1) The Lord is on my head like a crown,
 and I shall never be without Him.
2) The crown of Truth was woven for me,
 and caused Thy branches to bud and blossom in me.
3) For it is not like a parched and sterile crown that buds not;
 but Thou livest upon my head, and have blossomed upon me.
4) Thy fruits are full grown and perfect;
 and filled with Thy salvation.
1) I am putting on the love of the Lord,
 I clothe His limbs, and His members are with Him;
2) and I hang from them; and He loves me.
3) For I should not have not known how to love the Lord,
 if He did not love me continuously.
4) And who can tell us about love?
 Only one who is loved.
5) I love the Beloved and my self loves Him;
 and where His rest is, there am I also.
6) I shall be no stranger there,
 For there is no jealousy with my merciful and Most High Lord.
7) I have gone
to unite with Him, for the lover has found
 his Beloved.
8) And to love Him that is the Son, I become a son.
9) Indeed whoever is joined to Him who is immortal,
 shall become immortal.
10) And he that hath pleasure and delight in the Living One,
 shall become a living one.
11) This is the Spirit of the Lord, that is not false,
 Which teacheth the sons of men His ways.
12) Be wise. Be understanding and vigilant, and
 your eyes be open.
1) No man, O my God, can pervert Thy Holy place, nor alter it,
 for no man hath such power to change it to another place.
2) You designed Your sanctuary before you made the special places and the world.
3) The ancient One shall not be undone nor changed by what
 is younger and inferior to it.
4) Thou has given Thy heart, Oh Lord, to Thy believers
 and never will Thou fail, nor be without fruits.
5) For one  hour of Thy faith
 is more precious than all the days and years.
6) For who will be so despised and rejected,
 as to put on Thy grace and
7) For Thy seal is known.
 and Thy creatures are known to it.
8) And Thy angels and hosts posses Thy sign.
 and the elect archangels are robed in it.
9) Thou has give us Thy fellowship;
 not that Thou was in need of us,
  but we were in need of Thee.
10) Distill Thy dews upon us with gentle sprinklings,
11) And open Thy bountiful springs which abundantly
 pour forth to us; milk and honey from rich fountains.
12) There is nothing of which You repent,
 that Thou should not regret anything that Thou has promised.
13) And the end was known to Thee,
 for what Thou gave, Thou gavest freely,
  so that Thou might withdraw them back, and give forth again.
14) For all was known to Thee, God;
 and from the beginning, was set in order before Thee.
15) And You, Oh Lord, have made all things.
1) I give thanks and praise to Thee, Oh Lord,
 because I love Thee.
2) Oh Most High, do not forsake nor abandon me,
 for You are my hope.
3) Your grace I have received freely,
 and I shall live thereupon.
4) My persecutors shall come, but let them not see me.
5) let a cloud of darkness fall upon their eyes,
 and an air of thick gloom darken them.
6) And let them have no light to see,
 that they may not seize me.
7) Let their counsel become thick and dull,
 so that whatever they have cunningly conspired,
  may return upon their own heads.
8) For they have devised a counsel,
 but it has come to nothing.
9) And they have been overcome and vanquished,
 although they were powerful.
10) They prepared themselves maliciously,
 but they were found to be empty and impotent.
11) The Lord is my hope,
 I will not fear.
12) And because You are my God and my Savior,
 I shall not fear.
13) And He is as a garland that crowns my head,
 and I will not be moved nor shaken.
14) Even if everything should be shaken,
 I stand firm.
15) And if all things visible will perish,
 I shall not die.
16) For the Lord is with me,
 and I am with Him.
1) As the hand moves over the harp and the strings speak,
 so the Spirit of the Lord speaks in my members.
2) And I speak by His love.
3) For He destroys what is foreign and bitter,
 and everything is of the Lord.
4) For thus He was from the beginning,
 and will be unto the end.
5) So that nothing shall be His adversary,
 nor rise up and resist Him.
6) The Lord has multiplied His knowledge,
 and was zealous that those things should be known which,
  by His grace have been given to us.
7) And His praise he gave us on account of His name;
 and our spirits praise His Holy Spirit.
8) For there emanated forth a stream,
 and it became a great river, long and broad.
9) It swept away everything, and shattered and
 broke away the Temple.
10) Barriers of ordinary men could not restrain it,
 nor could those whose art it is to halt the waters.
11) And it spread over the face of all the earth,
 and it filled everything.
12) Then all the thirsty of the earth drank of it,
 and their thirst was relieved and quenched.
13) For from the Most High the drink was given.
14) Blessed are the ministers of that drink,
 who have been entrusted with the care of His water.
15) They have refreshed the parched lips,
 and the will that had been paralyzed, they raised up.
16) Even souls that were about to depart
 they have embraced, pouring in the breath,
  and so have drawn them back from death.
17) And limbs that had collapsed and become crooked,
 they have restored and set up straight.
18) They have strengthened our freedom,
 and given light for our eyes.
19) For everyone knew them as the Lord,
 And by the Living Water, they lived an eternal life.
1) As is the motion of anger over evil,
 so joy moves over the beloved;
  and floods us unhindered with its fruits.
2) My joy is the Lord, and I move toward Him.
 This way is beautiful and excellent.
3) For I have a Helper, who is the Lord.
 He has shown Himself to
 me in simplicity,
  and has let me know Him thoroughly.
4) His kindness has humbled His magnitude.
5) He became like me, that I might receive Him.
6) In form He was reckoned like me, so that I could put Him on.
7) And I did not tremble when I saw Him,
 for He was gracious to me.
8) He became like my nature, that I might understand Him.
