EVA-BORGS - Cybernetic forms controlled by 'human' entities.
OR humans who have been implanted or surgically altered to such
an extent that they have become cybernetic in nature, yet still
retaining a soul-matrix (Evadamic).
     DRACO-BORGS - Cybernetic forms controlled by reptilian
entities.  These would also include those forms which are
animated by fallen supernatural or paraphysical entities, whether
of 'gray,' 'human-like', 'mechanical' or other configuration. 
There are some who suggest that human-appearing 'infiltrators' of
this type may exist in our society, and that certain
characteristics might give them away--i.e. the eyes, a slightly
sulfurous smell, unrefined features such as no fingerprints or
ears or other 'body' parts which seem to have a slight
'artificial' appearance (Draconian).
     MIB'S - Also referred to as the 'Men In Black' or
'Horlocks'.  These are apparently in many cases humans who are
controlled by draconian influences, although other 'MIB' have
been encountered which do not seem human, but more reptilian OR
synthetic.  The 'MIB' have been encountered often after UFO
sightings, usually intimidating witnesses into keeping silent
about what they've seen (many of the witnesses may be
'abductees' with suppressed memories of the event).  Their
'threats' appear to be motivated by attempts to utilize
'terrorism', 'fear' or 'intimidation' as a psychological weapon
against witnesses.  This 'weapon' may not only be used to keep
the human 'MIB' under control, but by the human MIB themselves. 
'They' are often though not always seen in connection with large,
black automobiles, some of which have been seen disappearing into
mountains, canyons or tunnels or in some cases apparently appear
out of or disappear (cloak?) into thin air.  Most human MIB have
probably been implanted by the Draconians and are essentially
their 'slaves'.  Bio-synthetic 'infernals' also seem to play a
part in the MIB scenario, as do subterranean and exterran
societies.  Sirius, at only 9+ light years away, has been
identified as a major exterran MIB center of activity, with a
subterran counterpart existing in ancient antediluvian
'Atlantean' underground complexes which have been 're-
established' beneath the Eastern U.S. seaboard
     DRAGONWORMS - These creatures are largely subterranean and
have been reported on very rare occasions.  Although a mutation
of the serpent race which lost the use of it's limbs through
centuries of atrophication, it is nevertheless apparently a part
of the reptilian 'conspiracy'.  The 'Dragonworms' are allegedly
very intelligent, according so certain sources.  'They' have
sometimes been described as appearing similar to a giant 'worm'
or 'slug' (Draconian).
     AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians).  A group of Asiatic or oriental
humans who, sources claim, discovered caverns and abandoned
antediluvian 'cities' which had been taken over by reptilian
entities.  Several hundred or thousand years ago an Asian prince
allegedly led several militant followers into the caves and came
in conflict with the saurian-reptoid inhabitants of an ancient
subterranean city or network known as 'Agharta' or 'Agharti', and
after a considerable conflict the reptilian forces were driven
out.  There are indications that since that time the Reptilians
have attempted an occult-retakeover of Agharta and some (not all)
of the inhabitants may have succumbed to these occult
manipulations.  This may explain why a small percentage of the
'MIB' encounters involve oriental-like humans, perhaps members of
a small renegade or 'off-shoot' group of Aghartians.  Such
'renegade' elements may also exist in the Telosian empire and of
course within the United Stated itself.  There also seems to be a
loose secret alliance between Aghartian, Telosian and American
officials according to some sources.  In all three groups there
seems to be a visible government which seeks to establish and may
have in part inspired Constitutional-like liberties, as well as a
secret renegade 'secret', 'Illuminated' or 'fifth column'
international or interspherial government which seeks to
undermine the traditional values and liberties of all three
civilizations.  The Agharian 'space fleet' is allegedly known as
the 'silver fleet' (Evadamic). 
     BURROWERS - Another mutation of the saurian-serpent race
capable of burrowing through the earth.  Possibly quadrupedal as
well as be-pedal, these have been known to use their 'boring'
abilities to create artificial tunnels or 'cave-ins' (the latter
has allegedly been used in attempts to entrap or kill
unsuspecting intruders into the underground domains).  These may
possess a highly-developed 'sensing' system (Draconian).
