters are sperated. Apparently, Rahab is also equated with Tiamat. In fact, He is a far better parallel to Tiamat than Tehom. It would seem that Rahab's coming out of the Deep is the seperation equal to the Slaying of Apsu. A better word for this would be "distinction". It takes the Totality of Tehom (Kether, or Tiamat/Apsu) and seperates it into the Upper Waters and Lower Waters (Chokmah, YH, or the seperated Tiamat and Apsu). Tehom, who has now become Rahab, thus becomes restricted to the Lower Waters, where She had first been equal to both the Upper and Lower. Tehom, in effect, is no more. Rahab (Tiamat) is the Force at work now. Though Rahab is not the Earth and Sky in Hebrew Mythos, the symbolism thus-far is the same. For a quick summery: Tiamat/Apsu represented the whole of Unity. Apsu was slain, thus causing Apsu and Tiamat to be distinguished from one another. The effect was that Tiamat, like Rahab, arose and became active and destructive (thus, Chaos). This followed, of course, by the Defeat, and the Setting of Sky and Earth. Once again, however, the Upper Waters themselves go unmentioned. So what of these Upper Waters? The clue lies within the Enuma Elish. When Aspu was slain, Ea built His palace within the Sweet Waters (Upper Waters). The Name of these Waters remained "Apsu", or sometimes, "Abzu". When the Salt Waters, Tiamat, where set as Earth and Sky, the status of the Sweet Waters went unchanged. The Upper Waters, then, are the Home of the Gods. This Home lies beyond the Sky and Below the Earth, and is part of neither one. Thus, the mistake in equating half of Tiamat to the Upper Waters. ********************-------------------- I would like to make a note on a particular Divine Name: Eve. Eve, in Hebrew, is "Havah" (HVH). Eve's Name translates into english as "Life"- much as "Adam" translates as "Mankind". Eve is Life, as She is the Mother of all that is Manifest in Reality. To prefix Her Name with the Divine Fire of Yod gives us the Tetragrammaton, YHVH. The signifigance of Her Name becomes apparent when viewed through the Marduk/Tiamat Equation. HVH is Marduk bringing Order, Manifest Reality, out of Chaos: H: The uprising of Tiamat. V: Marduk, who defeated Her and split Her body H: The setting of Her Body as Earth and Sky. Thus, in all respects, Eve's Name is one of Manifestation. Mythologically, Eve was the result of the seperation of the Archetypal Human, Adam Kadmon, who had been both Male and Female in one form (much like Tiamat/Apsu had been one force). Y: Adam, the God-Force H: Eve, the Goddess-Force, seperated V: from Adam, as well as the resulting H: process leading to Manifestaion. It is said that the seperation of Eve from Adam is what caused the Fall into Manifestaion. In this sense, the story of Adam and Eve is a "lesser" version of the Creation Story. And thus the importance of the Great Mother Eve to the Apiru Tradition. **************------------------------- Here are some other mythologies related to the Marduk/Tiamat Equation: Y, Apsu/Tiamat: Egypt: The Nun from which Re arose. Sumer: Mother Nanna Canaan: The Tyrant Yam-Nahir (the Sea and Rivers) H, Distinction between Apsu and Tiamat, Duality: Egypt: The Creation of Geb and Nuit (Earth and Sky). Sumer: Nanna gives birth to Ki and An (Earth and Sky) in the form of a solid mountain. Canaan: Yam (Sea) attempts to mate with Asherah (the Earth). V, The Uprising of Tiamat: Egypt: Re, Nuit's husband, catches Her making love to Geb (the intermixing of Earth and Sky here indicates Chaos). Re forcfully pulls Them apart and set Shu (the Air God) between Them. Sumer: An and Ki give birth to Enlil (Lord Air) who, by His very nature, causes His parents to become seperate as the Sky and the Earth. Thus, They are no longer a solid mass. Canaan: Baal defeat's Yam with two clubs, forcing the Waters into their proper places, and sets Himself as Ruler of the World. H, The Split Body of Tiamat: In all three cases: The physical world which resulted from the actions taken during the "Uprising of Tiamat". Rx Khephera -!- Msgedsq 3.20 ! Origin: Horus Orlando, FL (1:363/263.777)