9) He took on my essence and form, that I might not turn away.
10) The Father of Knowledge,
 is the Word of Knowledge.
11) He who created wisdom,
 is wiser than His works.
12) And He who created me when yet I was not,
 knew what I would do when I came into being.
13) So in His abundant grace He pitied me,
 and granted me to ask from Him;
  and to benefit from receiving His sacrifice.
14) For it is He who is incorruptible,
 the perfection of the worlds and their Father.
15) He grants Himself to be seen in His works, to them that are His own;
 so that He be recognized to them as their creator,
 that all might not suppose themselves to be self created.
16) His way is appointed to Knowledge.
 He has broadened it and extended it,
 and brought it completely to all perfection.
17) He set over it the traces of His light,
 proceeding therein from the beginning to the end.
18) For resting in His Son, He was served,
 and He was pleased with the Son.
19) And because of His salvation, the Lord took possession of all things.
20) The Most High will be known in His saints,
 and announced in songs of the coming of the Lord.
21) Those who sing of Him may go forth to meet Him,
 with joy and a harp of many tones.
22) The Seers shall go before Him,
 and they shall be seen.
23) They shall praise the Lord for His love,
 Because He is near and does see.
24) And hatred will be taken from the earth,
 and along with jealousy it shall be drowned.
25) For ignorance hath been destroyed,
 for the knowledge of the Lord has arrived.
26) Let singers sing the grace of the Lord Most High,
 and let them bring their songs forth.
27) Let their hearts be like the day,
 And their gentle harmonies and sounds like the majestic beauty of the Lord.
28) Let there be nothing without life,
 nor without knowledge, nor voice.
29) For the Lord has given a mouth to His creation:
 To open the voice of our mouth toward Him and praise Him.
30) Confess ye His power;
 declare and reveal His grace.
1) Open, open ye your hearts to the exultation of the Lord,
2) And let your love abound from the heart to the lips.
 In order to bring forth fruits to the Lord, a holy life,
  and to remove blindness by His light.
3) Rise up and stand erect,
 you who were sometimes brought low.
4) You who were in silence, speak,
 for your mouth has been opened.
5) You who were despised, henceforth be lifted up,
 For you Righteousness has been lifted up.
6) For the right hand of the Lord is with you,
 and He will be your Helper.
7) And peace was prepared for you,
 before your battle ever drew near.
Thus saith the Lord Jesus to me Simon as I bore His cross,
8) Hear the word of Truth,
 and receive the knowledge of the Most High.
9) Your flesh may not understand that which I am about to say to you;
 nor your garment that which I am about to show you.
10) Keep My mystery, you who are kept by it;
 keep My faith, you who are kept by it.
11) Understand My knowledge, you who know Me in Truth;
 and love Me with affection, you who love;
12) For I do not turn away My face from them that are Mine;
 because I know them.
13) Before they came into being,
 I took Knowledge and recognized them;
  and on their faces I set My seal.
14) I fashioned their members,
 and My own breasts I prepared for them;
  That they might drink My holy milk and live thereby.
15) I am pleased and took pleasure in them,
 and I am not ashamed by them.
16) For My workmanship are they,
 and the strength of My thoughts.
17) Who then can stand up against My work?
 Or who is not subject to them?
18) I willed and fashioned mind and heart;
 and they are My own.
19) And by My right hand I have set My elect ones.
20) And My righteousness goes before them,
 and they shall not be deprived nor detached from My name;
  For it is with them. Therefore, I Simon say unto you;
21) Pray and increase,
 and abide continually in the love of the Lord.
22) And you who are beloved ones, in the Beloved;
 and you who are kept in Him who lives,
  and you who are saved in Him who was saved;
23) You shall be found incorrupt in all the ages,
 on account of the Name of your Father.
1) Open your ears,
 and I shall speak to you.
2) Give me your self,
 so that I may also give you myself.
3) The Word of the Lord and His desires,
 The holy thought which He has thought concerning His Messiah.
4) For in the will of the Lord is your life,
 and His intention is eternal life,
5) And your perfection is incorruptible.
6) Be enriched in God the Father;
 and receive the purpose of the Most High.
7) Be strong and be redeemed by His grace.
8) For I announce peace to you His holy saints;
 so that none of those who hear shall fall in the battle.
9) And also that those who have known Him may not perish.
10) And so that those who have received Him may not be confused nor ashamed.
11) An everlasting crown is Truth:
 Blessed are those who set it on their heads;
12) It is a precious stone of great price,
 for the wars were on account of the crown.
13) But Righteousness has taken it,
 and given it unto you.
14) Put on the crown of the true covenant of the Lord;
 and all those who have overcome and conquered shall be inscribed in
  His book.
15) For their inscription is the justification and the book is their victory,
 both are yours.
16) And She sees you before Her and wills that you shall be saved.
1) The Lord God has directed my mouth by His Word,
2) And He has opened my heart by His Light.
3) And He has caused to dwell in me, His immortal life;
 and permitted me to proclaim the fruit of His peace.
4) To convert the souls of those who desire to come to Him,
 and to capture a good captivity for freedom.
Thus saith the Lord Jesus to me Simon as I bore His cross,
5) I took courage and became strong and mighty, capturing the world,
 and it became Mine for the glory and praise of the Most High,
  and of God My Father.
6) And the Gentiles who scattered abroad were gathered together,
 and their sin did not defile Me due to My love for them;
  for they praised and confessed Me in high places.
7) And the traces of the Light were set upon their heart.
8) And they walked according to My life and were saved,
 and they became My people for ever and ever.
1) My heart was pruned and there appeared a flower, and grace sprang up in it;
 and it brought forth fruit from the Lord.