     CETIANS - (or Tau Cetians).  A human race of 'Mediterranean'
or 'South American' appearing, tan-skinned humans.  Very similar
to caucasian humans on Terra except for SLIGHT differences
(slightly pointed ears, higher physical 'density' for their size,
slightly broader nose, 5' 5" tall on average, and often wear
short 'Roman' or 'crew' style haircuts).  Tau Ceti and Epsilon
Eridani are said to be a major 'convergence' of exterran 'human'
activity, and are alleged to be in alliance with the Pleiadeans
(who in turn, according to contactees, have 'Federation'
alliances with the Vegans and the Ummites, etc.).  The Cetians
allegedly work with the Pleiadeans and 'other' societies who have
been 'victimized' by the 'Grey' predators (Evadamic).
     ERIDANIANS - see 'Cetians' (Evadamic).
     SASQUAN - Large, hairy 'humanoids' who are usually
troglodytial or cavern-dwellers, although they have been known to
forage through mountainous or wooded areas on the surface in
search for roots, berries, grasses and nuts which make up their
diet.  They are believed to possess a heightened 'sensing'
ability which allows them to steer clear of 'human' influence. 
They are more human than animal according to some reports
although they have often been mistaken for animals, which has
forced them to take up a largely subterrain lifestyle.  They have
often been described as having a human face on an 'apes' body. 
They are mostly strict vegetarians, which may be explained by the
possibility that they MIGHT be a 'hybrid' or 'hubrid' between
antediluvian humans and sapians.  Such interbreeding, if possible
back then, is certainly not possible in modern times due to
increasingly divergent genetic strains between the two groups. 
Most Sasquatch may possess a human soul-matrix.  They are usually
described as being 7-8 ft. tall, while other branches may be
smaller.  'Hairy humanoids', both large and smaller, have on some
occasions been observed in connection with UFO encounters,
or subterranean encounters.  Sasquatch have been known to attack
humans ONLY in self defense (sometimes throwing large boulders to
frighten intruders away).  There have also been 'hairy hominoids'
which possessed either 'robot-like' or 'amphibian'
characteristics, suggesting bio-genetic manipulation to create
'biological machines' or 'cyborgs'.  There is a possibility that
other entities, possibly more animal than human, are the result
of humanoid-Sasquatch and nonhuman-Sapien interbreeding, in which
case the offspring might be human OR beast in nature, but this is
mere speculation.  Another type of 'hairy humanoid' is allegedly
the result of genetic manipulation, and have been reported in
underground bases in northwestern New Mexico and in Southern
Nevada (Evadamic).
     SERPENTS - These are literally 'giant snakes' which have
been encountered in various underground regions.  They are often
apparently used by the Draconians as 'sentries' to guard
subterranean tunnels or 'treasure' repositories.  They have been
known to easily crush a human being or other objects with their
teeth or their bodies (Draconian),
     ULTERRAN - (or Ultraterrestrial).  These are allegedly
people who have been encountered at times entering or leaving an
'alternate' or 'parallel' existence, yet still operating within
the one 'reality'.  It is very unlikely that more than one
'physical reality' like ours exists, but there is a theoretical
possibility the one other CO-EXISTENT 'world' might exist on the
opposite end or polarity of the electromagnetic barrier (or EM
spectrum - which in itself is inhabited by various types of
warring spiritual or angelic entities according to many
theologies).  Many human and/or neosauroid inhabitants of this
'alternate' world if it exists originally came from our own
'world' (possibly entering the 'opposite' reality by changing the
molecular polarity of their bodies 'molectrical' field, a
phenomena which may have taken place during a 'Philadelphia
Experiment', or by entering a 'vortex' or 'window' area!?).  This
would not be a so-called 'alternate timeline' as some science
fiction stories interestingly [though unfeasibly] describe it,
although the time-flow in such a 'world' may be different from
our own.  It would be more of an invisible (to us) EXTENSION of
our own reality.  This would explain various phenomena such as
animals, objects, people and entire vessels which have seemingly
fallen into or out of our 'world'.  It may also be possible that
certain objects in our 'world' would be invisible in the 'other'
