Msg#: 1143                                         Date: 08-18-96  15:37
  From: Mirage                                       Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: Dum Blond                                    Mark:                     
  Subj: Re: alright!

DB> The Bible is all the evidence I need.  I have faith that the Bible is true,
Well, which version of the Bible is that? --You see, the Bible has been
changed and re-written time and time again. Many specific books have also
been changed or even omited. For example, the Epistle of Barnabus, a book
written in 130 AD was not included in either the Protestant or Catholic
versions of the Bible. Speaking of which, the Catholic Bible contains the
Apocrypha, 11 books that are not found in the Protestant Bible.

*Question: What are you're views on the Apocrypha?

Major revisions of Biblical scripture occured at the following places in
history: * 156 AD : The Gnostic and Marcionite Heresies
         * 250 AD : The Arian Controversy
         * 325 AD : The Formation of the Nicene Creed
         * 431 AD : The Creed of Chalcedon
         * 590 AD : The Formation of Monasticism
         * 726 AD : Division of the Church into East & West
         * 787 AD : The General Doctrinal Position
        * 1215 AD : Formation of The Franciscans
        * 1267 AD : Adoption of Principles of Summa Theologica
                    written by Saint Thomas Aquinas
        * 1400 AD : The Protestant Reformation
        * 1517 AD : The Lutheran Reformation
        * 1522 AD : The Swiss Reformation
        * 1527 AD : Adoption of Principles of Calvinism

And the list goes on and on... But you can see the number of times changes
were made to the Bible. Most Christians operated on the principle that the
Bible is the "word of god". But it's a fact that the Bible was changed and
modified time and time again by *humanity*. So Bible isn't really the "word
of god" after all, is it?

* Question: What are your views on the changes made to the Bible?

Source for above information: 
"From Stone Age To Christianity: Monotheism & The Historical Process"
by: W.F. Albright, (C)1940, John Hopkins Press
"Ancient Church History" 
by: Joseph C. Ayer, Jr., (C)1913 by Charles Scribners's Sons
"Man's Religions" 3rd Edition
by: John B. Noss, (C)1949,1956 by The Macmillan Company

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