2) For the Most High circumcised me by His Holy Spirit.
Then He uncovered my inward being, exposing my affection for Him,
 and filled me with His love.
3) And His circumcising of my heart became my salvation,
 and I followed in the way of His peace,
  in the way of the Truth.
4) From the beginning unto the end, I received His knowledge.
5) And I was established upon the rock of truth,
 where He had placed me.
6) Speaking waters touched my lips,
 from the vast fountain of the Lord generously.
7) And so I drank and became intoxicated,
 from the living water that does not die,
8) And my drunkenness did not bring ignorance, but knowledge;
 and I threw off vanity.
9) and I turned to the Most High, my God,
 and was enriched by His favors and bounty.
10) And I forsook the folly and madness cast upon the earth.
 and stripped it off and cast it from me.
11) Then the Lord renewed me with His raiment,
 and held me in His Light.
12) And from above He enlivened me, giving me immortal rest without corruption,
13) I became like the land that blossoms and rejoices in orchards of fruits.
 and the Lord was like the sun shinning upon the face of the land.
14) My eyes were clear and enlightened,
 and my face received the dew;
15) My breath was refreshed, and my nostrils enjoyed,
 the pleasant fragrance of the kindness of the Lord.
16) And He carried me into His paradise,
 wherein is the wealth and abundance, of the pleasure of the Lord.
17) I beheld blooming and fruit bearing trees,
 and self-grown was their crown.18) Their branches were sprouting, and their fruits had the shine of laughter;
 from an immortal land were their roots.
19) And a river of gladness was irrigating them,
 round about in the land of eternal life.
20) Then I worshipped the Lord on account of His magnificent glory.
21) And I said, ŇBlessed, Oh Lord, are they who are planted in Thy land,
 and who have a place in Thy Paradise;
22) And who grow in the growth of Thy trees,
 and have passed from darkness into light.
23) Behold, all Thy laborers are lovely,
 They who work good works,
  And turn from wickedness to Thy pleasantness.
24) For they turned away and the pungent odor of the trees, was changed
 when they were planted in Thy land.
25) Everything became a remembrance of Thyself,
 and everyone like Thy remnant.
26) Blessed are the workers of Thy waters,
 because it is an eternal memorial for Thy ever faithful servants.
27) Indeed, There is abundant room in Thy Paradise.
 And there is nothing in it that is useless or barren;
  but everything is filled with fruit.Ó
28) Glory be to Thee, O God, the delight of paradise for ever.
1) He has filled me with words of truth,
 that I may speak the same in proclamation of Him.
2) And like the flowing of waters, truth flows from my mouth,
 and my lips declare His fruits and harvest.
3) And He has caused the gold of Knowledge to abound in me,
 because the mouth of the Lord is the true Word,
  and the door of His light.
4) And The Most High has given Him to His worlds and generations,
  Which are the interpreters of His own beauty,
  and the reciters of His praise and glory;
  and the confessors of His thought and purpose;
  and the heralds of His mind;
  and the teachers of His works.
5) For the subtlety of the Word is inexpressible
6) And like His utterance so also is His swiftness and His sharpness,
 For limitless is His course and progression.
7) The Word never falls but remains always standing,
 and His descent and His way are incomprehensible.8) For as His work is, so is His limit and expectation,
 for He is the likeness and the dawning of thought.
9) And by Him the worlds spoke to one another,
 and those who were silent acquired speech.
10) And from Him came love and equality,
 and they spoke to one another with candor, that which was theirs.
11) And they were penetrated and stimulated by the Word,
 and they knew Him who had made them,
  because they came into harmony and concord.
12) For the mouth of the Most High spoke to them,
 and His exposition prospered clearly through the Word.
13) For the tabernacle of the Word is man,
 and His truth is love.
14) Blessed are they who by Him have perceived and understood everything,
 and have known the Lord in His truth.
1) Behold the Lord is our mirror.
 Open your eyes and see them in Him.
2) And learn the manner of your face,
 and declare forth praises to His Spirit.
3) And wipe of the paint and filth from your face,
 and love His holiness and clothe yourself therewith.
4) And you will be unblemished and stainless at all times with Him.
1) As the eyes of a son upon his father,
 so are my eyes, Oh Lord, at all times turned towards Thee.
2) Because my consolations and my delights are with Thee.
3) Do not turn Your mercies away from me, Oh Lord;
 and take not Thy kindness from me.
4) Stretch out to me at all times, my Lord, Thy right hand,
 and be to me a caring guide until the end according to Thy will and good pleasure.
5) Let me be pleasing before Thee, because of Thy glory,
 and because of Thy na
me let me be saved from the evil one.
6) And let Thy gentleness, Oh Lord, abide with me,
 and the fruits of Thy love.
7) Teach me to sing the odes of Thy truth,
that I may bring forth fruits in Thee.
8) Open to me the harp of Thy Holy Spirit,
 so that with all its notes I may praise Thee.
9) And according to the multitude of Thy mercies, so grant unto me,
 and hasten to grant our petitions.
10) And Thou are sufficient for all our needs.
1) As the sun is joy to those who seek its daybreak,
 so my joy is the Lord.
2) Because He is my Sun, and His rays have lifted me up;
 His light has dispelled all darkness from my face.
3) In Him I have acquired eyes,
 and have seen His holy day.
4) Ears I have obtained,
 and have heard His truth.
5) The thought of knowledge I have acquired,
 and have lived in full delight through Him.
6) I have rebuked the way of error and went towards Him,
 and have received salvation from Him abundantly
7) And accordin
g to His generous bounty He has given to me,
 and according to His excellent beauty He has made me.