realm or dimension (or rather the opposite polarity of our
reality!?) and visa versa.  For instance, one airplane pilot who
had become temporarily caught up in an EM-vortex in the 'Bermuda
Triangle' SAW an island which was deserted, while the very same
island was inhabited in the world he was familiar with.  This
would also explain the many accounts of people who claim to have
seen or stopped at houses, cafes, etc., along remote stretches of
road, only to return the same way and find no such place
'exists'.  Since both dimensions may 'flow-in' to each other,
being part of the same electromagnetic reality (matter as opposed
to antimatter?), such temporary displacement of objects and/or
people from either of the two 'worlds' might occur.  This would
not be a case where one supposedly has an alternate 'self'
inhabiting the alternate reality, but more a case of another
'opposite' dimension which was inhabited intentionally or
unintentionally over a long period of time by humans and animals
which were somehow transported there.  This would also explain
the case of Joseph Vorin, who suddenly appeared as 'out-of-
nowhere' near Frankfurt-am-Oder, Germany in 1850, spoke a broken
and ancient para-Germanic dialect which the authorities could
just barely understand, and claimed to be from the nation of
Laxaria in Sakria (no known country by those names exists - in
'our' world).  When he suddenly appeared he seemed disoriented
and dumbfounded, as if he had suddenly fallen out of 'another'
world (Evadamic-Draconian).
     ATLANS - These are humans, usually described as being
benevolent by comparison to other groups, who are said to inhabit
vast and complex cavern-cities beneath southern Brazil and
surrounding regions.  The term 'Atlantean' or 'Atlan' in
reference to these races has been placed upon them because of the
fact that these cavern networks along the east coast of Brazil
were allegedly once part of the antediluvian 'Atlantean' empire. 
The present inhabitants have no direct GENETIC relation to the
ancient 'Atlantean' society which allegedly controlled these
cavern systems several millennia ago, but are referred to as
'Atlanteans' simply because they are descendants of those who re-
discovered and inhabited the ancient Atlan installations.  As in
North America and other continents, both normal and gnome-like
humans have been encountered here, some of which possessed
advanced aerial or 'disk' technology.  The Telosians claim to
have some connections with South America, especially the Matto
Grosso region (Evadamic). 
     ANTARCTICAN - This is allegedly a secret area of operations
for both human and reptilian beings.  It is said by some that
Aryan-Nazi scientists actually developed disk-shaped aircraft
capable of very advanced aerial performance, and that swastika's
have been seem on a few aerial disks.  They may be piloted by a
'pure-bred' blond, blue-eyed Aryan race.  There appears to be
more than one 'Blond' human society involved in the UFO
scenarios, and especially subterranean human societies may have
developed blond hair due to lack of sunlight.  There does not
seem to be anything more than a peripheral connection between the
Antarcticans, the Telosian and the Pleiadean 'blonds' (i.e. we
will refer to the Antarcticans as the 'Aryans'; the Telosians as
the 'Blonds'; and the Pleiadeans as the 'Nordics' in other files
to discourage confusion).  It should be remembered that Germany
plays a central role in world history in that it was not only the
nation which gave birth to the Bavarian Illuminati under
Weishaupt, but of the opposing Protestant movement which the
Illuminati sought to destroy as well.  The Antarcticans may
consist largely of 'batch consigned' pure-bred blue-eyed, blond
Aryans who became victims of Hitler's obsession to create a super
race, and as suggested by Harbinson and others most of these may
be controlled through mind manipulation and implants, being
'human drones' who are used to keep this hidden society
functioning (Evadamic-Draconian).
     TEROS - A term describing various human groups who inhabit
the cavern systems and re-established antediluvian cities beneath
the North American continent.  Many of these may be descended
from early American colonists, while others are apparently
descended from older civilizations such as ancient native
Americans who went underground hundreds and/or thousands of years
ago.  They also refer to the 'dero', which apparently consist of
draconian elements (Evadamic).
