From: 	Ru Mills

 ==============RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY==============
Dateline 04.28.99

>From the May 4, 1999 Edition of National Examiner

RMNews--- On page 77 of Rayelan Allan's new book, Diana, Queen of Heaven,  
Rayelan's Page she states, "Shortly before he was arrested for trying to 
sell CIA documents to Mohamed al Fayed, CIA asset Oswald LeWinter told 
private investigator and researcher Mike Coyle, that 'very soon, visions 
of Diana will begin to appear all over the World.'" 

Another RMNews source cited information  stating that the visions of Diana
are scheduled to begin in April.  The following article is out of this week's
National Examiner. It appears as if LeWinter and the RMNews Source were
correct, the Diana visions have begun!

If Rayelan Allan is correct, the vision of Diana, which is appearing in
Albania, is just the beginning. Soon, the Diana sightings will be followed 
by messages from Diana. Then the organization of the Church of Diana will
begin world wide. Within a few short years, the Cult of Diana will have
gained a large following world wide.

Then, before we know it,  Princess Diana will be merged into the Goddess
Diana. The new Goddess Diana will replace the old Goddess Gaia. Diana
will  become the feminine deity for the New World Religion. The new
religion  is based on the same environmental principles as Agenda 21, the 
proposal set forth by Maurice Strong at the United Nations 1993 Rio
Summit. Former government regulations will become church dogma. Those
who object will be labeled heretics and dealt with according to church

The religion of Goddess Diana will replace all religions. It doesn't matter 
if you are  Christian,  Pagan,  Buddhist, Moslem or an atheist. Once the New
World Order has created their  New World Religion, there will be no other
religions allowed. Everyone will worship the Goddess Diana. If you do not
worship Diana, you will disappear or be sacrificed. Soon, Jesus, Mohammed
and Buddha will be studied, if at all, in history books along with Jack the
Ripper, Dracula, and Christopher Columbus.

Rayelan Allan states, "The only way to stop the New World Religion, is to
stop the New World Order."

>From the National Examiner:
Kukes, Albania Amazing sighting of Princess Diana are being reported
from refugee camps just beyond war-torn Yugoslavia's borders.

Stunned witness say a mysterious English nurse who looks eerily like the
royal beauty is working tirelessly to rescue orphans and reunite families
ripped apart by the fighting but no one knows who she is. "We have only
a handful of nurses from England and none of them bear even the remotest
likeness to Diana," say Lt. Col Bradley Bennett of the U.S. Department of

"But an amazing number of families have been reunited amidst the chaos. I
don't understand how it's being done or who's doing it."

Always appearing where people need her the most, the angel of mercy,
whom ethnic Albanians have dubbed 'The Princess" has gently guided
weeping tots through the mass of humanity to a waiting loved one time after

"I was very afraid," says a girl named Hamdi, in a camp at Jazince,
Macedonia, where 1,500 men, women and children were driven from their
native Kosovo by ruthless Serbs in a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing.

"Then a pretty lady took my hand and led me straight to my mother, How she
knew she I was or where my mother was, I don't know."

News of the blue-eyed nurse has traveled quickly though at least half a dozen
desolate encampments in the neighboring countries of Macedonia, Albania
and Montenegro.

"Our chief reporter Louise Potterman told me she'd seen a woman who was
the exact double of Diana in the middle of a press of refugees," says Mike
Leidig, an editor with the Central European New Agency. "Louise tried to get
to her but there were so many people milling around she got carried away by
the throng.

"There was also a report from one of our photographers traveling by bus to
one of the refugee camps on the Macedonian border. He was looking out the
window when he saw a blond woman walking in a long line of refugees and
displaced children, talking to some of them

"Before he had a chance to take a picture, the bus had gone past her. He got
the bus to stop, but by then it was too far down the road and there were
thousands of people milling around. It was like trying to find a needle in a

Everyone who has come in contact with the nameless beauty has been deeply
touched by her dignified manner, regal bearing and ever present smile.

Bob Butterworth, a California-based psychologist, says there might be
another explanation.

"It's like a mirage in the desert," he tell the EXAMINER. "People need to
see the optimism in a terrible situation like this. Diana stood for hope and
love. That's exactly what the refugees need right now."

No, say eyewitnesses. There is a miracle worker out there.

"My sister Edona and her 3-year-old daughter were forced to leave her home
in Kacanik," says Marta an ethic Albanian woman. "Our mother Elena had
crossed the border two days earlier. Following hours of walking, Edona went
missing. My little niece was suddenly al alone, screaming for her mommy.
Then the most miraculous thing happened. She says a woman with golden
hair suddenly appeared and led her right to her grandmother, my mother

Royal reporter David Rowe, who was a close friend of Diana's say he
s herd the buss about the mystery woman.

"If Diana had a way to get to Kosovo from heaven, that's where she'd be,"
he says. "During her short life, she worked tirelessly for youngsters who 
were homeless, ill or victimized by war. If she could, she would be there 
on the front right now." 

==============The Uncensored National Rumor===============