 8) I have put on pure incorruptible immortality through His name,
 and shed corruption by His grace.
9) Death has been destroyed before my face,
 and Hell has been abolished by my word.
10) Eternal life has arisen in the LordŐs land,
 and is known to His faithful ones;
  and has been given without limit to those that trust in Him.
1) As the work of the farmer is the plough,
 and the work of the helmsman is the guidance of the ship;
  so my work is the psalm of the Lord by His hymns.
2) My art and my service are in His praises;
 because His love has nourished my heart,
  and His fruits He poured onto my lips.
3) For my love is the Lord,
 therefore I will sing to Him.
4) For I am strengthened by praise in His celebration,
 and I have faith in Him.
5) I will open my mouth, and His Spirit will speak through me,
 the glory of the Lord
and His beauty.
6)The work of His hands,
 and the craft of His fingers.
7) For the horizonless multitude of His mercies,
 and the strength and power of His Word.8) For the Word of the Lord finds that which is invisible,
 and scrutinizes and reveals His thought.
9) For the eye sees His works,
and the hear hears His mind.
10) It is He who spread out the earth,
 and placed the waters in the sea.
11)  He expanded the heavens and measured out the firmament,
 and fixed the stars.
12) He established the creation and set it up,
 and He rested from His works.
13) And created things run according to their course,
 and work their works, for they can neither cease nor fail.
14) And the hosts are subject to His Word.
15) The treasury of light is the sun.
 and the reservoir of darkness is the night.
16) He made the sun to clarify the day so that it will be bright,
 but night brings a blur over the face of the earth.
17) And by their reception and alteration one from another,
 they speak and complete the beauty of God.
18) And there is nothing that is outside of the Lord,
 because He was before anything came into being.
19) And the worlds were made by His word,
 and by the thought of His heart.
20) Glory, praise and honor to His name.
1) I was crowned by God,
 and my crown is living.
2) And I was justified by my Lord,
 and my salvation is certain and incorruptible.
3) I have been freed from myself,
 and am not condemned.
4) My chains and bonds were cut off by His hands;
 I received the face and likeness of a new person,
  and I walked in Him and was redeemed and saved.
5) And the thought of truth led me,
 and I went after it and did not wander off.
6) And all those who saw me were amazed,
 and I seemed to them like a stranger.
7) And He who knew and exalted me,
 is the Most High in all His perfection.
8) He glorified me by His kindness.
 and raised my understanding to the height of Truth.
9) And from there He gave me the way of His step.
And thus saith the Lord Jesus to me Simon as I bore His cross;
10) I opened the doors which were closed.
11) And I shattered bars of iron,
 for my own bonds melted and dissolved before Me.
12) And nothing now appears closed to Me.
 Because I am the door and opening of everything.
13) And I went towards all My bondsman in order to free them,
 that I might not leave anyone bound or binding.
14) And I imparted My Knowledge generously without grudging,
 and spread My resurrection with My love.
15) And I sowed My fruits in their hearts,
 and transformed them through Myself.
16) And They received My blessing and lived,
 and they were gathered to Me and were saved.
17) Because they became My own members,
 and I was their Head.Ó
Therefore I Simon say,
18) Glory to Thee, our Head, Oh Lord Messiah.
1) My heart was raised up, enriched and magnified in the love of the Most High;
 so that I might celebrate and praise Him by means of my name.
2) My members were strengthened,
 that they might not fall from His power.
3) Sickness fled and forsook my body, and it stood firm for the Lord by His will
 for His Kingdom is genuine, solid, and lasting.
4) Oh Lord, for the sake of those who are deficient and in need,
 do not loose, but let me keep Thy Word.
5) Nor, for the sake of their works,
 do not restrain Thy perfection from me.
6) Let not the light be conquered by darkness,
 nor let the truth flee way from falsehood.
7) Appoint me to victory! Your right hand is salvation:
 And let it receive from every region,
  and let it preserve everyone who is besieged by temptation.
8) Falsehood and death are not in Thy mouth, my God;
 Only perfection is Thy will.
9) Thou knowest neither vanity nor error,
 because neither do these know Thee.
10) And ignorance appeared like dust,
 and like the foam of the sea.
11) And vain people supposed that it was something great,
 and they came to resemble it type and were impoverished.
12) But the wise understood, meditated and contemplated,
 and were not polluted by their thoughts.
13) For they shared in the mind of the Most High Lord,
 and they laughed at those who were walking in error.
14) Then they spoke the Truth,
 from the inspiration which the Most High breathed into them.
15) Praise, honor, and great beauty to His name.
1) A cup of milk was offered to me,
 and I drank its sweetness as the delight of the Lords kindness.
2) The Son is the cup,
 and the Father is He who was milked.
3) And the Holy Spirit is She who milked Him.
4) Because His breasts were full,
 It was not fitting that His milk should be spilled wastefully.
5) The Holy Spirit opened Her bosom,
 and mingled the milk of the two breasts of the Father.
6) Then She gave the mixture to the world without their knowing
 and those who have received it are in the perfect fullness of the right hand.
7) The womb of the Virgin took it,
 and She received conception and gave birth:
8) The Virgin became a mother of great mercy.
9) And She labored and bore the Son without pain,
 for it did not happen without purpose.
10) And She did not require a midwife,
For he caused her to give life.
11) She brought forth like a strong man with GodŐs  desire,
12) and She brought Him forth according to the manifestation,
 and acquired Him according to the Great Power, with dignity.
13) And She loved Him with redemption,
 and swaddled Him with kindness,
  and declared Him with grandeur,
   and revealed His majesty.