     MARTIAN - Inhabitants of the planet Mars, both human and
non-human, including the alleged inhabitants of the two Martian
'moons' (which many believe to be artificially-hollowed
asteroids, although it is uncertain whether these are controlled
by the Evadamics or Draconians).  It has also been suggested that
thousands of years ago the surface of LUNA and MARS were much
more 'habitable', that the surfaces of these bodies may have been
decimated after passing through the astroid belt or an 'astroid
storm' (consisting of debris which 'may' have been torn from a
planet which apparently existed between Mars and Jupiter at one
time - possibly destroyed by a close encounter with another
planetary body in the tradition of Velikovsky's theories).  It is
believed that ancient 'ruins', possibly thousands of years old,
have been seen on both 'planets' and that these attest to such a
cataclysm (Evadamic-Draconian).
     JANOSIAN - This is allegedly a planet on which human beings
live or once lived.  They apparently arrived on that planet some
thousands of years ago according to certain 'contactees', and up
until 'relatively' recent times still retained dim memories and
legends of earth, which they were apparently associated with long
before their colonization of the planet 'Janos'.  They are said
to be like Terrans, although somewhat oriental and slender by
comparison.  A group of refugees allegedly left Janos centuries
ago in a huge carrier vessel of roughly donut-shaped
configuration after an asteroid or meteor shower devastated the
surface of their planet, causing a chain-reaction in their
nuclear power grid, loosing deadly radiation into the atmosphere
and unto the underground tunnels and 'cities' which they had
built beneath Janos.  They apparently remembered the star-route
back to earth, and last reports stated they were in a high orbit
somewhere 'near' the earth and are seeking contact with earth
governments to exchange technology for a place to live on (or
below?) the earth, in the tradition of the TV series ALIEN
NATION.  In light of other revelations and lack of confirmation
from other 'contactees', this might be a 'staged' Draconian
propaganda operation; on the other hand the account MAY be
legitimate (Evadamic?).
     HAV-MUSUVS - (or MuSuvians) - Prominent in Paihute Indian
tradition, the Hav-Musuvs were allegedly a Egyptian or
Grecian-like sea-faring race who discovered huge caverns around 3
to 5 thousand years ago within, and later deep beneath the
Panamint Mts. of California.  Within these they allegedly
established vast underground cities.  When the inland sea (now
Death Valley) which connected the ocean in ancient times dried up
they had no way to carry on trade with other parts of the world. 
As a result of this, according to Paihute Indian tradition, they
began to build and fly 'silvery eagles' which became increasingly
advanced as time went on.  They then evidently established
interplanetary and later interstellar travel, exploration and
colonization.  It may be interesting to note that some
'contactees' claim that the forward time flow may be different in
other parts of the universe or other star-systems.  A thousand
years on earth may be equivalent to 10,000 years in another
system, possibly depending on how fast that system is moving
through space.  Thus may open up the possibility of massive
technological development on the part of an other-stellar colony
or civilization in a short period of 'Earth' time.  Time-
displacement often appears in UFO-related accounts.  There is
however no evidence for reverse 'time travel' other than possibly
'remote viewing' of past events through super-sensitive
telescopics from light-years away (Evadamic).
     ALPHA-DRACONIANS - Reptilian beings who are said to have
established colonies in Alpha Draconis.  Like all reptilians,
these claim to have originated on Terra thousands of years ago,
which fact they use to 'justify' their attempt to re-take the
earth for their own.  They are apparently a major part of a
planned 'invasion' which is eventually turning from covert
infiltration to over-invasion (Draconian).
     ALTAIRIANS - Alleged Reptilian inhabitants of the Altair
stellar system in the constellation Aquila (Draconian).
     ORIONS - Some claim that 'negative' entities have been
associated with some of the stars in the Orion constellation. 
Other sources claim that the Orion NEBULA is a cosmic 'doorway'
to 'infinity' or the realm of the Creator, which transcends the
time-space-matter universe and which in fact surrounds the
physical universe.  Some astronomers claim that a huge,
beautifully-illuminated multi-colored 'light' has emerged from
the nebula and is on an intercept-course with Earth, although at
a rather leisurely pace and at this rate the 'light' will reach
earth approximately 3000 A.D. (give or take a hundred years). 
Could this have something to do with the prophecy in Revelation
21?  Since the Draconians are attempting to conquer the
'heavens', they may have made futile attempts to enter the
'Eternity Gate' or to intercept the emerging 'Light' ('War In
Heaven' between Michael and the 'Dragon'? - see: Rev. ch. 12). 