1) I am a priest of the Lord,
 and to Him I do priestly service.
2) And To Him I offer the offering of His thought.3) For His thought is not like the world,
 nor like the flesh, nor like them that worship according to the flesh.
4) The offering of the Lord is righteousness;
 and purity of heart and lips.
5) Offer thy inward being faultlessly and blamelessly;
6) And let not thy heart do violence to compassion,
 and let not thyself oppress a soul.
7) Thou should not purchase a stranger because he is like thyself,
 nor seek to deal guilefully with thy neighbor.
8) Neither shall thou deprive him of the covering for his nakedness.
9) But put on the grace of the Lord generously;
 and come into His Paradise and make thee a garland from His tree;
10) Then put it on thy head gladly and be joyful,
 and recline upon His rest.
11) For His glory will go before thee.
12) And thou shall receive of His kindness and of His grace;
13) And thou shall be anointed in truth with the praise of His holiness.
14) Praise and honor to His name.
1) I lifted up my arms on high,
 even unto the grace of the LordŐs compassion.
2) For He had cast off my bonds from me,
 and my Helper had lifted me up to His grace and His salvation.
3) And I discarded darkness;
 and clothed myself with light.
4) And my soul acquired a body,
 free from sickness or affliction or suffering.
5) And the thought of the Lord abundantly restored me.
6) I fed on His everlasting incorruptible fellowship.
7) I was raised up to the light,
 and I went unto Him.
8) And I was constantly near to Him,
 praising and giving thanks to Him in confession.
9) Then upon my face increased the exultation of the Lord,
 and likewise His praise.
Thus prayed the Lord Jesus as I Simon bore His cross;
1) He who caused Me to descend from on high,
 and to ascend from the regions below.
2) He who gathers what is in the Middle,
 and throws them to Me;
3) He who scattered My enemies,
 and also My adversaries.
4) He who gave Me authority over bonds,
 so that I might loose them;
5) And He who overthrew by My hands the dragon with seven heads,
 and set Me at his roots, so that I might destroy his seed.
6) Thou were there and did help Me,
 and in every place Thy name and Thy blessing were round about Me.
7) Thy right hand destroyed his evil venom,
 and Thy hand leveled the way for those who believe in Me.
8) And Thy right hand chose them from the graves,
 and separated them from the dead.
9) It took dead bones
 and covered them with flesh.
10) But they were motionless,
 so it gave them energy as assistance for life.
11) Incorruptible was Thy Way and Thy face;
12) Thou has brought Thy world to corruption,
 that everything might be dissolved and renewed.
13) The foundation of everything is Thy rock of light;
 and upon it Thou has built Thy Kingdom.
14) And You became the dwelling place of the holy ones.Ó
1) Joy is for the holy ones!
 and who shall put it on but they alone?
2) Grace is for the elect;
 and who shall receive it but they who trusted in it from the beginning?
3) Love is for the elect;
 and who shall put it on but they who possessed it from the beginning?
4) Walk in the knowledge of the Most High:
5) And you will know the grace of the Lord generously without grudging;
 and enter into His exultation and the perfection of His knowledge.
6) And His thought was like a letter,
 and His will descended from on high.
7) And it was sent like and arrow,
 which has been forcibly shot from a bow.
8) And many hands rushed to the letter,
 in order to catch it and take it and read.
9) But it escaped from their fingers;
 and they were afraid of it and of the seal that was upon it.
10) For they were both permitted to loosen its seal;
 because the power which was over the seal was greater than they.
11) But those who saw the letter went after it,
 that they might learn and know where it would land,
  and who should read it, and who should hear it.
12) But a wheel received it,
 and it (the wheel) came over it.
13) And a sign was with it,
 of the Kingdom and of the providence.
14) And everything which was disturbing the wheel,
 it mowed and cut down.
15) And it restrained a multitude and destroyed many adversaries;
 and it bridged the rivers.
16) And it crossed over and uprooted many forests,
 And made an open way and a broad path.
17) The head went down to the feet;
 for unto the feet ran the wheel,
  and that which had come upon it.
18) The letter was one of command and salvation;
 and hence all regions were included in it and gathered together.
19) And there was seen at its head, the head which was revealed;
 even the Son of Truth from the Most High Father.
20) And He inherited and took possession of everything,
 and the scheming thought of the many did cease.
21) Then all the seducers became headstrong and fled,
 and the persecutors became extinct and blotted out.
22) And the letter became a large volume,
 Which was entirely written by the finger of God.
23) And the name of the Father was upon it;
 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
  to rule for ever and ever.
1) The Dove fluttered over the head of our Lord Messiah,
 because he was her head.
2) And she sang over Him,
 and her voice was heard.
3) Then the inhabitants were afraid,
 and the foreigners were disturbed and trembled.
4) The bird began to fly,
 and every creeping thing died in its hole.
5) And the chasms were opened and closed.
 and they were seeking the Lord as those who are about to give birth.
6) But He was not given to them for nourishment,
 because He did not belong to them.7) And the abysses were submerged in the thought which
 they had existed in from the beginning.
8) For they travailed from the beginning,
 and the end of their travail was life.
9) And all of them who were lacking perished,
 because they were not able to express the Word so that they might remain.
10) And the Lord destroyed the devices and imaginations,
 of all those who had not the Truth with them.
11) For they were defective and lacking in Wisdom,
 they who exalted themselves in their heart and mind.
12) And they were rejected,
 because the Truth was not with them.
13) For the Lord revealed His way,
 and spread abroad His grace widely.
14) And those who understood it,
    knew His holiness.
1) I was rescued from my chains,
 and I fled unto Thee, Oh my God.
2) Because Thou are the right hand of salvation,
 and my Helper.
3) Thou has restrained those who rise up against me,
 and they were seen no more.
4) Because Thy face was with me,
 which saved me by Thy grace.
5) But I was despised and rejected in the eyes of many,
 and I was in their eyes like lead.
6) And I acquired strength from Thee,
 and help.
7) Thou did set a lamp for me both on my right hand and at my left,
 so that there might not be in me anything that is not light.
8) And I was covered with the covering of Thy Spirit and mercy,
 and I removed from me my garment of skin.
9) Because Thy right hand exalted me,
 and removed sickness from me.
10) And I became mighty in Thy truth,
 and holy by Thy righteousness.
11) And all my adversaries were afraid of me,
 and I became the LordŐs by the name of the Lord.
12) And I was justified by His kind gentle sweetness.
13) And His rest is for ever and ever.

1) I poured out praise to the Lord,
 because I am His own.
2) And I will recite His holy Ode,
 because my heart is with Him.
3) For His Harp is in my hand
and the Odes of His Rest shall not be silent.
4) I will call unto Him with all my heart,
 I will praise and exalt Him with all my members.
5) For from the East and unto the West,
 is His praise
6) Also from the South and unto the North
is His thanksgiving confessed in praise.
7) Even from the top of the summits and unto their utmost extremity,
 is His perfection complete.
8) Who can write the odes of the Lord,
 or who can read them?
9) Or who can train his soul for Life,
so that he himself may be saved.
10) Or who can rest upon the Most High,
so that He would recite from his mouth?
11) Who is able to interpret the wonders of the Lord?
 Though he who interprets will be dissolved,
  yet that which was interpreted will remain.
12) For it suffices to perceive and know, rest and be satisfied,
 for the odists stand in serenity;
13) Like a river which has an increasingly abundant spring,
 and flows to the relief of them that seek it.
1) I extended my hands,
 and was sanctified by my Lord.
2) For the expansion of my hands,
 is His sign.
3) And my extension,
 is the upright cross.
1) As the wings of doves over their nestlings,
 and the mouths of their nestlingŐs toward their mouths,
  so also are the wings of the Spirit over my heart.
2) My heart continually refreshes it self and leaps with delight,
 like the babe who leaps for joy in his motherŐs womb.
3) I believed; therefore I was at Rest:
 For faithful is He in whom I have trusted.
4) Blessing greatly, He has richly blessed me,
 and my head is with Him.
5) And the dagger shall not divide me from Him,
 nor the sword.
6) Because I am ready before destruction comes,
 and have been set in His immortal arms.
7) And immortal life has embraced me,
 and kissed me.
8) And from that Life is the Spirit which is within me;
 and it can not die because it is life itself.
Thus saith the Lord Jesus to me Simon as I bore His cross,
9) Those who saw me were amazed and marveled at Me,
 because I was persecuted.
10) And they think that I have been swallowed up,
 for I seem to them as one of the lost.
11) But My oppression and injustice,
has become My salvation.
12) And I became their abomination,
 because their was no jealousy or wrath in Me.
13) Because I continually did good to every man,
 I was hated.
14) And they surrounded Me like mad dogs,
 those who in ignorance attack their masters.
15) For their thought is depraved and corrupt,
 and their mind and understanding is perverted.
16) But I was carrying water in My right hand,
 and their bitterness I disregarded and endured by My sweetness.
17) And I will not perish, because I am not their brother,
and My birth was not like theirs.
18) And they sought My death but they did not find it possible,
 because I was older than their memory.
19) And in vain did they threaten Me.
20) And those who come after Me,
 seek in vain to destroy the memorial of Him who was before them.
21) For the Most High cannot be overtaken,
 and His heart is superior to all wisdom.
1) The Lord is my hope,
 with Him I shall not be lost or confused, nor ashamed.
2) For according to His praise He made me,
 and according to His good gracious kindness, He gave to me.
3) And through His mercies He exalted me,
 and through His honor and excellent beauty, He raised me up on high.
4) He caused me to ascend from the depths of Hell,
 and from the mouth of death He withdrew me.
5) And I humbled my enemies,
 and He justified me through His grace.
6) For I believed in the Lord's Messiah,
 and He revealed to me that He is the Lord.
7) And He showed to me His sign,
 and He led me by way of His light.
8) And He gave me the scepter
 of His power,
 that I might subdue the dreams and devices of the people.
  and bring down the power of the mighty.
9) To make war by His word,
 and take victory by His power.
10) The Lord overthrew my enemy by His Word,
 and he became like dust blown away in the wind.
11) And I gave praise to the Most High,
 because He has magnified His servant and the son of His maidservant.
1) Drink ye deeply and fill yourselves with water from the living fountain of the Lord;
 because it has been opened to you and is yours.
2) And come all you thirsty and take a draught;
 and rest beside the fountain of the Lord.
3) For it is pleasing, pure and sparkling;
 and it perpetually refreshes the essence of the soul and nature of the self.
4) For much sweeter is its water than honey,
 and the honeycomb of bees is nothing compared with it.
5) Because it flows from the lips of the Lord,
 and it is named from the heart of the Lord.
6) And it came unlimited
 and invisible and without borders,
 and until it was set in the Middle they knew it not.
7) Blessed are they who have drunk from it,
 and have refreshed themselves and rested thereby.
1) Abysses dissolved and vanished before the Lord;
 and darkness was dissipated by His appearance.
2) Error went astray and perished on account of Him;
3) Falsehood and contempt received no path,
 for they were submerged by the Truth of the Lord.
4) Then he lifted His voice to the Most High;
 and offered to Him those who had become Sons through Him.