This may explain the alleged presence of the Draconians in the
Orion constellation, although certain 'human' groups have
allegedly become curious of the 'Eternity Gate' as well
     PHOENIANS - The 'Phoenix Empire' is allegedly a non-surface
society which may be partially connected with the Dulce subnet,
according to certain 'inside' sources.  It's uncertain whether
this is a human or a reptilian empire (Evadamic-Draconian?).
     GIZAN - (or Gizahn).  The 'Gizeh People' have been referred
to by the Pleiadians (Billy Meier contacts) as well as others. 
This 'may' have some connection with the strange 'people' and
technology allegedly encountered in deep labyrinthine recesses
beneath Egypt, who were sometimes reportedly seen by explorers,
and who are said to dress like 'ancient Egyptians'.  There is
allegedly, according to Leading Edge Research, a huge cavern deep
beneath Egypt which is inhabited by people with close ties with
the U.S. 'secret government'.  Some sources indicate that the
'Giza People' may be a 'controlled' society with the reptilians
being the dominant power, although this is not absolutely certain
     AMPHIBIANS - Similar to the Sauroids or Reptoids, yet being
hominoid creatures with reptilian AND amphibian-like features
and are semi-aquatic in nature.  May have once lived on land,
but became more aquatic over the centuries.  'They' have been
encountered near swampy regions, rivers, etc., and have been
known to attack people without being provoked (Draconian).
     RAILOID - These are saurian 'grey' type entities which are
apparently somewhat taller than the usually-encountered greys yet
with extremely thin 'rail-like' torso and limbs yet very strong
     BOOTEAN - Reptilians from the 'Bootes' system.  These, and
reptilian entities from the 'Draconis' system are allegedly
involved with the 'Dulce' scenario as well as the infiltration-
implantation-control of human society on earth in anticipation of
their planned takeover at some point in the future (Draconian).
     VEGAN - Relatively peaceful and gentle humans descended from
refugees from the 'Lyran Wars', who work closely with other
refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades, Wolf 424, and
elsewhere (Evadamic).
     HYADEAN - The Hyades in the constellation Taurus, like the
Pleiades and Vega, are said to have been the destination of yet
another group of refugees from the ancient war with the saurians
in Lyra (Evadamic).
     BERNARIANS - Inhabitants of the 'Bernard's Star' system.
Although not much has been written about them, it seems that
human beings at least in part control this star system.  Whether
the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain (Evadamic).  
     KORENDIAN - Humans allegedly living on a colonized planet
known as 'Korender'.  Perfectly 'human' in proportion yet 4-5 ft.
tall on the average.  Gabriel Green described alleged contacts
with this group in publications during the late 1950's - early
'60's.  The accounts published by Gabriel Green were rather
fantastic, although perhaps no less so than some other accounts. 
Many of the contactees who have allegedly encountered the
'Korendians'--such as John W. Dean who wrote a 'catalogue' of
life on other planets which contained reams of inaccurate
astronomical data, and Colin Boyd Cameron--have obviously been
the subjects of apparent 'propaganda' or 'disinformation'
operations.  This suggests that if the Korendians do exist they
MAY be a MIB-like society similar to the 'Lanolus' people or the
'MIB' society described by John A. Keel in some of his works
     GYPSY'S - Several sources refer to the gypsy's as
having some connection with the UFO mystery.  Other sources
suggest a connection with high-tech subsurface kingdoms such
as Agharti, etc.  The knowledge which the gypsy's allegedly
possess of an ancient war, UFO craft, and so on is supposedly a
carefully guarded secret among various gypsy tribes.  Some claim
to have traced the gypsy's back to ancient India or surrounding
regions (Evadamic).
     VENUSIAN - Allegedly inhabited by physical entities, both
human and reptilian, beneath the surface and therefore 'safe'
from the extreme surface conditions.  Also allegedly inhabited
(on the surface?) by human beings, possibly colonists from Terra-
Earth, who somehow were able to 'phase' or generate their
physical bodies' molecular structure into a '4th dimensional'
existence wherein they now allegedly survive unaffected by the
harsh 'physical' conditions (Evadamic-Draconian).

Dan Clore

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