5) And His face was justified,
 for thus His Holy Father had given to Him.
And thus saith the Lord Jesus as I bore His cross,
6) Come forth, you who are afflicted,
 and receive joy and liberation.
7) Inherit your souls and posses yourselves through grace,
 and take unto you immortal life.Ó
And then the Lord saith to me Simon,
8) They condemned Me when I stood up,
 Me who had been found not guilty.
9) Then they divided My spoil,
 though nothing was owed to them.
10) But I endured and held My peace and was silent,
 That I might not be disturbed by them.
11) But I stood unshaken like a firm solid rock,
 Which is continuously beaten by columns of waves and endures.
12) And I bore their bitterness because of humility,
 that I might redeem My people, inherit My nation and instruct it.
13) And that I might not nullify the promises to the patriarchs,
 to whom I was  promised for the salvation of their seed.
1) To the blessed ones the Joy is from their heart,
 and Light from Him that dwells within them.
2) And the Word of Truth is, ÔHe who is from HimselfŐ:
 because He has been strengthened by the Holy Power of the Most High;
3) And He is unshaken for ever end ever.
1) Indeed, Grace was swift to forgive, and dismissed the Corrupter;
 then descended down upon him to bring him to renunciation
2) And he has destroyed the destruction before himself,
 And has corrupted all the works of his own array.3) And he stood on the peak of a lofty summit and cried aloud
 from one end of the earth to another.
4) Then he drew to himself all those who obeyed him
 for he did not appear as the Evil One.
5) However, the perfect Virgin stood in Wisdom,
 and was preaching and summoning and crying,
6) Oh, ye Sons of Men, return!
 and you their daughters, come!
7) And leave the way of that Corrupter,
 and approach Me.
8) And I will enter into you, and bring you forth from destruction,
 and make you wise in the ways of Truth.
9) Be not corrupted; nor perish.
10) Obey Me and be saved,
 for I am proclaiming you to the Grace of God.
11) For through Me you will be saved and become blessed.
12) I am your judge;
13) And they who put Me on shall not be falsely accused nor injured;
 but they shall possess incorruption in the new world.
14) My chosen ones and elect have walked with Me.
15) And My
ways I will make know to those who seek Me;
 And I will promise the My name.Ó
1) The simple heart find no way that is hard,
 and good thoughts find no barrier nor cause wounds,
2) And deep within the illuminated mind there is neither whirlwind nor storm,
3) Where one is surrounded on every side by the beauty of open places,
 there is nothing divided in him.
4) The likeness and pattern of that which is below,
 is that which is above.
5) For everything is from above,
 and from below there is nothing,
  but it is believed to be so by those of no understanding.
6) Grace has been revealed for your salvation,
 Believe and live and be saved.
1) The sprinkling fine dew of the Lord distilled Rest upon me,
 rinsing me with silence and serenity;
2) And it caused a cloud of peace to rise over my head;
 that it might guard me at all times,
  and it became my salvation.
3) Everyone was shaken and afraid,
 and there came for from them a smoke and a judgment.
4) But I dwelt silent and tranquil in the close ranks of the Lord, and more then misty dew was He to me, and more than foundation.
5) And I was carried like a child by its mother;
 and He gave me milk, the elixir of the Lord,
6) And I grew greatly enriched by His bounty and favor,
 and rested in His perfection.
7) And I spread out my hands in the ascent of my soul toward the firmament,
8) and I directed myself up to the Most High.
9) And I was redeemed with Him.
1) I rested on the Spirit of the Lord,
 and She lifted me up into heaven;
2) And caused me to stand on my feet in the high place of the Lord,
 before His perfection and His glory.
3) Where I continued glorifying Him by the composing of His Odes.
Thus saith the Lord Jesus to me  Simon as I bore His cross,
4) The Spirit brought Me forth before the face of the Lord.
 and because I was the Son of Man,
 I was named the Light, the Son of God.
5) Because I was the most glorified amongst the ones who glorify,
 and the greatest among the great ones.
6) For according to the greatness of the Most High, so She made Me;
 and according to His newness He renewed Me.
7) He appointed Me with His perfection;
 and I became one of those who are near and with Him.
8) My mouth opened like a cloud of dew,
9) And My heart gushed forth like a geyser of righteousness,
10) My approach to Him was in peace,
 and I was established in the Spirit of Providence.
1) I stretched out my hands to my Lord,
2) And towards the Most High I raised my voice.
3) And I spoke with the lips of my heart,
 and He heard me when my voice reached Him.
4) His Word came to me,
 and gave me the fruits of my labor;
  and gave me Rest by the grace of the Lord.
1) I went up into the Light of Truth as into a chariot,
 and the Truth led me and brought me forth.
2) And caused me to pass over empty chasms and gulfs,
 and saved me from cliffs and swamps.
3) And became for me a haven of salvation,
 and set me in the place of immortal life
4) And He went with me and caused me to rest and did not allow me to err;
 because He was and is the Truth.
5) And there was no danger for me because I constantly walked with Him;
 and I did not err in anything because I obeyed Him.
6) But Truth was proceeding on the upright way,
 and whatever I did not know or understand He made clear to me.
7) All the wines of error and pains of death are considered sweetness,
8) And I saw the Destroyer of the Corrupter,
 when the Bride who was destroying was adorned,
  along with the Bridegroom who is corrupted and so destroys.
9) And I asked the Truth, 'Who are these?'
10) And He said to me Simon; ŇThis is the Deceiver and The Error.
 and they imitate the Beloved and His Bride.
12) And they invite many to the wedding banquet and feast,
 and allow them to drink the wine of their intoxication.
13) So they
cause them to vomit up their wisdom and their knowledge,
 and they deprive them of their understanding.
14) Then they abandon them,
 and so they stumble about like mad commanders and corrupt men.
15) Since there is no understanding in their heart,
 neither do they seek it.
16) But I have made you wise so as not to fall into the hands of the DeceiverÓ
17) And I myself rejoice because the Truth had gone with me.
18) For I was established and lived and was redeemed,
 and my foundations were laid by the LordŐs hand;
  because He has planted me.
19) For He set the root; and watered it and endowed it and blessed it,
 and its fruits will Be forever.
20) It struck deep and sprang up rich and spread out wide,
 and it was full and was enlarged.
21) And the Lord alone was glorified,
 in His planting and in His cultivation;
22) In His care and in the blessing of His lips,
 in the beautiful planting of His right hand;
23) And in the discovery and attaining of His splendorous planting,
 and in the understanding of His Mind.
1) Mighty raging rivers are like the power of the Lord;
 they send headlong, those who despise Him.
  and entangle their paths, and destroy their crossings.
2) And carry off their bodies, and corrupt their natures;
 for they are more swift than lightning, and more rapid.
3) But those who cross them in faith shall not be moved,
 and those who walk on them faultlessly, shall not be shaken.
4) For the sign in them is the Lord;
 and the sign becomes the Way for those who cross in the name of the Lord.
5) Therefore put on the sign of the Most High and know Him,
 and you shall cross without danger, for rivers shall be obedient to you.
6) The Lord has bridged them by His Word,
 and He walked and crossed them on foot.
7) The waves were lifted up on this side and on that,
 but the footsteps of our Lord Messiah stand firmly fixed.
8) And they are neither blotted out nor obliterated,
 and are not defaced nor destroyed.
9) And the Way has been appointed for those who cross over after Him.
 and for those who agree to the path of His faith;
  and adore His name.
1) As honey drips from the comb of bees,
 and milk flows from the woman that loves her children,
  so also is my hope upon Thee, Oh my God.
2) As a fountain gushes forth its water,
 so my heart gushes forth the praise of the Lord;
  and my lips utter praise to Him.
3) My tongue becomes sweet by His anthems,
 and my limbs are anointed and grow fat by His odes.
4) My faces rejoices in His exultation,
 and my spirit exults in His love,
  and the nature of my soul shines in Him.
5) He who is afraid shall trust in Him,
 and redemption in Him stands assured.
6) And his profit is the possession of immortal Life,
 and those who receive it are incorruptible.
1) Let us all the LordŐs babes praise Him,
 and let us receive the truth of His faith.
2) And His
children shall be acknowledged by Him;
 therefore let us sing in His love.3) We rejoice and live in the Lord by His grace,
 and Life we received by His Messiah.
4) For a great day has shined upon us,
 and wonderful is He who has given to us of His glory.
5) Let us, therefore, let us all unite together in the name of the Lord,
6) And let us honor Him in His goodness.
7) Let our faces shine in His light,
 and let our hearts meditate in His love, by night and by day.
8) Let us exult with the joy of the Lord.
Thus saith the Lord Jesus to me Simon as I bore His cross,
9) All those who see Me will be astonished,
 because I am from another race.
10) For the Father of Truth remembered Me;
 He who possessed Me from the beginning.
11) For His riches beget Me, through the thought of His heart.
Therefore I Simon say unto you,
12) And His word is with us in all our way,
 for the Savior who gave us Life does not reject our souls.
13) The Man who humbled Himself,
 was exalted because of His own righteousness.
14) The Son of the Most High appeared,
 in the perfection of His Father.
15) The Light that dawned from the Word,
 existed before time in Him.
16) The Messiah in truth is One:
17) He was known before the foundation of the worlds,
 that He might give saving Life to souls for ever, by the truth of His name.
18) Let a new chant arise to the Lord from them that love Him.
1) I stretched out my hands and approached near my Lord,
 for the expansion of my hands is His sign.
2) And the extension of my hands is the simple cross,
 that was lifted up on the way of the Righteous One.
Thus saith the Lord Jesus to me Simon as He lay upon His cross,
3) And I became useless to those who knew Me not,
 because I shall hide Myself from those who do not possess Me.
4) But I will be with those who love Me.
5) All My persecutors have died;
 for they sought Me, they who proclaimed about Me because I am pure and Living.
6) And I rose up
 and with them, and will speak by their mouths.
7) And they have rejected those who persecute them,
 for I threw over them the yoke of My love.
8) Like the arm of the bridegroom over the bride,
 so is My yoke over those who know Me.
9) And as the bridal feast is spread out in the chamber of the bridal pair,
 so is My love over those who believe in Me.
10) I was not rejected although I was considered to be so,
 And I do not perish although they think it of Me.
11) Hell saw Me and was shattered,
 and Death ejected Me and many with Me.
12) I have been vinegar and bitterness to Death,
 and I went down with it as far as its depth.
13) Then the feet and the head it released,
 because it was not able to endure My face.
14) And I made a congregation of living among his dead;
 and I spoke with them by living lips;
  in order that My Word may not be unprofitable.
15) Those who have died run towards Me;
 crying, Son of Man, have pity on us, and deal with us according
  to Thy kindness, and bring us out from the bonds of darkness.
16) And open the door to us, by which we may come to Thee,
 for we perceive that our death does not touch Thee.
17) may we also be saved with Thee, because Thou are our Savior.
18) And I heard their voice,
 and laid up faith in their faith in My heart.
19) And I placed My name upon their head,
 because they are noble and free and they are Mine.